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948 Total Entries
Lot Lot Group Lot ID Date Start Property Type From Party From Party (Text) To Party 1 To Party 1 (text) To Party 2 To Party 2 (text) Description
Andries Hudde, c. 1642 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Andries Hudde, c. 1642 1642-00-00 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Andries Hudde (ID: 1609,000,030) Andries Hudde
Anthony the Turk, August 3 1639 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Anthony the Turk, August 3 1639 1639-08-03 Anthony Jansen van Salee (ID: 1,660,203) Anthony the Turk
Bennet house (burned Fall 1643) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Bennet house (burned Fall 1643)
Claes Cornelisen Swits c. 1638 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Claes Cornelisen Swits c. 1638 1638-00-00 Claes Cornelisen Swits
Claes Naerden (Ruyter), c. 1642 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Claes Naerden (Ruyter), c. 1642 1642-00-00 Claes Jansen de Ruyter van Naerden (ID: 1,660,052) Claes Naerden (Ruyter)
Cornelis Dircks Ferryman 1643. Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Cornelis Dircks Ferryman 1643. 1643-00-00 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Cornelis Dircks Ferryman
Edwaert Fiscock, c. 1645? Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Edwaert Fiscock, c. 1645? 1645-00-00 Edwaert Fiscock
Flatbush Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Flatbush
Freeke's Mill Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Freeke's Mill
Frerick Lubbertsz, September 4, 1645 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Frerick Lubbertsz, September 4, 1645 1645-09-04 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Frederick Lubbertsen (ID: 1,660,121) Frerick Lubbertsz
Gerrit Wolphersz, July 1645 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Gerrit Wolphersz, July 1645 1645-07-00 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Wolfert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,109) Gerrit Wolphersz
Gravesend Patent, Dec. 1645 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Gravesend Patent, Dec. 1645 1645-12-00 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Gravesend Patent
Gysbert op Dyck, May 24, 1644. Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Gysbert op Dyck, May 24, 1644. 1644-05-24 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Gysbert op Dyck
Hans Lodewyck November 3 1645 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Hans Lodewyck November 3 1645 1645-11-03 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Hans Lodewyck
Huych Aertsz, July 1645 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Huych Aertsz, July 1645 1645-07-00 Huych Aertsz
Indian deed for land at Heemstede Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Indian deed for land at Heemstede Takaposha Wanvagh Chegonae Romege Wangwamp Rumasackromen Worotum Ocarking Waantanch Cheknow Sayassatock Tackapaus Martom Peese Komach
Indian Deed for land at Newtown Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Indian Deed for land at Newtown 1663-11-03 Wamtompack Sachem of Rockaway on Long Island Arompa Inhabitants of Newtown
Jamaica patent Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Jamaica patent
Jan Manje, September 11, 1642 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Jan Manje, September 11, 1642 1642-09-11 Jan Manje
Jan Rotterdam c. 1638 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Jan Rotterdam c. 1638 1638-00-00 Jan Rotterdam
John Underhill, May 14 1646 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_John Underhill, May 14 1646 1646-05-14 John Underhill (ID: 1609,000,035) John Underhill
Joris Dircksz March 23, 1646 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Joris Dircksz March 23, 1646 1646-03-23 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Joris Dircksz
Lambert Huybertsen Mol purchase 1641 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Lambert Huybertsen Mol purchase 1641 1641-00-00 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Lambert Huybertsen Mol (ID: 167) Lambert Huybertsen Mol
Michael Picet, c. 1641 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Michael Picet, c. 1641 1641-00-00 Michael Picet (ID: 1609,000,016) Michael Picet
Middleburg Indian patent Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Middleburg Indian patent 1656-04-12 Inhabitants of Middleberg
Newtown / Middleburg patent is relevant, chartered 1640, settled 1652, evacuated 1653 because of Anglo Dutch War, Indians attacked 1655 as part of broader uprising, allied with New England, purchased Indian title 1666. Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Newtown / Middleburg patent is relevant, chartered 1640, settled 1652, evacuated 1653 because of Anglo Dutch War, Indians attacked 1655 as part of broader uprising, allied with New England, purchased Indian title 1666.
Old Stone House Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Old Stone House
Patent for land at Canarsie Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent for land at Canarsie 1647-01-21 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) George Baxter (ID: 1609,000,059) Ritchert Clof
Patent for Massebackhun to Inhabitants of Gravesend Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent for Massebackhun to Inhabitants of Gravesend 1650-11-01 Tahasertum Arremackanus, Arrazukon, Assawohore, and Sasham Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) West India Company for Inhabitants of Gravesend
Patent for Moreposee Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent for Moreposee 1650-00-00
Patent for Wimbaccoe to Thomas Spicer Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent for Wimbaccoe to Thomas Spicer 1652-07-20 Orancke and Sprecke Jon alias Aremacủs Thomas Spicer
Patent to Andries Hudde and Wolphert Gerritsen (van Couwenhoven) for westernrnmost flat of Keskateuw (Flatlands, Brooklyn) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Andries Hudde and Wolphert Gerritsen (van Couwenhoven) for westernrnmost flat of Keskateuw (Flatlands, Brooklyn) 1636-06-16 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) (3277) Wolfert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,109) Wolfert Gerritsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,109)Andries Hudde (ID: 1609,000,030) Andries Hudde (ID: 1609,000,030) Andries Hudde (ID: 1609,000,030)
Patent to Claes Cornelissen van Schouw for land on Long Island Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Claes Cornelissen van Schouw for land on Long Island 1642-11-14 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) (Mentelaer) v Schouw (Claes Cornelisz van Schouw)
Patent to Cornelis van Werckhoven for lands from Gowanus through the hills to Mechwanienck and from there past Gravesend to the sea Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Cornelis van Werckhoven for lands from Gowanus through the hills to Mechwanienck and from there past Gravesend to the sea 1652-11-22 Chief Seysey (ID: 1609,000,083) Sei ]seu and Mattano, chiefs and owners, Mattano, Mattaveno, and Cossikan Cornelis van Werckhoven (ID: 1,660,208) Cornelis van Werckhoven
Patent to Frerick Lubbertsen for land near Merechkawikingh about Werpos Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Frerick Lubbertsen for land near Merechkawikingh about Werpos 1640-05-27 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Frederick Lubbertsen (ID: 1,660,121) Frederick Lubbertsen
Patent to George Rapalje for tract of land called Rinnegachonck (Wallabout, Brooklyn) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to George Rapalje for tract of land called Rinnegachonck (Wallabout, Brooklyn) 1637-06-16 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Joris (George) Rapalje (ID: 184) George (Joris) Rapalje (ID: 184)
Patent to Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven for land on Long Island Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven for land on Long Island 1643-07-06 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,101) Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,101)
Patent to Jacobus van Corlear for middle flat of Keskateuw (Flatlands, Brooklyn) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Jacobus van Corlear for middle flat of Keskateuw (Flatlands, Brooklyn) 1636-06-16 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Jacobus van Curler (ID: 1609,000,033) Jacobus van Curler (ID: 1609,000,033)
Patent to Jan Eversz Bout for land at Marechkawick on the kil of Gouwanes Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Jan Eversz Bout for land at Marechkawick on the kil of Gouwanes 1645-07-08 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Jan Evertsen Bout (ID: 1,660,022) Jan Evertsen Bout (ID: 1,660,022)
Patent to Jan Montfoort for land next to Renegakonck Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Jan Montfoort for land next to Renegakonck 1641-05-29 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Jan Montfoort (ID: 1609000050) Jan Montfoort (ID: 1609000050)
Patent to Marriockh & Mamahanung Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Marriockh & Mamahanung 1654-05-07 Mattinoh Sachemacko of Kioke ( May be Mattenouw of Hespatingh, needs further research.) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) West India Company for Inhabitants of Gravesend
Patent to Meakeepaca for Inhabitants of Gravesend Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Meakeepaca for Inhabitants of Gravesend 1684-07-05 Oacke Wasco Arennapeoh Nameckesmenges Inhabitants of Gravesend
Patent to Peter Cesar for land on the bay of Merechkawick Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Peter Cesar for land on the bay of Merechkawick 1641-00-00 Peter Ceser Alberto (ID: 1609,000,224) Peter Ceser Alberto / Pieter Cesar Italiaen
Patent to Peter Montfoort for land on the bay of Meyrechkawick Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Peter Montfoort for land on the bay of Meyrechkawick 1641-05-29 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Peter Montfoort (ID: 1609,000,060) Peter Montfoort (ID: 1609,000,060)
Patent to the Island of Equindito Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to the Island of Equindito 1664-05-13 Bambres as Wanmat Tappa Kackawafnhe Canmenorke Menasrotherd Orawase Anascorah
Patent to Thomas Brescher for land near Saphorakan Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Thomas Brescher for land near Saphorakan 1639-11-28 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Thomas Brescher (ID: 1609,000,048) Thomas Brescher (ID: 1609,000,048)
Patent to unsold lands for Inhabitants of Breukelen Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to unsold lands for Inhabitants of Breukelen 1670-05-22 Peter, Elmohar, Job, Makaquiquos, and Shamese, late of Staten-Island Inhabitants of Breukelen
Patent to unsold lands in Amersvoort (Flatlands) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to unsold lands in Amersvoort (Flatlands) 1665-04-23 Wametappack, Minnequahen, Attewaram, Oramysy, Rammyersen, Panwangum, Kameneck, Wanaclyck. Inhabitants of of Amersvoort
Patent to unsold lands in Midwout (Flatbush) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to unsold lands in Midwout (Flatbush) 1670-04-20 Eskemoppas, Sachem of Rockaway, upon Long Island, Kinnarimas and Ahawaham, his brothers Inhabitants of Midwout Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)
Patent to West India Company for Eghquaons (Staten Island) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to West India Company for Eghquaons (Staten Island) 1657-07-10 Waerhinnis Couwe (ID: 1609,000,188) Waerhinnis Couwe Nechtan Saccis Mattenouw Taghkoppeeuw Temeren Weertsjan Kekinghame Wewetachamen Minqua Sackingh Nuntuaseeuw Teringh Achspoor Oratam Pennikeck Keghtackaan Keghtakaan Teringh Waerhinnus Couwe Mattenouw Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) West India Company
Patent to West India Company for lands beween Rinnegachonck and Mespaechtes Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to West India Company for lands beween Rinnegachonck and Mespaechtes 1638-08-01 Chief Kakapoteyno (ID: 1609,000,086) Kakapoteyno, Menqueuw and Suwirau, chiefs of Keskaechquerem Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) West India Company, witnessed Maurits Janson
Claes van Elslant
Cornelis van Tienhoven
Patent to West India Company for lands from Coney Island to Gowanus along the North River and from Coney Island along the seashore to Weywittsprittner Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to West India Company for lands from Coney Island to Gowanus along the North River and from Coney Island along the seashore to Weywittsprittner 1645-09-10 Chief Seysey (ID: 1609,000,083) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) West India Company
Patent to West India Company for Suan Hacky Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to West India Company for Suan Hacky 1639-01-15 Chief Sachem of Marossepinck, Sintsinck Mechowodt (ID: 1609000047) Mechowodt, chief sachem of Marossepinck, Sintsinck (also called Schouts bay), Piscamoc, his cousin, Wattewochkouw, Kachpohor, Ketachkwawars, co-owners of the aforesaid land Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) West India Company
Patent to William Adrianse Bennet and Jacques Bentyn Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to William Adrianse Bennet and Jacques Bentyn 1636-00-00 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) William Adrianse Bennet Jacques Bentyn (ID: 1609,000,038)
Patent to Wouter van Twiller for easternmost flat of Keskateuw (Flatlands, Brooklyn) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Wouter van Twiller for easternmost flat of Keskateuw (Flatlands, Brooklyn) 1636-07-16 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034) Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034)
Patent to Wouter van Twiller for Pagganck or Nut Island (Governor's Island) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Wouter van Twiller for Pagganck or Nut Island (Governor's Island) 1637-06-16 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034) Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034)
Patent to Wouter van Twiller for Red Hoock Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Wouter van Twiller for Red Hoock 1638-04-22 Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034) Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034)
Patent to Wouter van Twiller for two islands in Hellgate, the larger called Tenkenas and the smaller Minnahanonck Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Patent to Wouter van Twiller for two islands in Hellgate, the larger called Tenkenas and the smaller Minnahanonck 1637-07-00 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034) Wouter van Twiller (ID: 1609,000,034)
Penhawitz patent to West India Company for remaining lands Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Penhawitz patent to West India Company for remaining lands 1640-05-10 Chief Penawitz (ID: 1609,000,053) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) West India Company
Peter Cornelisz Feb 8 1646 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Peter Cornelisz Feb 8 1646 1646-02-08 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Pieter Cornelissen vander Veen (ID: 1,660,189) Peter Cornelisz
Plunder's Neck Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Plunder's Neck 1662-10-03 Inhabitants of Newtown
Prarie Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Prarie Prarie
Seysey's maize lands Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Seysey's maize lands
Shell banks Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Shell banks
Thomas Pell deed with local Native Americans on June 27, 1654. Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Thomas Pell deed with local Native Americans on June 27, 1654.
Untitled 1 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Untitled 1 1663-02-25
Untitled 2 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Untitled 2 1654-06-27 Saggamores: Shawanórõckquot Poquõrúm Anhõõke Wawhamkus Mehúmõw Witnesses: Cockho Kamaque Cockinsecawa Thomas Pell I (ID: 1609,000,111) Thomas Pell
Untitled 3 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Untitled 3 chief of Marsepain, called Tachpausaan,[2] alias Meautinnemin Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)
Untitled 4 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Untitled 4
Untitled 5 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Untitled 5
Untitled 6 Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Untitled 6 1639-05-17 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Cornells Lambersen Cool Thomas Becher
Van Twiller house (later Wyckoff house) Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Van Twiller house (later Wyckoff house)
White Oak with 3 notches Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_White Oak with 3 notches
Wiequaeskeck Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Wiequaeskeck 1649-07-14 Megtegichkama, Oteyochque, and Wegtakochken, Pomipahan
Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)
Wolfert Gerretse van Kouwenhoven house Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Wolfert Gerretse van Kouwenhoven house
Yellow Mill Brooklyn Grants brooklyn_grants_Yellow Mill
Grant Lots grant_lot_C24
Grant Lots grant_lot_C3C4
Grant Lots grant_lot_LB
A - Block - Garden - DWIC Grant Lots grant_lot_A - Block - Garden - DWIC DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)

This was a garden for the DWIC to raise food for the community.

Dated 1-1-1664 pending further research.

A - Block - The Old Church Yard - DWIC Grant Lots grant_lot_A - Block - The Old Church Yard - DWIC DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)

This was an old church yard.

Dated 1-1-1664 pending further research.

A - Garden - DWIC (Block A) Grant Lots grant_lot_A - Garden - DWIC (Block A) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)

This was a garden for the DWIC to raise food for the community.

Dated 1-1-1664 pending further research.

A Block - Fort - Fort Amsterdam Grant Lots grant_lot_A Block - Fort - Fort Amsterdam DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)

The Fort was originally made of wooden timbers.

Construction on Fort Amsterdam was begun in 1625 by Dutch West India Company surveyor and engineer Crijn Fredericksz. Despite professional advice that a masonry structure would best withstand the elements of the waterfront site on which it was built, plus the depredations of rooting hogs and pigs, the fort was constructed of timber and suffered much degradation over time. A four-sided structure with bastions at each corner to protect the sod-covered rubble-filled walls of clay and sand, it  was finally torn down in 1790 following the American Revolution.  During its day, it was variously the center of New Amsterdam’s trading activity, soldiers’ barracks, by 1642 the Reformed Dutch Church, the WIC Director’s house, and a storage depot for West India Company goods. 

A1 Grant Lots grant_lot_A1 1650-07-26 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Martyn (ID: 1,660,125)
A10 Grant Lots grant_lot_A10 1650-05-23 Dirck Nes Unknown grantee
A11 Grant Lots grant_lot_A11 1654-10-23 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Swaen (ID: 1,660,171) Jan Swaen
A12 Grant Lots grant_lot_A12 1654-07-02 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Samuel Drisius (ID: 1,660,057) Rev. Samuel Drisius
A13 Grant Lots grant_lot_A13 1660-10-13 Church Wardens of this City Nicassius de Sille (ID: 87), Hendrick Jansen vander Vin (ID: 1,660,190) Nicasius de Sille and Hendrick Jansen Van der Vin
A14 Grant Lots grant_lot_A14 1649-05-14 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Stuyvesant Paulus Leenders van der Grift (ID: 1,660,116) Paulus Leendersen Van Der Grift
A15 Grant Lots grant_lot_A15 1649-05-04 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Stuyvesant Hendrick van Dyck (ID: 432) Hendrick Van Dyck
A16 Grant Lots grant_lot_A16 1649-07-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Nicholas Willem Stuyvesant (ID: 1609,000,228) Nicholas William Stuyvesant
A17 Grant Lots grant_lot_A17 1649-07-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Balthazar Lazarus Stuyvesant (ID: 1609,000,227) Balta-Lazar Stuyvesant
A18 Grant Lots grant_lot_A18 1638-04-19 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Governor Kieft Jan Jansen Damen (ID: 1,660,045) Jan Jansen Damen
A2 Grant Lots grant_lot_A2 1644-08-25 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Thomas Brown (ID: 1,660,027) Thomas Broen
A3 Grant Lots grant_lot_A3 1643-05-18 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Marten Cregier ( Kriger, Creiger, Krieger) (ID: 1,660,043) Martin Cregier
A3 Grant Lots grant_lot_A3
A4 Grant Lots grant_lot_A4 1650-01-08 Peter Stoutenbergh Gerrit Douman
A5 Grant Lots grant_lot_A5 1643-07-03 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Stevensen
A6 Grant Lots grant_lot_A6 1649-04-15 Director General DWIC Stuyvesant Unknown Grantee
A7 Grant Lots grant_lot_A7 1649-04-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hendrick Jansen (ID: 1,660,095) Hendrick Jansen
A8 Grant Lots grant_lot_A8 1649-06-06 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC John Huygen (ID: 1,660,090) Jan Huygen
A9 Grant Lots grant_lot_A9 1651-03-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Frederic Jansen
B1 Grant Lots grant_lot_B1 1643-07-13 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis Volckersen
B10 Grant Lots grant_lot_B10 1658-07-11 Burgomasters Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 263) Pieter Wolfertsen van Cou- wenhoven
B11 Grant Lots grant_lot_B11 1668-08-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Peter Stuyvesant
B12 Grant Lots grant_lot_B12 1645-01-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis Groesens
B2 Grant Lots grant_lot_B2 1644-05-24 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Philip Geraerdy (ID: 1,660,070) Philip Geraerdy
B3 Grant Lots grant_lot_B3 1647-03-28 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Teunis Nyssen (ID: 1609,000,010)
B4 Grant Lots grant_lot_B4 1645-09-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Leandert Aerden (ID: 1,660,003) Leendert Aerden
B5 Grant Lots grant_lot_B5 1646-06-05 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Sybout Claessen (ID: 1,660,033) Sybout Claessen
B6 Grant Lots grant_lot_B6 1645-01-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Johannes Nevius (ID: 170) Johannes Nevius
B7 Grant Lots grant_lot_B7 1661-09-06 Governor Nicolls Jan Pietersen
B8 Grant Lots grant_lot_B8 1663-12-08 Governor Nicolls Albert Leendertsen
B9 Grant Lots grant_lot_B9 1653-02-24 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Samuel Drisius (ID: 1,660,057) Rev. Samuel Drisius
C1 Grant Lots grant_lot_C1 1645-09-14 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Thomas Sandersen (ID: 407) Thomas Sandersen
C10 Grant Lots grant_lot_C10 1647-03-13 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cosyn Gerritsen van Putten (ID: 1,660,083) Cosyn Gerritsen
C11 Grant Lots grant_lot_C11 1643-07-13 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC RutgerArentsen Van Seyl
C12 Grant Lots grant_lot_C12 1643-07-13 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornells Volckersen
C13 Grant Lots grant_lot_C13 1654-12-01 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Willem Bradenbent (ID: 1,660,023) William Bredenbent
C14 Grant Lots grant_lot_C14 1646-05-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Paulus van der Beeck (ID: 1,660,186) Paulus Van der Beeke
C15 Grant Lots grant_lot_C15 1643-07-06 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Roelof Jansen Haes
C16 Grant Lots grant_lot_C16 1651-01-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Toussaint Briel (ID: 1,660,026) Toesyn (Toussaint) Briel
C17 Grant Lots grant_lot_C17 1647-03-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Peter Van Linden.
C18 Grant Lots grant_lot_C18 1645-11-03 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Edward Marrel (ID: 1609,000,031) Edward Marrel
C19 Grant Lots grant_lot_C19 1656-05-18 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Rudolphus (ID: 1,660,153) Peter Rudolf
C2 Grant Lots grant_lot_C2 1653-10-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Abraham Pietersen (ID: 1,660,137) Abraham Pietersen
C20 Grant Lots grant_lot_C20 1656-06-21 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jacob Kip
C21 Grant Lots grant_lot_C21 1656-06-21 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Isaac Kip
C22 Grant Lots grant_lot_C22 1661-04-11 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jacob Kip
C23 Grant Lots grant_lot_C23 N/A Land of the Deacons of the City
C3 Grant Lots grant_lot_C3 1644-09-08 Gorcum Peter Jansen
C4 Grant Lots grant_lot_C4 1645-02-21 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hendrick Jansen Smith
C5 Grant Lots grant_lot_C5 1647-02-07 Hendnck Jansen Adam Brouwer (ID: 1609,000,021)
C6 Grant Lots grant_lot_C6 1645-09-05 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Snediger (ID: 1,660,164) Jan Snediger
C7 Grant Lots grant_lot_C7 1643-06-02 Albert Cuyn (ID: 1609,000,014) Albert Cuyn Isaac Allerton (ID: 1,660,228), Govert Loockermans (ID: 151)
C8 Grant Lots grant_lot_C8 1643-07-06 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Andries Hudde (ID: 1609,000,030)
C9 Grant Lots grant_lot_C9 1643-07-13 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Thomas Sandersen (ID: 407) Thomas Sandersen
D1 Grant Lots grant_lot_D1 1645-07-04 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Teunis Tomassen Van Naerden
D10 Grant Lots grant_lot_D10 1643-07-13 Governor Nicolls Philip Geraerdy (ID: 1,660,070) Philip Geraerdy
D11 Grant Lots grant_lot_D11 1645-09-05 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Isaac de Forest (ID: 68) Isaac De Foreest
D12 Grant Lots grant_lot_D12 1658-02-09 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Frederick Philipse (ID: 174) Frederick Philipsen
D2 Grant Lots grant_lot_D2 1645-09-30 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Harry Peers
D3 Grant Lots grant_lot_D3 1645-06-23 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Cornelissen van Hoorn (ID: 1,660,197) Jan Cornelissen (van Hoorn)
D4 Grant Lots grant_lot_D4 1646-11-29 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Gerrit Douman
D5 Grant Lots grant_lot_D5 1645-04-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 263) Pieter Wolphertsen Van Couwenhoven
D6 Grant Lots grant_lot_D6 1646-03-17 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 263) Pieter Wolphertsen
D7 Grant Lots grant_lot_D7 1645-09-05 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt (ID: 260)
D8 Grant Lots grant_lot_D8 1647-03-16 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Harmen Myndertsen Van Bogaert
D9 Grant Lots grant_lot_D9 1643-08-07 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Adam Roelantsen (ID: 1609, 000,009)
E1 Grant Lots grant_lot_E1 1646-05-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Sybout Claessen (ID: 1,660,033)
E10 Grant Lots grant_lot_E10 1647-03-14 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Abraham Ver Planck (ID: 377) Abraham Planck
E11 Grant Lots grant_lot_E11 1646-10-6 to 1646-10-24 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Cornelissen vander Veen (ID: 1,660,189) Peter Cornelissen
E12 Grant Lots grant_lot_E12 1643-04-28 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hendrick Hendricksen (ID: 140) Hendrick Hendricksen Kip
E13 Grant Lots grant_lot_E13 1643-11-14 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Abraham Jacobsen van Steenwyck (ID: 1609000043) Abraham Jacobsen Van Steenwyck
E14 Grant Lots grant_lot_E14 1647-04-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Teunis Cray (ID: 1,660,042) Tonis Kray
E15 Grant Lots grant_lot_E15 1642-11-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Abraham Ruycken (ID: 187) Jan Pietersen and Abraham Rycken
E2 Grant Lots grant_lot_E2 1646-08-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Isaac de Forest (ID: 68) Isaac De Foreest
E3 Grant Lots grant_lot_E3 1647-00-00 (Prior To) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Everardus Bogardus (ID: 28) Everardus Bogardus
E4 Grant Lots grant_lot_E4 1647-03-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Robert Bottelaer
E5 Grant Lots grant_lot_E5 1646-04-23 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC George Holmes (ID: 1,660,087) George Homs
E6 Grant Lots grant_lot_E6 1680-10-15 Governor Andros Philip Welles
E7 Grant Lots grant_lot_E7 1646-10-24 Jacob Hendricksen
DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Land of the Company's Brewery and the Fiscal's Kitchen.
E8 Grant Lots grant_lot_E8 1646-03-23 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Peter Van Linden
E9 Grant Lots grant_lot_E9 N/A "The Brugh Steegh"
F1 Grant Lots grant_lot_F1 1647-01-21 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hans Kierstede (ID: 1,660,107) Hans Kierstede
F10 Grant Lots grant_lot_F10 1656-06-30 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,101) Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven
F11 Grant Lots grant_lot_F11 1647-03-28 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Lourenssen (ID: 1,660,120) Peter Lourenssen
F12 Grant Lots grant_lot_F12 1656-09-19 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hendrick Jansen
F13 Grant Lots grant_lot_F13 1656-06-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Samuel Edsall (ID: 1,660,060) Samuel Edsall
F14 Grant Lots grant_lot_F14 1656-05-18 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Nicolaes Backer
F15 Grant Lots grant_lot_F15 1664-08-03 Governor Nicolls Frans Jansen van Hooghten (ID: 1,660,196) Frans Jans Van Hooghten
F16 Grant Lots grant_lot_F16 1656-06-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hans Dreper (ID: 1,660,056) Hans Dreeper
F17 Grant Lots grant_lot_F17 1647-03-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Thomas Baxter (ID: 1609,000,055) Thomas Bacxter
F2 Grant Lots grant_lot_F2 1646-05-11 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Roelof Jansen
F3 Grant Lots grant_lot_F3 1644-09-08 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Cornelissen vander Veen (ID: 1,660,189) Pieter Cornelissen
F4 Grant Lots grant_lot_F4 1667-06-25 Governor Nicolls Cornelis Steenwyck (ID: 1,660,234) Cornelius Steenwick
F5 Grant Lots grant_lot_F5 1649-07-19 Governor Nicolls Paulus Leenders van der Grift (ID: 1,660,116) Paulus Leenders Van der Grift
F6 Grant Lots grant_lot_F6 1650-00-00 (Prior To) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) The Pack-house of the West India Company
F7 Grant Lots grant_lot_F7 1645-07-16 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Augustine Herrman (ID: 1,660,078) Augustine Heermans
F8 Grant Lots grant_lot_F8 1647-05-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Thomas Hall (ID: 1609,000,229) Thomas Hall
F9 Grant Lots grant_lot_F9 1647-03-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt (ID: 260) Oloff Stevensen Van Cortlandt
G1 Grant Lots grant_lot_G1 1644-02 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Tryntje Jonas (ID: 1609,000,061) Tryntie Jonas
G2 Grant Lots grant_lot_G2 1644-09-09 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jacob Jacobsen Roy (ID: 1660019) Jacob Jacobsen Roy
G3 Grant Lots grant_lot_G3 1645-07 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Snediger (ID: 1,660,164) Jan Snediker
G4 Grant Lots grant_lot_G4 1647-03-13 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hans Hansen
G5 Grant Lots grant_lot_G5 1647-03-18 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Joris (George) Rapalje (ID: 184) George Rapalje
G6 Grant Lots grant_lot_G6 1647-03-18 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Claes Jansen Backer
G7 Grant Lots grant_lot_G7 1645-07-04 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Gillis Pietersen van der Gouw (ID: 1,660,188) Gillis Pietersen
G8 Grant Lots grant_lot_G8 1647-01-21 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cors Pietersen
G9 Grant Lots grant_lot_G9 1647-04-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jochim Pietersen
H1 Grant Lots grant_lot_H1 1647-03-16 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Lambert Valkenbergh (ID: 346) Lammert Van Valckenborch
H2 Grant Lots grant_lot_H2 1647-02-19 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Evertsen Bout (ID: 1,660,022) Jan Evertsen Bout
H3 Grant Lots grant_lot_H3 1647-05-16 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC James Huybertsen (ID: 1,660,089) Sergeant Huybertsen
H4 Grant Lots grant_lot_H4 1647-02-03 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Paulus Heymanssen
H5 Grant Lots grant_lot_H5 1649-04-18 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Francis Doughty (ID: 1609,000,122) Francis Doughty
J - Block - Garden - DWIC Grant Lots grant_lot_J - Block - Garden - DWIC DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)

This was a garden for the DWIC to raise food for the community.

Dated 1-1-1664 pending further research.

J1 Grant Lots grant_lot_J1 1638-00-00 (Prior To) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) The West India Company's Bakery
J10 Grant Lots grant_lot_J10 1668-05-08 Conf Governor Nicolls Nicholas Varlett
J11 Grant Lots grant_lot_J11 N/A Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Jan Pietersen
J12 Grant Lots grant_lot_J12 1647-04-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jochim Kierstede
J13 Grant Lots grant_lot_J13 1664-04-05 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Ida Cornelissen van Vorst (ID: 1,660,207) Ide Cornelissen Van Vorst
J14 Grant Lots grant_lot_J14 N/A Conf Governor Nicolls Nicholas Jansen Backer
J15 Grant Lots grant_lot_J15 N/A Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Stuyvesant Michael Jansen (ID: 134) Michael Jansen
J16 Grant Lots grant_lot_J16 N/A Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Stuyvesant Jacob Stoffelsen (ID: 1,660,169) Jacob StofFells
J2 Grant Lots grant_lot_J2 1647-03-29 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Rem Jansen (van Jeveren) (ID: 1,660,099) Rem Jansen
J3 Grant Lots grant_lot_J3 1644-05 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Claes Jansen de Ruyter van Naerden (ID: 1,660,052) Claes Jansen Van Naerden
J4 Grant Lots grant_lot_J4 1647-05-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornells Teunissen, Shoemaker
J5 Grant Lots grant_lot_J5 1643-05-18 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Jansen Schepmoes (ID: 205) Jan Jansen Schepmoes
J6 Grant Lots grant_lot_J6 1647-04-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jurian Blanck (ID: 19) Jeurj-aen Blanck
J7 Grant Lots grant_lot_J7 1645-07-04 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Gillis Pietersen van der Gouw (ID: 1,660,188) Gillis Pietersen
J8 Grant Lots grant_lot_J8 1648-05-17 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Marritje Jans Loockermans (ID: 660,080) Maretie Jansen
J9 Grant Lots grant_lot_J9 1657-12-19 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Nicassius de Sille (ID: 87) Nicasius De SiUe
K1 Grant Lots grant_lot_K1 1653-02-24 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Governor Nicolls Samuel Drisius (ID: 1,660,057) Do. Samuel Drisius
K10 Grant Lots grant_lot_K10 1666-03-31 Mayor and Aldermen, by Virtue of Authority of Richard Nicolls
Pieter Jansen
K11 Grant Lots grant_lot_K11 1662-07-07 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Janneken Bonus
K12 Grant Lots grant_lot_K12 1658-03-01 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Albert Jansen (ID: 1,660,092) Albert Jansen
K13 Grant Lots grant_lot_K13 1654-05-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Carl Van Brugge
K2 Grant Lots grant_lot_K2 1658-12-02 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Jansen Van Languedoc (ID: 1,660,199) Jan Jansen Van Langedyck
K3 Grant Lots grant_lot_K3 1657-12-20 Jan Jansen Damen (ID: 1,660,045) Jan Damen Jacob Stryker, Jr. (ID: 1,660,170) Jacob Strycker
K4 Grant Lots grant_lot_K4 1663-04-02 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Catherina Ernstingh
K5 Grant Lots grant_lot_K5 1661-04-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Adriaen Van Laer
K6 Grant Lots grant_lot_K6 1659-01-31 Burgomasters Cornelis Hendricksen (ID: 1,660,081) Cornelis Hendricksen
K7 Grant Lots grant_lot_K7 1659-01-31 Burgomasters Creyn Jacobsen
K8 Grant Lots grant_lot_K8 1660-07-11 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Andries Andriessen
K9 Grant Lots grant_lot_K9 1662-05-10 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC unkown grantee (most likely Arent Lauwrensen)
L-A Grant Lots grant_lot_L-A 1647-03-16 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Peter Montfoort (ID: 1609,000,060) Peter Monfoort
L-B Grant Lots grant_lot_L-B 1647-03-16 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Montfoort (ID: 1609000050) Jan Monfoort
L1 Grant Lots grant_lot_L1 1654-06-28 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Peter Montfoort (ID: 1609,000,060) Peter Monfoort
L2 Grant Lots grant_lot_L2 1654-08-28 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Montfoort (ID: 1609000050) Jan Monfoort
L3 Grant Lots grant_lot_L3 1652-07-01 Governor Nicolls Albert Pietersen (ID: 1,660,139) Albert Pietersen
L4 Grant Lots grant_lot_L4 1654-04-16 Governor Nicolls Cornelis Van Ruyven (ID: 1,660,202) Cornelys Van Ruyven
L5 Grant Lots grant_lot_L5 1651-04-27 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Brian Newton
L6 Grant Lots grant_lot_L6 1651-04-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Johannes de la Montagne (ID: 1,660,051) Johannes de la Montagne, Sr
L7 Grant Lots grant_lot_L7 1647-05-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Augustine Herrman (ID: 1,660,078) Augustyn Heermans
L8 Grant Lots grant_lot_L8 1654-05-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Nicassius de Sille (ID: 87) Nicasius De Sille
L9 Grant Lots grant_lot_L9 1654-05-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis van Tienhoven (ID: 1,660,205) Cornells Van Tienhoven
M1 Grant Lots grant_lot_M1 1644-05 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Michael Marschan
M2 Grant Lots grant_lot_M2 1654-06-19 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Adriaen Dircksen Coen (ID: 1,660,037) Adriaen Dericksen Coen
M3 Grant Lots grant_lot_M3 1662-07-07 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Deacons of New Amsterdam
M4 Grant Lots grant_lot_M4 1646-02-04 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Abraham Ruycken (ID: 187) Abraham Rycken
M5 Grant Lots grant_lot_M5 1647-03-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Lourens Pietersen
M6 Grant Lots grant_lot_M6 1643-06-22 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Evert Duyckingh (ID: 100) Evert Duyckingh
M7 Grant Lots grant_lot_M7 1650-04-24 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Do. Johannes Megapolensis (ID: 1,660,126) Johannes Megapolensis
M8 Grant Lots grant_lot_M8 1644-01-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hendrick Jansen, Tailor
N1 Grant Lots grant_lot_N1 1646-09-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Govert Loockermans (ID: 151) Govert Loockermans
N2 Grant Lots grant_lot_N2 1647-01-21 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Michiel Paulessen (ID: 1,660,134) Michael Paulussen
N3 Grant Lots grant_lot_N3 1649-05-03 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Barent Jansen
N4 Grant Lots grant_lot_N4 1645-09-30 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jochim Calder (ID: 1,660,029) Jochim Calder
N5 Grant Lots grant_lot_N5 1645-10-19 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Andriessen (ID: 1,660,008) Peter Andriessen
N6 Grant Lots grant_lot_N6 1645-12-12 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,101) Jacob Wolphertsen
N7 Grant Lots grant_lot_N7 1646-07-02 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Wessel Evertsen (ID: 1,660,063) Wessel Evertsen
O1 Grant Lots grant_lot_O1 1644-04-28 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis Melyen (ID: 162) Cornelis Melyn
O2 Grant Lots grant_lot_O2 1644-08-02 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Giertje Nannincx Cornelis Melyen (ID: 162) Cornelis Melyn
O3 Grant Lots grant_lot_O3 1643-04-28 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Burger Jorisen (ID: 1,660,103) Burger Jorissen
P1 Grant Lots grant_lot_P1 1645-07-04 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Thomas Willett (ID: 1,660,225) Thomas Willett
P2 Grant Lots grant_lot_P2 1645-07-04 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Richard Smith (ID: 1,660,163) Richard Smith
P3 Grant Lots grant_lot_P3 1655-08-26 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Abraham Martens Clocq (ID: 1,660,034) Abraham Martens Clock
Q1 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q1 1662-01-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Gabriel Carpesy (ID: 1,660,231) Gabriel Carpesy
Q10 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q10 1641-00-00 (Prior To) DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Adam Roelantsen (ID: 1609, 000,009) Adam Roelantsen
Q11 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q11 1644-01-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Hendrick Jansen
Q12 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q12 1643-07-03 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Tymen Jansen (ID: 1,660,100) Tymen Jansen
Q13 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q13 1647-05-15 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Augustine Herrman (ID: 1,660,078) Augustine Heermans
Q2 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q2 1659-01-31 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar (ID: 1,660,156) Albert Cornelissen Wantenaar
Q3 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q3 1664-05-17 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Jansen Trinbolt
Q4 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q4 1661-05-14 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Peter Andriessen
Q5 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q5 1657-01-02 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Nicolaes Bernard
Q6 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q6 1657-12-20 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Barent Egbersen
Q7 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q7 1664-05-17 Governor Nicolls Andries Rees (ID: 1,660,146) Andries Rees
Q8 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q8 N/A Governor Nicolls Jacob Hendricksen Varravanger (ID: 1,660,209) Jacob Hendricks Varravanget
Q9 Grant Lots grant_lot_Q9 1644-04-25 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Jansen Damen (ID: 1,660,045) Jan Jansen Damen
R1 Grant Lots grant_lot_R1 1646-02-01 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Roelof Jansen Haes
R2 Grant Lots grant_lot_R2 1647-03-13 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Claes van Elslant (ID: 1,660,192) Claes Van Elslant
R3 Grant Lots grant_lot_R3 1647-02-08 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Evert Jansen (ID: 392) Evert Jansen
R4 Grant Lots grant_lot_R4 1647-03-25 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Gilyam Cornelse

Aquebogue Cemetery
Aquebogue Cemetery
1692-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/447733/aquebogue-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Katherine King Swazey
January 1692
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/236249238/katherine-swazey

Bethpage Cemetery
Bethpage Cemetery
1689-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1987820/bethpage-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Abigail Strickland Wood Powell
January 1689
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/190797217/abigail-strickland-powell

First Presbyterian Church Cemetery
First Presbyterian Church Cemetery
1682-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2366253/first-presbyterian-church-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Jan Evertzsen Karseboom
January 1682
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/139563099/jan-evertzsen-karseboom

Greenfield Cemetery
Greenfield Cemetery
1697-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64706/greenfield-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
John Seaman Jr.
January 1697
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/109087419/john-seaman

Old Burying Ground of First Presbyterian Church
Old Burying Ground of First Presbyterian Church
1632-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2151696/old-burying-ground-of-first-presbyterian-church

Earliest Grave:
John Frost
January 1632
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7592050/john-frost

Old Southampton Cemetery
Old Southampton Cemetery
1655-10-06 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/65540/old-southampton-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Edward Howell
October 06, 1655
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/17595682/edward-howell

Old Town Burying Ground
Old Town Burying Ground
1685-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2209895/old-town-burying-ground

Earliest Grave:
Deborah Partridge Raynor
January 1685
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/210316335/deborah-raynor

Sagg Cemetery
Sagg Cemetery
1681-05-17 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2190712/sagg-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Henry Pierson
May 17, 1681
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/196595463/henry-pierson

Setauket Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Setauket Presbyterian Church Cemetery
1682-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/641201/setauket-presbyterian-church-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Anna Biggs Jayne
January 1682
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/82901456/anna-jayne

South End Cemetery
South End Cemetery
1663-10-05 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1435258/south-end-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Lion Gardiner
October 05, 1663
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6609571/lion-gardiner

Southampton Cemetery
Southampton Cemetery
1684-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/66355/southampton-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Burnett, of Leys Jr.
January 1684
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/156525564/thomas-burnett%2C_of_leys

Underhill Cemetery
Underhill Cemetery
1698-07-09 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/66521/underhill-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Mary Prior Underhill
July 09, 1698
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/55344478/mary-underhill

Wainscott Cemetery
Wainscott Cemetery
1677-11-26 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/66624/wainscott-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Capt Thomas Osborne
November 26, 1677
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94476974/thomas-osborne

Woodruff Cemetery
Woodruff Cemetery
1670-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2420815/woodruff-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
John Woodruff Sr.
January 1670
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/77536412/john-woodruff
Alberti Farm Cemetery Graveyard Alberti Farm Cemetery 1655-11-09 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2439052/alberti-farm-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Pietro Cesare “Peter” Alberti
November 09, 1655
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/85707187/pietro-cesare-alberti
Baptist Church Cemetery Graveyard Baptist Church Cemetery 1682-11-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2301741/baptist-church-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Nicholas Wright
November 1682
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/52536801/nicholas-wright

Bowery Bay Cemetery Graveyard Bowery Bay Cemetery 1664-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2628740/bowery-bay-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Sara Nevius
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/210473798/sara-nevius
Browns Hill Burying Ground Graveyard Browns Hill Burying Ground 1692-01-14 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/253403/browns-hill-burying-ground

Earliest Grave:
Frances Ludlam King
January 14, 1692
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/62370165/frances-king
Burroughs Family Burial Ground Graveyard Burroughs Family Burial Ground 1664-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2173134/burroughs-family-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Anne Thompson Burroughs
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/253088044/anne-burroughs
Bushwick Dutch Reformed Cemetery Graveyard Bushwick Dutch Reformed Cemetery 1662-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2189059/bushwick-dutch-reformed-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Philip Claesz Langelaans
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/149447214/philip-claesz-langelaans
Calvary Cemetery Graveyard Calvary Cemetery 1684-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64107/calvary-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Southard
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/167600470/thomas-southard
Cemetery of the Holy Rood Graveyard Cemetery of the Holy Rood 1652-02-14 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64884/cemetery-of-the-holy-rood

Earliest Grave:
Berthe Du Brul
February 14, 1652
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/249705064/berthe-du_brul
Church Of The Redeemer Churchyard Graveyard Church Of The Redeemer Churchyard 1699-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2745244/church-of-the-redeemer-churchyard

Earliest Grave:
Abram Smith
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/262886068/abram-smith
Cornell Family Burial Ground Graveyard Cornell Family Burial Ground 1694-08-11 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2173360/cornell-family-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Richard Cornell
August 11, 1694
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/13964623/richard-cornell
Cypress Hills Cemetery Graveyard Cypress Hills Cemetery 1680-07-07 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64319/cypress-hills-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
John Skidmore
July 07, 1680
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/114643057/john-skidmore
Elmont Cemetary Graveyard Elmont Cemetary 1690-11-10 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64432/elmont-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Aert Arthur Alberti
November 10, 1690
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/177709649/aert-arthur-alberti
First Presbyterian Church of Newtown Cemetery Graveyard First Presbyterian Church of Newtown Cemetery 1663-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2151572/first-presbyterian-church-of-newtown-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Jonathan Fish
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/206408077/jonathan-fish
Flatbush Reformed Dutch Church Cemetery Graveyard Flatbush Reformed Dutch Church Cemetery 1683-05-06 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2139368/flatbush-reformed-dutch-church-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Reyer Adriaence
May 06, 1683
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/233412101/reyer-adriaence
Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery Graveyard Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery 1688-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1453158/flatlands-dutch-reformed-church-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Trintjie Claus Ammerman
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/159785975/trintjie-ammerman
Flushing Cemetery Graveyard Flushing Cemetery 1678-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64554/flushing-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Augustijn Blydenburgh
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/5001995/augustijn-blydenburgh
Flying Point Cemetery Graveyard Flying Point Cemetery 1682-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2187163/flying-point-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Daniel Halsey
January 1682
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/115893860/daniel-halsey
Fort Hill Cemetery Graveyard Fort Hill Cemetery 1668-10-05 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2252529/fort-hill-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
John Townsend
October 05, 1668
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/25142988/john-townsend
Fresh Pond Crematory and Columbarium Graveyard Fresh Pond Crematory and Columbarium 1694-12-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/159046/fresh-pond-crematory-and-columbarium

Earliest Grave:
Nura B. Ginsburg
December 1694
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/175023570/nura-b-ginsburg
Gravesend Cemetery Graveyard Gravesend Cemetery 1635-09-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64693/gravesend-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Ann Grant Spicer
September 1635
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/179903279/ann-spicer
Green-Wood Cemetery Graveyard Green-Wood Cemetery 1648-04-27 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64718/green-wood-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Dewey
April 27, 1648
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/153478172/thomas-dewey
Hayground Cemetery Graveyard Hayground Cemetery 1688-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2158561/hayground-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Halsey Jr.
January 1688
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/97531684/thomas-halsey
Huntington Rural Cemetery Graveyard Huntington Rural Cemetery 1668-09-30 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64933/huntington-rural-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Ireland
September 30, 1668
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/79143987/thomas-ireland
Jackson Cemetery Graveyard Jackson Cemetery 1684-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2216142/jackson-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Robert Jackson
January 1684
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/80749663/robert-jackson
Larrabee-White Cemetery Graveyard Larrabee-White Cemetery 1699-09-21 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2390500/larrabee-white-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Mary White
September 21, 1699
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/66140032/mary-white
Linden Hill Jewish Cemetery Graveyard Linden Hill Jewish Cemetery 1692-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2163477/linden-hill-jewish-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Harriet Goldman
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/175575226/harriet-goldman
Ludlam Smith Burial Ground Graveyard Ludlam Smith Burial Ground 1698-03-16 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2240751/ludlam-smith-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Joseph Ludlam
March 16, 1698
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68356678/joseph-ludlam
Machpelah Cemetery Graveyard Machpelah Cemetery 1691-03-04 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/65151/machpelah-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Samuel Kaufman
March 04, 1691
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/175303981/samuel-kaufman
Mecox Cemetery Graveyard Mecox Cemetery 1661-03-17 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2158363/mecox-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Anthony Ludlam
March 17, 1661
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/31229455/anthony-ludlam
Montauk Indian Burial Ground Graveyard Montauk Indian Burial Ground 1651-00-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2289834/montauk-indian-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
January 1651
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69593515/poggatticut

Mount Carmel Cemetery Graveyard Mount Carmel Cemetery 1652-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/65324/mount-carmel-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Samuel London
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/96051517/samuel-london
Mount Hebron Cemetery Graveyard Mount Hebron Cemetery 1698-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64154/mount-hebron-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Sarah Cornell Arnold
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/77000589/sarah-arnold
Mount Judah Cemetery Graveyard Mount Judah Cemetery 1629-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/65348/mount-judah-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Benjamin Resnick
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/128641847/benjamin-resnick
Mount Olivet Cemetery Graveyard Mount Olivet Cemetery 1673-02-01 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/65357/mount-olivet-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Elizabeth Fones Hallett
February 01, 1673
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/243563084/elizabeth-hallett
New Utrecht Cemetery Graveyard New Utrecht Cemetery 1655-09-15 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2339485/new-utrecht-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Christoffel Harmenzen Van Zandt
September 15, 1655
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/154711833/christoffel-harmenzen-van_zandt
Old Bowne Family Burial Ground Graveyard Old Bowne Family Burial Ground 1672-00-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2554533/old-bowne-family-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Infant Son Bowne
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/136241367/infant-son-bowne

Old Burying Ground of First Presbyterian Church Graveyard Old Burying Ground of First Presbyterian Church 1640-10-22 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2151696/old-burying-ground-of-first-presbyterian-church

Earliest Grave:
Mary Langdon
October 22, 1640
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7592054/mary-langdon
Old Burying Hill Cemetery Graveyard Old Burying Hill Cemetery 1657-01-04 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1248942/old-burying-hill-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Jeffery Estey
January 04, 1657
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/188368515/jeffery-estey
Old Newtown Cemetery Graveyard Old Newtown Cemetery 1657-09-17 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2401418/old-newtown-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Rev John Moore
September 17, 1657
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/106779263/john-moore
Old Southampton Cemetery Graveyard Old Southampton Cemetery 1670-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/65540/old-southampton-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
John Woodruffe
January 1670
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/19915093/john-woodruffe
Old Town Burying Ground Graveyard Old Town Burying Ground 1685-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2209895/old-town-burying-ground

Earliest Grave:
Edward Raynor
January 1685
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/44808925/edward-raynor
Pantigo Cemetery Graveyard Pantigo Cemetery 1684-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2667887/pantigo-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Chief Awaupetun or Wobbeton or Wobetom
January 1684
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/190781204/chief_awaupetun_or_wobbeton_or-wobetom
Poggatticut Burial Ground Graveyard Poggatticut Burial Ground 1651-05-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2316690/poggatticut-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Sachem Poggatticut
May 1651
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/40152878/sachem-poggatticut

Provost Cemetery Graveyard Provost Cemetery 1686-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2661247/provost-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Catherine Praa
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/184180602/catherine-praa
Quaker Burial Ground Graveyard Quaker Burial Ground 1663-00-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2442455/quaker-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Peter Wright
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/87207538/peter-wright

Quaker Meeting House Cemetery Graveyard Quaker Meeting House Cemetery 1675-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1969750/quaker-meeting-house-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Sarah Susannah Booth Thorne Hallett
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/7855352/sarah-susannah-thorne_hallett
Reformed Church of Newtown Cemetery Graveyard Reformed Church of Newtown Cemetery 1678-06-12 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2151536/reformed-church-of-newtown-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Simon De Ruine
June 12, 1678
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/100473900/simon-de_ruine
Sagg Cemetery Graveyard Sagg Cemetery 1661-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2190712/sagg-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Josiah Stanborough Sr.
January 1661
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/16994283/josiah-stanborough
Saint Charles Cemetery Graveyard Saint Charles Cemetery 1654-09-04 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/65944/saint-charles-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Sebastiano Giacobbe
September 04, 1654
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/177447361/sebastiano-giacobbe
Saint George's Church Cemetery Graveyard Saint George's Church Cemetery 1646-00-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1796200/saint-george's-church-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Mary Drake Wood
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/190797679/mary-wood

Saint George's Episcopal Church Graveyard Graveyard Saint George's Episcopal Church Graveyard 1674-04-04 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1524648/saint-george's-episcopal-church-graveyard

Earliest Grave:
John Tuttle
April 04, 1674
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/169416552/john-tuttle
Setauket Presbyterian Church Cemetery Graveyard Setauket Presbyterian Church Cemetery 1679-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/641201/setauket-presbyterian-church-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Mary Floyd
January 1679
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/16877531/mary-floyd
Smith Family Graveyard Graveyard Smith Family Graveyard 1680-08-20 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2557984/smith-family-graveyard

Earliest Grave:
Obadiah Smith
August 20, 1680
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/137763121/obadiah-smith
South End Cemetery Graveyard South End Cemetery 1653-12-09 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1435258/south-end-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Talmadge
December 09, 1653
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104512609/thomas-talmadge
Sylvester Manor Burial Ground Graveyard Sylvester Manor Burial Ground 1660-00-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2267171/sylvester-manor-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Cassandra Burnell Southwick
January 1660
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6783049/cassandra-southwick

The Evergreens Cemetery Graveyard The Evergreens Cemetery 1692-11-09 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/154236/the-evergreens-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Sarah Philippe du Trieux De Forest
November 09, 1692
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/133681527/sarah-philippe-de_forest
Thomas Spicer Burial Ground Graveyard Thomas Spicer Burial Ground 1658-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2654260/thomas-spicer-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Spicer
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/184681220/thomas-spicer
Thorne-Wilkins Cemetery Graveyard Thorne-Wilkins Cemetery 1664-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2254993/thorne-wilkins-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
William Thorne Sr.
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/180247601/william-thorne
Townsend Cemetery Graveyard Townsend Cemetery 1656-00-00

(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/64279/townsend-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Mary Hawkshurst Coles
January 1656
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/103792783/mary-coles

Underhill Cemetery
Graveyard Underhill Cemetery
1699-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/66521/underhill-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
James Cock
January 1699
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/194763113/james-cock
Weekes Cemetery Graveyard Weekes Cemetery 1689-06-22 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2377898/weekes-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Francis Weekes
June 22, 1689
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69853118/francis-weekes
Westbury Friends Cemetery Graveyard Westbury Friends Cemetery 1697-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/641205/westbury-friends-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
John Seaman
January 1697
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/190631425/john-seaman
William Lawrence Family Burial Ground Graveyard William Lawrence Family Burial Ground 1664-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2623125/william-lawrence-family-burial-ground

Earliest Grave:
Anna Sprague Lawrence
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/170127377/anna-lawrence
Youngs Memorial Cemetery Graveyard Youngs Memorial Cemetery 1689-00-00 Link:
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/641181/youngs-memorial-cemetery

Earliest Grave:
Thomas Youngs
January 1689
(link is external)https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/23469466/thomas-youngs
Abraham Woodhull Home Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Abraham Woodhull Home 1690-00-00 Date: 1690
Site of home Abraham Woodhull Chief of Long Island Spies under Gen. Washington. Built by Richard Woodhull 1690 – Burned 1931
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=53622
Bethpage Hamlet Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Bethpage Hamlet 1687-00-00 Date: 1687
1687 T. Powell obtains land 1695 Deed Bethpage Purchase 1857 Name Jerusalem Station 1867 Renamed Central Park 1936 Changed To Bethpage
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=133542
Capt. John Underhill Home Site / Historic Peck's Inn Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Capt. John Underhill Home Site / Historic Peck's Inn 1654-00-00 Date: c. 1654-1659
Historic Home Site c 1654 – 1659 of Capt. John Underhill The renowned military leader and Indian fighter in New England, New Netherlands and on Long Island, lived on this Feather Hill site. The Later Site of Historic .
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=229632
Duke's Laws Convention Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Duke's Laws Convention 1664-00-00 Date: 1664 or 1665
Held Near This Spot In Old Building 1664/5
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=151846
Earliest Church Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Earliest Church 1665-00-00 Date: 1665
The first church in Huntington was built here in 1665. A new church was built up the hill to the east in 1715. The old church was sold at auction in 1717 for £5. 2S
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=239544
East Island Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_East Island 1667-06-22 Date: June 22, 1667
Bought From the Indians by Robert Williams, June 22, 1667. Home of J.P. Morgan 1909 - 1943
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=221007
Eastern Purchase Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Eastern Purchase 1656-00-00

Date: 1656
from the Matinecock Indians in 1656, extended originally to the Nissequogue River in Smithtown
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=148401

First House at the Branch Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_First House at the Branch 1688-00-00 Date: 1688
On this site stood the first house at the Branch: built by Joseph Blydenburgh, who married - 1688 - Deborah - daughter of Jonathan - eldest son of Richard Smith - "Bull Rider" - patentee of Smithtown - the property belonged continuously to his descendants until purchased 1923 for a village green.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=126863
First Sheep Fold Site 1684 Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_First Sheep Fold Site 1684 1684-00-00 Date: 1684
East Hampton townsmen under care of a shepherd herded earmarked sheep in this common pasturage
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=114782
First Watermill Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_First Watermill 1644-00-00 Date: 1644
Built by Edward Howell near this site for Southampton Colony
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=111217
Flushing State Armory Historical Markers Database Flushing State Armory 1657-00-00

Date: 1657
This site could be considered the birthplace of religious freedom in America. It was here, on December 27, 1657, that a group of brave Flushing freeholders issued a proclamation calling for religious tolerance. One of these men, Michael Milner, owned the house that stood here. At the time, Quakers living in Flushing were persecuted by Dutch governor Peter Stuyvesant, who permitted only the Dutch Reformed religion to be practiced. In response, the freeholders addressed a letter to Stuyvesant. In the letter, known as the Flushing Remonstrance, the residents spoke of their desire to "let every man stand or fall to his own Master." The Remonstrance, the first of its kind in the New World, served as the inspiration for the First Amendment to the Constitution. The Flushing State Armory was built in 1905 to house various units of New York's National Guard.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=193418

Friends Meeting House Historical Markers Database Friends Meeting House 1694-00-00

Date: 1694
The Friends Meeting House was the first house of worship in the village of Flushing. It is New York City’s oldest house of worship in continuous use, and the second oldest in the nation. The house was built in 1694, and provided Flushing’s Quakers with their first permanent place of worship. Until that time, Quakers attended services in the kitchen of John Bowne’s house, a few blocks away. Bowne himself is buried in the graveyard behind the meeting house. The Friends Meeting House has served its original purpose for more than 300 years – interrupted only briefly during the American Revolution, when the British used it as a prison, a hospital, and a stable. The meeting house was built with 40 foot timbers of Oak trees from the area. The two sets of doors were originally used as separate entrances for men and women.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=42964

Gibb Patent Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Gibb Patent 1692-00-00 Date: 1692
Islip Hamlet land Grant by British rulers William and Mary to Andrew Gibb in 1692 Associate of Wm. Nichol and Leisler Rebellion Foe
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=108390
Grave of John Townsend Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Grave of John Townsend 1668-00-00 Date: 1668
This stone marks the grave of John Townsend who came from England about 1630, and settled in Oyster Bay in 1661. He died in 1668, and was buried here on his own land.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=65081
Grave of Zachariah Hawkins Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Grave of Zachariah Hawkins 1699-00-00 Date: 1699
This stone commemorates the life of Zachariah Hawkins Baptized at Charlestown, Mass. Oct. 25, 1639. Died and perhaps buried in this churchyard 1699. He was among early settlers of Setauket, L.I. N.Y. and a prominent citizen. He was an original
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=65209
Grist and Saw Mill Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Grist and Saw Mill 1659-00-00 Date: 1659
Site of Grist and saw mill of Daniel Raynor. Raynortown settled by Edward Raynor or his children, 1659
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=126825
Historic Sites of Early Mills and Bridges Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Historic Sites of Early Mills and Bridges 1667-00-00 Date: 1667
East and West Borders of Tom's (Mill) Creek Hashamomack Thomas Benedict Mill - Prob. Earliest John Payne Water Mill - 1659 Nathaniel Sylvester - 1667 WM Albertson Mill & Bridge - 1795 Town Bridge - 1855 Benedict and Hallet Mill
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=148234
Home of John Whitman Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Home of John Whitman 1692-00-00 Date: 1692
Home of John Whitman, built in 1692, now a barn. "New" house, built in 1810, home of Jesse Whitman, grandfather of Walt Whitman
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=139376
Huntington Village Green Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Huntington Village Green 1653-00-00 Date: 1653
On which stood the blockhouse for protection from the Indians. Here the early town meetings were held and Militia drilled in Revolutionary times.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=53636
Huntington's Earliest Church Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Huntington's Earliest Church 1665-00-00 Date: 1665
Huntington's Earliest Church Stood on this corner 1665 to 1715 when it was sold for 5 lbs., 2 shillings
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=147572
Indian Landmark Buc-Usk-Kil Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Indian Landmark Buc-Usk-Kil 1651-05-00 Date: May 1651
Whooping-Boys-Hollow, Resting Place Of Body of Sachem Poggatticut, When Borne to Montauk For Burial, May 1651
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=148091
Jackson House Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Jackson House 1643-00-00 Date: 1643
Original settler, Robert Jackson arrived from Stamford, CT in the winter of 1643. His decendants occupied this house through the early twentieth century.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=200686
Jacob Conklin Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Jacob Conklin 1690-00-00 Date: 1690
Legend says after sailing with pirate Captain Kidd in 1690's, Conklin built home here in 1710. House destroyed by fire in 1918
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=133222
Longwood Estate Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Longwood Estate 1693-00-00 Date: 1693
Originally Part of the Manor St. George Granted 1693 To Wm. Smith. House Built Ca. 1790 Home of 1829 Town Supervisor William S. Smith
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=156347
Old Brick House Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Old Brick House 1696-00-00 Date: 1696
Built in 1696 by Major Thomas Jones and wife Freelove Townsend, first settlers of Massapequa, stood near this site until 1837.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=133145
Old Country Road Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Old Country Road 1653-00-00 Date: 1653
Samuel Ketcham's Hollow; Southern Boundary Of The First Purchase From The Matinecock Indians In 1653.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=155806
Old Huntington Green Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Old Huntington Green 1653-00-00 Date: 1653
Old Huntington Green Historic District Original settlement area Known as the Town Spot, Founded in 1653
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=53643
Oldest House Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Oldest House 1653-00-00 Date: 1653
In Huntington, Built by 1653. Site Of Early Town Offices. All Slaves Manumitted From 1805 to 1823 Received Their Freedom Here
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=148192
Peaken's Tavern Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Peaken's Tavern 1656-00-00 Date: c. 1656
Built by John Peaken, circa 1656, later became the property of Thomas Terry II, circa 1703, and ownership continued in the Terry family until 1850 when it was acquired by E. Mulford. Last of seven houses built
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=175215
Powell Home Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Powell Home 1695-10-18 Date: October 18, 1695
Built by Thomas Powell in 1700 after purchase of Bethpage from Massapequa Indian Tribe October 18, 1695
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=133477
Prospect Cemetery Historical Markers Database Prospect Cemetery 1668-00-00

Date: 1668
Designated as a New York City Landmark in 1976, Prospect Cemetery, the original Old Burial Ground of the Village of Jamaica is one of the few remaining Colonial cemeteries in Queens. The earliest written record of the cemetery dates back to 1668. Prospect Cemetery is a valuable reminder of the Village of Jamaica's history and the important part its families played in shaping the early course of the United States. Prospect Cemetery is the resting place of important figures in early New York City history. One example is Egbert Benson, a friend to Alexander Hamilton who acted as his secretary at the Constitutional Convention. Benson was a judge, State Attorney General and Congressman. Many Revolutionary War veterans, a great deal of whom served with Skidmore's Minutemen, are also buried here. Many descendants of those families fought in the Civil War, and were buried here as well.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=121488

Quaker Meeting Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Quaker Meeting 1671-00-00 Date: 1671
Founded in 1671, Oldest Officially Organized Friends Meeting in the United States. Building Erected in 1725
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=147990
Quaker Meeting House Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Quaker Meeting House 1698-00-00 Date: 1698
Built and first meetings held 1698
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=133544
Richard Smith Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Richard Smith 1665-00-00 Date: 1665
Richard Smith (c. 1618-1692) depicted here holding his 1665 patent and gazing over the land this document entitled him to, was the founder and first English setter of Smithtown. Born in Yorkshire, England, Smith - often spelled Smythe in early documents arrived in the British American colonies in 1635. After stops in Massachusetts, Southampton, and Setauket, Smith, his wife, and nine children settled in what is now the Village of Nissequogue after he acquired the land comprising Smithtown through deed agreements signed with English settler Lion Gardiner and Montauket Sachem Wyandanch. While the 1665 patent granted royal approval of his acquisition, Smith spent the remainder of his life waging legal battles to define Smithtown's boundaries. Though the tale of Smith securing his land through a day-long bull ride is mythology, residents of Smithtown have handed the tale down through generations, allowing it to become an integral part of the town's history.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=126867
Richard Woodhull Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Richard Woodhull 1620-00-00 Date: 1620
Patentee and first magistrate of Setauket. Born in Thenford, Northhamptonshire, England, 13 September 1620. Died in Setauket, 17 October 1690.Michael Gressel, Sculptor
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=53684
Robert Jackson Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Robert Jackson 1644-00-00 Date: 1644
Site Of Home Robert Jackson Pioneer settler Jerusalem, 1644. Patentee to tract southward after Hempstead Purchase
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=126823
Saw Mill Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Saw Mill 1668-00-00 Date: 1668
Erected on this Site By Joseph Carpenter in 1668
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=221073
Secatogue Indian Village Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Secatogue Indian Village 1692-09-19 Date: September 19, 1692
Site Purchased By Thomas and Richard Willetts September 19, 1692 From The Sachem, Wamsea
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=157330
Site of Centreport (Upper) Mill Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Site of Centreport (Upper) Mill 1674-00-00 Date: 1674
Site of Centreport (Upper) Mill Built By Sylvanus Townsend in 1774, replaced an earlier mill built further south in 1674
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=148337
Site of Grist and Saw Mill Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Site of Grist and Saw Mill 1688-00-00 Date: 1688
First Grist and Saw Mill Built By Joseph Haviland In 1688. Last Operators Charles Davison And Sons, Robert, Herbert, and John
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=164239
Site of Grist Mill Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Site of Grist Mill 1658-00-00 Date: 1658
Site of Grist Mill powered by this stream and built for the Rev. Wm. Leverich 1658
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=53641
Site of Stone Fort Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Site of Stone Fort 1653-00-00 Date: 1653
Erected shortly after 1653 by hunters from Huntington Village for protection against the Indians
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=139432
Squaw Pit Purchase Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Squaw Pit Purchase 1699-01-01 Date: December 16, 1699
The surrounding area was purchased from the Secatogue Indians on December 16, 1699
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=139285
The Avery Homestead Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_The Avery Homestead 1664-00-00 Date: 1664
Site of a homestead. This is part of land sold by Tobaccus, Sachem of Unkechaug Indians, to Gov. John Winthrop of Connecticut in 1664, extending from Bellport through Bluepoint, from Great South Bay
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=133904
The First Presbyterian Church of Huntington Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_The First Presbyterian Church of Huntington 1665-00-00 Date: 1665
The First Presbyterian Church of Huntington, organized and first building erected 1665. Second building erected on this site 1715, occupied by the British as a barracks 1777, torn down and materials used to erect Fort Golgotha on Burying Ground Hill
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=239536
The Old House Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_The Old House 1649-00-00 Date: 1649
Built in 1649 in Southold by John Budd and moved to Cutchogue in 1660. The oldest English house in the state, it is considered the finest example of its type in this country. Restored in 1940 as part of the tercentenary celebration of Southold town.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=175639
The Old Stone Church Historical Markers Database The Old Stone Church 1699-00-00

Date: 1699
At the head of this street known in colonial days as Meeting House Lane stood the Old Stone Church, used as a place of worship from 1699 to 1813, and as a prison in 1776 by the British.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=127377

This Home Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_This Home 1636-00-00 Date: After 1636
Was given to John Hewlett by his Grandfather, George Hewlett, who came here from England in 1636. The home is still in the family
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=190716
Thomas Moore Home Lot/Samuel Landon House Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Thomas Moore Home Lot/Samuel Landon House 1651-00-00 Date: 1651
Originally from Southwold, Suffolk, England, Thomas Moore (1615-1691) arrived in Southold in 1635 and married Reverend John Youngs' sister Martha in 1636. Moore, his wife, and ten children were settled on this, his home lot, by 1651.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=175332
Wantagh Baptist Church Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Wantagh Baptist Church 1699-00-00 Date: 1699
The Wantagh Baptist Church formerly The Jerusalem Friends Meeting House This area, known as Jerusalem by 1699, was settled by Quakers. They met at Jericho and Bethpage, and in 1827 built this meeting house. Nassau County
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=196642
Westbury Friends Meeting House Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Westbury Friends Meeting House 1671-00-00 Date: 1671
Westbury Friends Meeting was established by 1671. Meeting houses were built on this site in 1702, 1801 and 1902
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=125931
Wick's Tavern Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Wick's Tavern 1686-00-00 Date: 1686
Built in 1686 by John Wick and used by American and British Soldiers during the American Revolution.
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=111020
Zachariah Hawkins Home Historical Markers Database HMD_Lots_Zachariah Hawkins Home 1661-00-00 Date: 1661
Near this site stood the home of Zachariah Hawkins and his wife Mary Biggs Son of Robert and Mary Hawkins who came from England to Massachusetts in 1635; Born 1639; Settled in Setauket about 1661; Became prominent in public affairs
(link is external)https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=53651
Brewster House National Register of Historic Places Brewster House 1665-00-00 Date: 1665

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brewster_House_(East_Setauket,_New_York)
Chichester's Inn National Register of Historic Places Chichester's Inn 1660-00-00 Date: 1660

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichester%27s_Inn
East Farm National Register of Historic Places East Farm 1689-00-00 Date: 1689

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Farm_(Head_of_the_Harbor,_New_York)
First Presbyterian Church of Newtown National Register of Historic Places First Presbyterian Church of Newtown 1652-00-00 Date: 1652
The congregation was founded in 1652 and was originally housed in a building that it shared with other congregations. In 1669, the town of Newtown (later Elmhurst) erected a new building for the churches.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Presbyterian_Church_of_Newtown
Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church Complex National Register of Historic Places Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church Complex 1654-00-00 Date: 1654
The congregation was founded in 1654 and the original church was built under the direction of Jan Gerritse Strijker at the order of Peter Stuyvesant.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatbush_Reformed_Dutch_Church_Complex
Flushing Town Hall National Register of Historic Places Flushing Town Hall 1645-00-00 Date: 1645
Formerly, it served as the seat of government of the village of Flushing, established as Vlissingen in 1645, until the consolidation with New York City in 1898.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flushing_Town_Hall
Fort Corchaug Archaeological Site (Downs Farm Preserve) National Register of Historic Places Fort Corchaug Archaeological Site (Downs Farm Preserve) 1658-00-00 Date: 1658

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Corchaug_Archaeological_Site
Fort Massapeag Archeological Site National Register of Historic Places Fort Massapeag Archeological Site 1600-00-00 Date: 1600s

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Massapeag_Archeological_Site
Grace Episcopal Church Complex National Register of Historic Places Grace Episcopal Church Complex 1693-00-00 Date: 1693
The parish's unofficial church life began in 1693
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Episcopal_Church_Complex_(Queens)
Haviland-Davison Grist Mill National Register of Historic Places Haviland-Davison Grist Mill 1689-00-00 Date: 1689

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haviland-Davison_Grist_Mill
Hawkins Homestead National Register of Historic Places Hawkins Homestead 1660-00-00 Date: 1660

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawkins_Homestead
John Bowne House National Register of Historic Places John Bowne House 1661-00-00

Date: 1661
Built around 1661, it was the location of a Quaker meeting in 1662 that resulted in the arrest of its owner, John Bowne, by Peter Stuyvesant, Dutch Director-General of New Netherland. Historic Markers: https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=193355 https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=193357 https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=193358"
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bowne_House

Joseph Whitman House National Register of Historic Places Joseph Whitman House 1692-00-00 Date: 1692

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Whitman_House
Joshua Wells House National Register of Historic Places Joshua Wells House 1680-00-00 Date: 1680

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Wells_House
King Manor National Register of Historic Places King Manor 1664-00-00 Date: 1664
A leathermaker named John Owlffield bought the land in 1664
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Manor
Lent Homestead and Cemetery National Register of Historic Places Lent Homestead and Cemetery 1656-00-00 Date: 1656
The earliest part of the house was built by Abraham Riker in 1656.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lent_Homestead_and_Cemetery
Nathaniel Longbotham House National Register of Historic Places Nathaniel Longbotham House 1690-00-00 Date: 1690

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathaniel_Longbotham_House
New Utrecht Reformed Church National Register of Historic Places New Utrecht Reformed Church 1677-00-00 Date: 1677
The church was established in 1677 by ethnic Dutch residents in the town of New Utrecht, Brooklyn, several years after the English took over New Netherland. It is affiliated with the Reformed Church in America, a Protestant denomination. The cemetery was consecrated in 1654; 1300 dead are interred there.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Utrecht_Reformed_Church
Old First Reformed Church National Register of Historic Places Old First Reformed Church 1654-00-00 Date: 1654
The congregation was founded in 1654 by decree of Governor Pieter Stuyvesant, as one of three "collegiate churches.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_First_Reformed_Church_(Brooklyn)
Old Gravesend Cemetery National Register of Historic Places Old Gravesend Cemetery 1658-00-00 Date: 1658
The cemetery was founded about 1658 and contains the graves of a number of the original patentees and their families.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Gravesend_Cemetery
Old Quaker Meetinghouse National Register of Historic Places Old Quaker Meetinghouse 1694-00-00 Date: 1694
The Flushing Friends Quaker Meeting House was built in 1694 as a small frame structure on land acquired in 1692 by John Bowne and John Rodman in Flushing, New York. Historic Marker: https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=42775
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Quaker_Meeting_House_(Queens)
Pieter Wyckoff House National Register of Historic Places Pieter Wyckoff House 1652-00-00 Date: ca. 1652
It is situated on land that Wouter van Twiller purchased from the local Lenape people in approximately 1636.[5] (Europeans often referred to the native inhabitants simply by the Lenape language place name for the larger area: "Canarsie", in this case.[6]: 32–33 ) The house was one of several ordered built by Wouter van Twiller before he was recalled to Holland by 1640.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyckoff_House
Prospect Cemetery National Register of Historic Places Prospect Cemetery 1668-00-00 Date: 1668
Prospect Cemetery is a historic cemetery located in the Jamaica section of the New York City borough of Queens. It was established in 1668 and known as the "burring plas."
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospect_Cemetery_(Queens)
Reformed Church of Newtown Complex National Register of Historic Places Reformed Church of Newtown Complex 1652-00-00 Date: 1652
The neighborhood had been established in 1652 by the Dutch as Middenburgh, a village suburb of New Amsterdam
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformed_Church_of_Newtown
Sagtikos Manor National Register of Historic Places Sagtikos Manor 1600-00-00 Date: 1600s

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagtikos_Manor
Setauket Presbyterian Church and Burial Ground National Register of Historic Places Setauket Presbyterian Church and Burial Ground 1660-00-00 Date: 1660s

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setauket_Presbyterian_Church_and_Burial_Ground
St. James Church, Elmhurst National Register of Historic Places St. James Church, Elmhurst 1652-00-00 Date: 1652
Ever since Elmhurst was established in 1652 as the town of Middleburgh (later Newtown), it had been religiously diverse, although the Church of England became the Province of New York's official religion in 1693.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._James_Church_(Queens)
Stony Brook Grist Mill National Register of Historic Places Stony Brook Grist Mill 1699-00-00 Date: 1699

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stony_Brook_Grist_Mill
Sylvestor Manor House National Register of Historic Places Sylvestor Manor House 1680-00-00

Date: 1680

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvester_Manor

Terry-Ketcham Inn National Register of Historic Places Terry-Ketcham Inn 1693-00-00 Date: 1693

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry-Ketcham_Inn
The Old House National Register of Historic Places The Old House 1699-00-00 Date: 1658, 1699

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_House_(Cutchogue)
The Old Stone House of Brooklyn National Register of Historic Places The Old Stone House of Brooklyn 1699-00-00 Date: 1699
The current Old Stone House is a replica, using some unearthed original materials, of a Dutch stone farmhouse originally built adjacent to the current site by the Dutch immigrant Claes Arentson Vechte, or his son Hendrick, in 1699. Historic Marker: https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=146160
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Stone_House_(Brooklyn)
Thomas Strong House National Register of Historic Places Thomas Strong House 1695-00-00

Date: 1695

(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Strong_House

Vander Ende-Onderdonk House Site National Register of Historic Places Vander Ende-Onderdonk House Site 1661-00-00 Date: 1661
The original house on the site was built in 1661 by Hendrick Barents Smidt, from land that was granted to him by Peter Stuyvesant.
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vander_Ende%E2%80%93Onderdonk_House
Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Mary Rammerson - 1680-12-16
Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Simon Congo - 1644-12-15
Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_The Grant to Big Manuel
Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_The Nicholas Bayard Farm
Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Bouwery No. 8
Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Negroes' Burying Ground (not listed)
Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Charles Ward Apthorp Farm
Abijah Hammond Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Abijah Hammond Farm Farm
Abraham and William K. Beekman Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Abraham and William K. Beekman Farm Farm
Abraham Shotwell - 1677-09-29 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Abraham Shotwell - 1677-09-29 1677-09-29 Andros Abraham Shotwell
Allard Anthony - 1673-03-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Allard Anthony - 1673-03-13 1673-03-13 Lovelace Allard Anthony (ID: 433) Allard Anthony
Allard Anthony and Paulus Leendertsen Vander Grift - 1662-03-14 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Allard Anthony and Paulus Leendertsen Vander Grift - 1662-03-14 1662-03-14 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Allard Anthony (ID: 433), Paulus Leenders van der Grift (ID: 1,660,116) Allard Anthony
Anthony L. Bleecker Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Anthony L. Bleecker Farm Farm
Anthony Mathys - 1655-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Anthony Mathys - 1655-12-31 1655-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Mathias Anthony (ID: 1609,000,074) Anthony Mathys
Anthony Portuguese - 1644-01-01 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Anthony Portuguese - 1644-01-01 1644-01-01 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Anthony Portugis (ID: 1,660,236) Anthony Portuguese
Anthony Portuguese - 1645-09-05 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Anthony Portuguese - 1645-09-05 1645-09-05 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Anthony Portugis (ID: 1,660,236) Anthony Portuguese
Antony Congo - 1642-03-26 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Antony Congo - 1642-03-26 1642-03-26 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Anthony Congo (ID: 1609,000,070) Antony Congo
Ariaen Cornelissen - 1683-11-20 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Ariaen Cornelissen - 1683-11-20 1683-11-20 City of New York Ariaen Cornelissen
Bastiaen - 1647-03-26 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Bastiaen - 1647-03-26 1647-03-26 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Bastien Negro (ID: 1609,000,071) Bastiaen
Bastiaen Elles - 1657-08-19 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Bastiaen Elles - 1657-08-19 1657-08-19 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Bastiaen Elles
Beekman's Pasture Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Beekman's Pasture Farm
Beekman's Swamp Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Beekman's Swamp Farm
Big Manuel - 1645-10-19 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Big Manuel - 1645-10-19 1645-10-19 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Manuel de Groot (ID: 1,660,182) Big Manuel
Bouwery Of West India Company Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Bouwery Of West India Company Farm Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC)

Contains Blocks 85, 87, etc.

Brevoort and Odell Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Brevoort and Odell Farm Farm
Brevoort Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Brevoort Farm Farm
Burling Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Burling Farm Farm
Calk Hook Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Calk Hook Farm Farm
Caspar Caster - 1680-12-30 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Caspar Caster - 1680-12-30 1680-12-30 Andros Caspar Caster
Catalina Antony - 1643-07-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Catalina Antony - 1643-07-13 1643-07-13 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Catalina Anthony (ID: 660,082) Catalina Antony
Charles Ward Apthorp Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Charles Ward Apthorp Farm Farm
Christoffel Santome - 1660-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Christoffel Santome - 1660-12-31 1660-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Cristofel Santome (ID: 1609,000,296) Christoffel Santome
Claes van Elslant - 1647-03-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Claes van Elslant - 1647-03-13 1647-03-13 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Claes van Elslant (ID: 1,660,192) Claes van Elslant
Cleyn Antonio - 1644-12-30 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cleyn Antonio - 1644-12-30 1644-12-30 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cleyn "Little" Anthony (ID: 1,660,240) Cleyn Antonio
Cornelis Claes Swits - 1645-12-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Claes Swits - 1645-12-13 1645-12-13 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis Claes Swits
Cornelis Cosine Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Cosine Farm Farm
Cornelis Groesens - 1645-01-10 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Groesens - 1645-01-10 1645-01-10 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Cornelis Groesens
Cornelis Groesens Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Groesens Farm Farm
Cornelis Van Borsum - 1653-10-14 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Van Borsum - 1653-10-14 1653-10-14 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis van Borsum (ID: 1609,000,257) Cornelis Van Borsum
Cornelis Van Borsum - 1673-10-14 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Van Borsum - 1673-10-14 1673-10-14 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis van Borsum (ID: 1609,000,257) Cornelis Van Borsum

Contains Block 90 from Original Grants and Farms Map.   Borders on Broadway.

Cornelis Van Tienhoven Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Van Tienhoven Farm Farm Cornelis van Tienhoven (ID: 1,660,205)
Cornelis Van Tienoven - 1644-06-14 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelis Van Tienoven - 1644-06-14 1644-06-14 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis van Tienhoven (ID: 1,660,205) Cornelis Van Tienoven

Contains Blocks 66-69, 77-79 and others from Original Grants and Farms Map.    

This parcel bordered on Broadway and Maiden Lane.

Cornelius Mattysen - 1677-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelius Mattysen - 1677-12-31 1677-12-31 Andros Cornelius Mattysen
Cornelius Tiebout Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelius Tiebout Farm Farm
Cornelius Vanderhoof Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelius Vanderhoof Farm Farm
Cornells Jacobsen Stille - 1647-03-18 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornells Jacobsen Stille - 1647-03-18 1647-03-18 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Cornelis Jacobsen Stille (ID: 1609,000,015) Cornells Jacobsen Stille
Cornelys Van Ruyven Allard Anthonly and Paul Leenderts - 1668-08-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cornelys Van Ruyven Allard Anthonly and Paul Leenderts - 1668-08-31 1668-08-31 Nicolls Cornelis Van Ruyven (ID: 1,660,202), Allard Anthony (ID: 433), Paulus Leenders van der Grift (ID: 1,660,116) Cornelys Van Ruyven
Cosyn Gerritsen - 1647-03-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Cosyn Gerritsen - 1647-03-13 1647-03-13 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Cosyn Gerritsen van Putten (ID: 1,660,083) Cosyn Gerritsen
David Duffore - 1677-10-09 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_David Duffore - 1677-10-09 1677-10-09 Andros David Duffore
Domingo Antony - 1643-07-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Domingo Antony - 1643-07-13 1643-07-13 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Domingo Anthony (ID: 1609,000,066) Domingo Antony
Dominie's Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Dominie's Farm Farm
Edward Marill - 1645-10-22 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Edward Marill - 1645-10-22 1645-10-22 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Edward Marrel (ID: 1609,000,031) Edward Marill
Edward Wilson and Francis Lastley (Leslie) - 1638-12-17 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Edward Wilson and Francis Lastley (Leslie) - 1638-12-17 1638-12-17 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Edward Wilson
Egbert Wooterse - 1699-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Egbert Wooterse - 1699-12-31 1699-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Egbert Woutersen (ID: 1,660,227) Egbert Wooterse
Elbert Herring Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Elbert Herring Farm Farm
Francis B. Winthrop (The Turtle Bay Farm) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Francis B. Winthrop (The Turtle Bay Farm) Farm
Francisco Negro - 1662-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Francisco Negro - 1662-12-31 1662-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Francisco Negro (ID: 1609,000,297) Francisco Negro
Francisco [van cortland] - 1649-03-25 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Francisco [van cortland] - 1649-03-25 1649-03-25 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Francisco [van cortland]
Franklin and Robinson Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Franklin and Robinson Farm Farm
Gabriel Curtesee [Carpesy] - 1676-03-19 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Gabriel Curtesee [Carpesy] - 1676-03-19 1676-03-19 Andros Gabriel Curtesee [Carpesy]
George Baxter and Walter Herfoots (Harfoorts) - 1640-08-29 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_George Baxter and Walter Herfoots (Harfoorts) - 1640-08-29 1640-08-29 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft George Baxter (ID: 1609,000,059) George Baxter
George Homs and Tomas Hal - 1639-11-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_George Homs and Tomas Hal - 1639-11-15 1639-11-15 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft George Holmes (ID: 1,660,087) George Homs Thomas Hall (ID: 1609,000,229)
George Janeway Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_George Janeway Farm Farm
George Youle Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_George Youle Farm Farm
Gerrit Hendricksen - 1646-12-06 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Gerrit Hendricksen - 1646-12-06 1646-12-06 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Gerrit Hendricksen (ID: 1,660,082) Gerrit Hendricksen
Gerrit Jansen Van Oldenburgh - 1646-02-17 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Gerrit Jansen Van Oldenburgh - 1646-02-17 1646-02-17 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Gerrit Jansen Van Oldenburgh
Gerrit Striker Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Gerrit Striker Farm Farm
Gerritsen - 1699-12-31 (1 of 2) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Gerritsen - 1699-12-31 (1 of 2) 1699-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Gerritsen
Gerritsen - 1699-12-31 (2 of 2) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Gerritsen - 1699-12-31 (2 of 2) 1699-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Gerritsen
Govert Loockerman's Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Govert Loockerman's Farm Farm Govert Loockermans (ID: 151)
Govert Loockermans and Cornelis Leendertsen - 1642-03-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Govert Loockermans and Cornelis Leendertsen - 1642-03-31 1642-03-31 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Govert Loockermans (ID: 151), Cornelis Leendersen (ID: 1609,000,001) Govert Loockermans
Gratia Dangola - 1644-12-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Gratia Dangola - 1644-12-15 1644-12-15 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Gracia (Gratia) d'Angola (ID: 1,660,238) Gratia Dangola
Groot Manuel - 1644-12-21 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Groot Manuel - 1644-12-21 1644-12-21 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Manuel de Groot (ID: 1,660,182) Groot Manuel
Harmen Smeeman - 1647-04-02 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Harmen Smeeman - 1647-04-02 1647-04-02 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Harmen Smeeman
Harry Piers - 1647-04-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Harry Piers - 1647-04-15 1647-04-15 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Harry Piers
Hendrick Rutgers Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Hendrick Rutgers Farm Farm
Herman Le Roy Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Herman Le Roy Farm Farm
Honorable Companys Great Bouwery - 1699-12-31 (1 of 2) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Honorable Companys Great Bouwery - 1699-12-31 (1 of 2) 1699-12-31 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Honorable Companys Great Bouwery
Honorable Companys Great Bouwery - 1699-12-31 (2 of 2) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Honorable Companys Great Bouwery - 1699-12-31 (2 of 2) 1699-12-31 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Honorable Companys Great Bouwery
Isaac Varian Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Isaac Varian Farm Farm
Isaack Bedlow - 1677-01-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Isaack Bedlow - 1677-01-13 1677-01-13 Nicolls Isaack Bedlow
Jacob De Key - 1701-07-21 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jacob De Key - 1701-07-21 1701-07-21 Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York Jacob De Key
Jacob Harsen Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jacob Harsen Farm Farm
Jacob Young - 1677-05-01 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jacob Young - 1677-05-01 1677-05-01 Andros Jacob Young
Jacobus Fabriclus - 1676-03-13 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jacobus Fabriclus - 1676-03-13 1676-03-13 Andros Jacobus Fabriclus
Jacobus van Corlaer - 1638-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jacobus van Corlaer - 1638-12-31 1638-12-31 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jacobus van Curler (ID: 1609,000,033) Jacobus van Corlaer
Jacobus Van Orden Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jacobus Van Orden Farm Farm
James Beekman Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_James Beekman Farm Farm
James De Lancey Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_James De Lancey Farm Farm
James Duane Estate Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_James Duane Estate Farm
James W. De Peyster Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_James W. De Peyster Farm Farm
Jan Dewitt and Jan Teunisen - 1664-05-27 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Dewitt and Jan Teunisen - 1664-05-27 1664-05-27 Jan Teunissen (ID: 1609,000,036) Jan Dewitt and Jan Teunisen
Jan Francisco - 1664-12-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Francisco - 1664-12-15 1664-12-15 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft John Francisco (ID: 1,660,237) Jan Francisco
Jan Jansen Damen - 1644-04-25 (1 of 2) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Jansen Damen - 1644-04-25 (1 of 2)... 1644-04-25 DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Jansen Damen (ID: 1,660,045) Jan Jansen Damen

This grant bordered on Broaday and also what is now Maiden Lane.  Contains Block 41, 42, 48 and others on the Original Grants and Farms Map.    

Jan Jansen Damen - 1644-04-25 (2 of 2) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Jansen Damen - 1644-04-25 (2 of 2) 1644-04-25 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Jansen Damen (ID: 1,660,045) Jan Jansen Damen

This was a large plot bordering on Broadway.   Contains block 52.

Jan Jansen Damen - 1646-03-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Jansen Damen - 1646-03-15 1646-03-15 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Jansen Damen (ID: 1,660,045) Jan Jansen Damen
Jan Jansen Damen Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Jansen Damen Farm Farm Jan Jansen Damen (ID: 1,660,045)
Jan Negro - 1647-03-26 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Negro - 1647-03-26 1647-03-26 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Jan Negro (ID: 1609,000,072) Jan Negro
Jan Twillers - 1699-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Twillers - 1699-12-31 1699-12-31 Jan Twillers
Jan Van Rotterdam - 1638-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jan Van Rotterdam - 1638-12-31 1638-12-31 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Jan Van Rotterdam
Jellis Jansen Manedeville - 1680-12-30 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Jellis Jansen Manedeville - 1680-12-30 1680-12-30 Andros Jellis Jansen Manedeville
Johannes Hardenbrook Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Johannes Hardenbrook Farm Farm
Johannes Van Couwenhoven Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Johannes Van Couwenhoven Farm Farm Johannes Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven (ID: 1609,000,237)
Johannos van Brugh and Thomas Hall and Jan Vigne and Egbert Wouters and Jacob Leendersen - 1667-10-03 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Johannos van Brugh and Thomas Hall and Jan Vigne and Egbert Wouters and Jacob Leendersen - 1667-10-03 1667-10-03 Johannes van Brugh (ID: 256), Thomas Hall (ID: 1609,000,229) Johannos van Brugh
Johannos van Brugh and Thomas Hall and Jan Vigne Egbert Wouters and Jacob Leendersen - 1677-07-11 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Johannos van Brugh and Thomas Hall and Jan Vigne Egbert Wouters and Jacob Leendersen - 1677-07-11 1677-07-11 Johannes van Brugh (ID: 256) Thomas Hall (ID: 1609,000,229)
John Bassett - 1677-10-09 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Bassett - 1677-10-09 1677-10-09 Andros John Bassett
John Benew - 1677-09-23 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Benew - 1677-09-23 1677-09-23 Andros John Benew
John Clendening Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Clendening Farm Farm
John Danielson - 1675-03-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Danielson - 1675-03-15 1675-03-15 Andros John Danielson
John Dyckman Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Dyckman Farm Farm
John Hopper Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Hopper Farm Farm
John Horne Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Horne Farm Farm
John Jones Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Jones Farm Farm
John Kingston Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Kingston Farm Farm
John L. Norton Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John L. Norton Farm Farm
John Somarindyck Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Somarindyck Farm Farm
John Watts Estate Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_John Watts Estate Farm
Julus Scetck - 1662-01-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Julus Scetck - 1662-01-31 1662-01-31 Julus Scetck
Keteltas Estate Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Keteltas Estate Farm
Kip's Bay Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Kip's Bay Farm Farm
Lambert van Valckenburgh - 1649-05-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Lambert van Valckenburgh - 1649-05-15 1649-05-15 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Lambert Valkenbergh (ID: 346) Lambert van Valckenburgh
Laurens Cornelissen Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Laurens Cornelissen Farm Farm Laurens Cornelissen van der Welde (ID: 1609,000,041)
Leendert Aerden - 1645-10-19 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Leendert Aerden - 1645-10-19 1645-10-19 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Leandert Aerden (ID: 1,660,003) Leendert Aerden
Mandeville Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Mandeville Farm Farm
Mandeville Homestead Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Mandeville Homestead Farm
Manual Gerrit - 1645-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Manual Gerrit - 1645-12-31 1645-12-31 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Manuel de Gerrit de Reus (ID: 1,660,111) Manual Gerrit

Grant to Manuel Gerrit de Reus who received manumission in 1644.

Manuel Sanders - 1662-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Manuel Sanders - 1662-12-31 1662-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Manuel Sanders (ID: 1609,000,080) Manuel Sanders Maria d'Angola (ID: 660,081)
Maray Rameson - 1680-12-16 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Maray Rameson - 1680-12-16 1680-12-16 Andros Maray Rameson
Mary Rameson - 1680-12-16 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Mary Rameson - 1680-12-16 1680-12-16 Andros Mary Rameson
Marycke widow of Lawrence - 1643-12-12 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Marycke widow of Lawrence - 1643-12-12 1643-12-12 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Maykie (ID: 1609,000,068) Marycke widow of Lawrence
Meadows Beyond Corlaers Hook Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Meadows Beyond Corlaers Hook Farm
Minthorne Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Minthorne Farm Farm
Negroes' Lots Along Bowery Road Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Negroes' Lots Along Bowery Road Farm
Nicholas Bayard Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Nicholas Bayard Farm Farm
Oliver De Lancey Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Oliver De Lancey Farm Farm
Paulo Dangola - 1644-12-30 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Paulo Dangola - 1644-12-30 1644-12-30 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Paulo d'Angola (ID: 1,660,221) Paulo Dangola
Paulo de Angola - 1645-07-14 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Paulo de Angola - 1645-07-14 1645-07-14 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Paulo d'Angola (ID: 1,660,221) Paulo de Angola
Paulus Schrick - 1653-10-07 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Paulus Schrick - 1653-10-07 1653-10-07 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Paulus Schrick
Peter Jacobsen - 1680-12-30 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Peter Jacobsen - 1680-12-30 1680-12-30 Andros Peter Jacobsen
Peter Praa Van Zandt Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Peter Praa Van Zandt Farm Farm
Peter Van Orden Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Peter Van Orden Farm Farm
Peter Warren - 1745-05-03 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Peter Warren - 1745-05-03 1745-05-03 City of New York Peter Warren
Petrus Stuyvesant - 1651-03-12 (1 of 3) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Petrus Stuyvesant - 1651-03-12 (1 of 3) 1651-03-12 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Petrus Stuyvesant
Petrus Stuyvesant - 1651-03-12 (2 of 3) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Petrus Stuyvesant - 1651-03-12 (2 of 3) 1651-03-12 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Petrus Stuyvesant
Petrus Stuyvesant - 1651-03-12 (3 of 3) Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Petrus Stuyvesant - 1651-03-12 (3 of 3) 1651-03-12 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224) Petrus Stuyvesant
Philip Brasher Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Philip Brasher Farm Farm
Philip de Truy - 1640-05-22 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Philip de Truy - 1640-05-22 1640-05-22 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Philip de Truy (ID: 1609000049) Philip de Truy
Pierre Van Cortlandt Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Pierre Van Cortlandt Farm Farm
Pieter Santomee - 1644-12-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Pieter Santomee - 1644-12-15 1644-12-15 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) DWIC Pieter Santome (ID: 1,660,242) Pieter Santomee
Pieterbugh - 1699-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Pieterbugh - 1699-12-31 1699-12-31 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Pieterbugh
Rem Rapelje Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Rem Rapelje Farm Farm
Richard Pero Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Richard Pero Farm Farm
Riker and Lawrence Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Riker and Lawrence Farm Farm
Robert Burrage Norton Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Robert Burrage Norton Farm Farm
Robert Richard Randall Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Robert Richard Randall Farm Farm
Samler Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Samler Farm Farm
Sir Peter Warren Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Sir Peter Warren Farm Farm
Solomon Peterson - 1680-12-14 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Solomon Peterson - 1680-12-14 1680-12-14 Andros Solomon Peterson
Spingler Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Spingler Farm Farm
Stuyvesant Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Stuyvesant Farm Farm Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224)
Symon Congo - 1644-12-15 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Symon Congo - 1644-12-15 1644-12-15 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Simon Congo (ID: 1,660,235) Symon Congo
Teunis Somarindyck Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Teunis Somarindyck Farm Farm
The Bouwery of the West India Company (The Old Company's Bouwerv) - 1625-04-22 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_The Bouwery of the West India Company (The Old Company's Bouwerv) - 1625-04-22 1625-04-22 Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) The Bouwery of the West India Company (The Old Company's Bouwerv)
Thomas Addis Emmet Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Thomas Addis Emmet Farm Farm
Thomas Buchanan Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Thomas Buchanan Farm Farm
Thomas C. Pearsall Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Thomas C. Pearsall Farm Farm
Thomas Clarke Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Thomas Clarke Farm Farm
Thomas Hal - 1642-11-20 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Thomas Hal - 1642-11-20 1642-11-20 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Thomas Hall (ID: 1609,000,229) Thomas Hal
Thomas Hall - 1652-11-29 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Thomas Hall - 1652-11-29 1652-11-29 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Thomas Hall (ID: 1609,000,229) Thomas Hall
Thomas Sanders - 1638-12-31 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Thomas Sanders - 1638-12-31 1638-12-31 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Thomas Sanders
Tonis Nyssen - 1647-04-03 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Tonis Nyssen - 1647-04-03 1647-04-03 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Teunis Nyssen (ID: 1609,000,010) Tonis Nyssen
Toussaint Briel - 1642-07-06 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Toussaint Briel - 1642-07-06 1642-07-06 Willem Kieft (ID: 1,660,244), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Kieft Toussaint Briel (ID: 1,660,026) Toussaint Briel
Trinity's Lower Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Trinity's Lower Farm Farm
Trinity's Upper Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Trinity's Upper Farm Farm
Tucker Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Tucker Farm Farm
William Beeckman - 1656-06-20 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_William Beeckman - 1656-06-20 1656-06-20 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant William Beekman (ID: 1609,000,209) William Beeckman
Wolfert Webber and Hendrick Cornelius and Bastian Ellsen - 1677-09-29 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Wolfert Webber and Hendrick Cornelius and Bastian Ellsen - 1677-09-29 1677-09-29 Adros Wolfert Webber
Wolfert Webbers - 1650-04-02 Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Wolfert Webbers - 1650-04-02 1650-04-02 Petrus Stuyvesant (ID: 224), Dutch West India Company (ID: DWIC), DWIC - Corporation - Dutch West India Company (DWIC) Stuyvesant Wolfert Webber (ID: 1609,000,230) Wolfert Webbers
Wolfert Webbers Upper Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Wolfert Webbers Upper Farm Farm Wolfert Webber (ID: 1609,000,230)
Wolphert Webber's Farm Original Grants and Farms original_grants_and_farms_Wolphert Webber's Farm Farm Wolfert Webber (ID: 1609,000,230)
Taxlots taxlot_not on list
0-Barracks Taxlots taxlot_0-Barracks 1660-07-24

Soldiers of the DWIC were housed in the Barrack building.

0-Canal Taxlots taxlot_0-Canal

The canal was empty at low tide,  although Stokes notes that: Heeren gracht had “boats, canoes, and skiffs.” (I: 76).  So they must have been at bottom during low tide.

The NYC Municipal Archives show that there was a bit of a problem with garbage dumping in the canal.  See this document: https://encyclopedia.nahc-mapping.org/document/proclamationburgomasters-and-schepenen-prohibiting-throwing-out-rubbish-public-streets-or 

Additionally, those living near the canal were asked to dig it out regularly: https://encyclopedia.nahc-mapping.org/document/orderto-people-living-heere-graft-dig-out-canal 


0-Church in the Fort Taxlots taxlot_0-Church in the Fort Church

Church in the fort had stone walls a slate roof, and some windows with stained glass containing coats of arms made by Evert Duykinck

A  1642 contract for the stone work with the John and Richard Ogden gives detailed dimensions.

Stokes (I:58) about the Church of St. Nicholas in the fort at New Amsterdam needing repairs in 1656: "Evert Duyckinck, the New Amsterdam glazier, put in the church glass panes, bearing painted coats of arms, for each of the members of the city court."

These were the members of the city court in 1656: Cornelius van Tienhoven, Allard Anthony, Oloff Stevensen, Jacob Strycker, Jan Vinje, Johannes Van Brugge, Willem Beeckman, and Hendricks Kip.

Extract from the official records of October 9, 1656 (Singleton, 43): “Evert Duyckinck requests by petition to be informed from whom he is to receive payment for the glass which he put in the church for Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens, demanding 2 ½ beavers for each. The Court decided the petitioner shall go to each one for whom the glass was made for his payment either in trade, or as he can agree the same.”


0-Fort - Fort Amsterdam Taxlots taxlot_0-Fort - Fort Amsterdam 1625-00-00

Construction on Fort Amsterdam was begun in 1625 by Dutch West India Company surveyor and engineer Crijn Fredericksz. Despite professional advice that a masonry structure would best withstand the elements of the waterfront site on which it was built, plus the depredations of rooting hogs and pigs, the fort was constructed of timber and suffered much degradation over time. A four-sided structure with bastions at each corner to protect the sod-covered rubble-filled walls of clay and sand, it  was finally torn down in 1790 following the American Revolution.  During its day, it was variously the center of New Amsterdam’s trading activity, soldiers’ barracks, by 1642 the Reformed Dutch Church, the WIC Director’s house, and a storage depot for West India Company goods. 

Jaap Jacob's book (link is external) https://www.newhollandfoundation.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/PDF-Dutch-Colonial-Fortifications-in-North-America.pdf   has extensive research on the many years in which changes and improvements to the Fort were made.   See pages 12-14.   He notes: 

"An anonymous English description of New Amsterdam indicates that the building works were completed in 1661: … and a Fort foursquare, 100 yards on each side, at each corner flanked out 26 yards. In the midst of the East and westside is a gate opposite to the other; the walls are built with lime and stone, and within filled up with Earth to a considerable breadth for planting guns, whereon are mounted 16. guns. In this Fort is the Church, the Governors house, and houses for soldiers, ammunition, etc.38




0-Gallows Taxlots taxlot_0-Gallows

The Gallows were used for hangings. 

The depiction above is from the H. Stossel painting at the Southstreet Seaport Museum.
(link is external)http://www.seany.org/

0-Wall Taxlots taxlot_0-Wall

Illustration of the plan for the wall from Vol I of the Court Minutes, pg 72.



The Wall. The original plan for a wall of palisades was not utilized.   A less expensive method using uprights and planks was the final outcome.  See the attached article by Charles Gehring of the New Netherland Institute for more info.


In 1653 Petrus Stuyvesant as Director General and the Council of New Amsterdam proposed the building of a wall to protect the community, "in order to repulse a sudden attack".    In the minutes of their meeting, they required that members of the community participate including the Director General and the council, the mayors and schepens, the merchants, the free Africans, slaves and citizens.      The work was expected to take 3 weeks, and during that time, no ships or barks (boats) were permitted to leave so that as many people as possible could participate.


The reality was that the work took almost 4 months, and was completed in July of 1653.  The extremely difficult work of digging a trench at 4-5 feet wide all the way across a granite island, and African enslaved people probably accomplished the majority, if not all, of this part of the construction.  A significant number of people from rest of the community must have also been engaged in moving wood, sawing lumber, and providing provisions for this effort.  In April or May, much of the work would have been made more difficult by the spring rains.


See pages 69-70 of the Council Minutes from 1952-1654 for a detailed description:  (link is external)https://www.newnetherlandinstitute.org/files/3414/0152/0685/Volume_V_-_Council_Minutes_1652-1654.pdf

Much research on the wall has been done at the NYC Municipal Archives:  (link is external)https://newamsterdamstories.archives.nyc/blog/the-dutch-the-english-and-the-wall-that-divided-them

And the New Netherland Institute:   (link is external)https://www.newnetherlandinstitute.org/history-and-heritage/additional-resources/dutch-treats/putting-the-wall-on-wall-street/

According to the minutes dated 17 March 1653, initial plans called for palisades 12 feet long, 18 inches in circumference, and sharpened at  top.    This wall was planned to create a line that stretched  across the island.    However, this plan was much too expensive.  From the article: The Wall that becomes a Street by Charles Gehring we learn:

"During the first Ango-Dutch war (1652-1654) tensions rose between New England and New Netherland as this European naval conflict threatened to spill over into the New World.   In the spring of 1653 a delegation from New England visited Director General Petrus Stuyvesant in New Amsterdam with accusations that en had incited Indians to attack settlements in Connecticut.  When Stuyvesant denied the charges, the new Englanders left abruptly for a conference in Boston, leaving the impression that military action would soon follow.   Stuyvesant responded to the threat by strengthening his defenses on Manhattan.   In addition to repairing Fort Amsterdam plans we made to construct a defensive work across Manhattan on the northern edge of the city.

According to the minutes of the construction committee dated 17 March 1653, initial plans called for palisades 12 feet long, 18 inches in circumference, and sharpened at the upper end to be set in line across the island. Behind the palisades a breastwork would be constructed 4 feet high, 4 feet at the bottom and 3 feet at the top, covered with sod, with a ditch 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep, 2 ½ feet within the breastwork (see sketch which appears in margin of original document). The total length of ground to be lined with palisades was 180 rods (a rod = 13 feet). However, when the job was put up for bid no one came close to the committee’s offer of ƒ25 a rod. The lowest bid was ƒ40 per rod, which would have amounted to a total of ƒ7200 for the job. The committee decided to downsize the project by using planks instead of palisades. The specifications of expenses were: 180 rods make 2340 feet, 15 feet to the plank make 156 planks in length, 9 planks high, altogether 1404 planks at ƒ1 ½ per plank, amounting to ƒ2106. 340 posts at ƒ340; nails at ƒ100; transport costs at ƒ120; labor for setting them up and carpenters’ wages ƒ500. Total ƒ3166."  See:  (link is external)Charles Gehring, The Wall that Became a Street


See Stokes Vol. 4, p. 138  for Mar. 15 for more info on building the wall. Source materials for Stokes begins with Fernow, Records of New Amsterdam, Vol. 1, Court minutes of New Amsterdam,  beginning on p. 69 and shows a sketch on p. 72 showing posts 9 feet above ground.   

Here is the entry from the minutes regarding the wall as a defense:   https://encyclopedia.nahc-mapping.org/document/further-resolution-measures-defense-be-adopted

Although the note from the note below only mentions the Africans, it does describe the process, and we now know that the Council called for teams of people to work together with representation from the entire community.

"When the Africans finished the trench, they formed a wall by standing big logs into it. Each log was 18 inches around and 12 feet long. Then they pounded dirt and stones back into the trench around the base of each log to make the wall strong. They built blockhouses at the ends of the wall, and gates were added where roads ran through it. " 

For more information on slavery in New Netherland, please see Andrea Mosterman’s digital exhibit for the New Netherland Institute:  (link is external)https://www.newnetherlandinstitute.org/history-and-heritage/digital-exhibitions/slavery-exhibit/ and her book (link is external)https://www.amazon.com/Spaces-Enslavement-Resistance-Netherland-Institute/dp/1501715623

0-Wharf Taxlots taxlot_0-Wharf 1659-00-00

The Wharf.  Little has been written of the wharf on New Amsterdam’s East River. It is pictured in the famous “views” of the little city, unprepossessing in size and unscalable in imagination. A contemporary description, written in 1661, says that from the northeast gate at the east end of the palisade, or wall, built across the island, south to Whitehall at the Battery was a distance of 400 yards. In this area, “there is a gutte, whereby at high water boats goe into the towne.” Between this point and Long Island, across the East River, “[big] ships ly at anchor, to lade and unlade goods, secure from hurt of any wind and weather.”  The wharf was meant to serve the smaller boats that wished to move into and out of the town and to help in the loading and unloading of sea-going vessels.

0-Windmill Taxlots taxlot_0-Windmill Windmill

This  painting, Windmill, 1670 by Jacob van Ruisdael, gives an approximation of typical Dutch windmills at the time of New Amsterdam.

A1 Taxlots taxlot_A1 1655-05-21 Tavern

This property was originally a house, but became a 'public house' or tavern under Lodowyck Pos.   Stokes, Vol II.

A10 Taxlots taxlot_A10 1660-12-00 House

Pieter Sinkham, a tailor, was a tenant here in 1660.   The property was owned by Peter Stuyvesant.  Stokes describes this as a "little house".

A11 Taxlots taxlot_A11 1656-06-00 Tavern

An 'Inn of questionable character'.  Stokes

A12 Taxlots taxlot_A12 1652-00-00 House
A12A Taxlots taxlot_A12A Houses - Attached

"At the Belle Videre where Do Drijsij houses stand, there are 4 houses" - De Sille List of 1660 - Stokes.

A13 Taxlots taxlot_A13 1660-10-13 House
A14 Taxlots taxlot_A14 1649-07-00 House
A15 Taxlots taxlot_A15 House

House, garden, and orchard.  Stokes.
Please read the Stokes page for a description of the Company's Garden on Heere Street.

A16 Taxlots taxlot_A16 House

House and garden.  Stokes.

A17 Taxlots taxlot_A17 1657-11-17 House
A18 Taxlots taxlot_A18 House
A2 Taxlots taxlot_A2 1644-00-00 House

Stokes - " Site of No. 1 Broadway."  

A3 Taxlots taxlot_A3 1643-05-16 Tavern

This was both a house and a tavern.   The original structure burned to the ground and Marten rebuilt it and was operating a tavern by 1647.  Stokes.

A4 Taxlots taxlot_A4 1655-03-17 House

Jacob de Lang, merchant, of Bemster, in Holland, bought this house and lot, afterward No . 5 Broadway, March 17, 1655, through his attorney in New Amsterdam, Jacob Hendricksen Backer.—Rec. N. Am., I: 75 ; Liber Deeds, A : 10.

The deed recites that a certified copy was made, confirmed with the city seal—evidently with the purpose of transmission to the purchaser, who appears never to have visited New Netherland. Backer delivered the deed to his patron, September 15, 1659.—Ibid., A : 177.

The house was built by Jan Hendricksen Steelman, alias Coopall, or Buy All, whose various activities had landed him deeply in debt to Jacob Jansen de Lang.—Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 65-7.

De Lang's widow, Maria Verveelen, sold the property in 1664 to Francis Boon {Liber Deeds, B : 47), who, in turn, conveyed it to Gerrit van Tright in 1665.—Ibid., B : 8

A5 Taxlots taxlot_A5 1656-01-00 House
A6 Taxlots taxlot_A6 House

Small house.  Stokes.

A7 Taxlots taxlot_A7 1660-06-15 House
A8 Taxlots taxlot_A8 1649-06-06 Land
A9 Taxlots taxlot_A9
B1 Taxlots taxlot_B1 1656-10-00 House

This house was originally built by a wealthy merchant.

B10 Taxlots taxlot_B10 School

This was the Latin School.

B2 Taxlots taxlot_B2 Orchard

This property is an orchard.  

B3 Taxlots taxlot_B3 House
B4A Taxlots taxlot_B4A House
B4B Taxlots taxlot_B4B House
B5A Taxlots taxlot_B5A 1657-05-27 House
B5B Taxlots taxlot_B5B 1659-02-19 House
B6 Taxlots taxlot_B6 1661-09-06 House

'House and Lot by the Land Gate' Stokes.

B7 Taxlots taxlot_B7 House

A wheelwright purchased this lot in 1661.   A house was built on the lot,
but the wheelwright lived elsewhere.    

The measurements of this house in the model are currently:

13' Wide x 25' Deep x 10' Tall.

This is an approximation, as the house has not yet been modeled in detail.


B8 Taxlots taxlot_B8 House
B9 Taxlots taxlot_B9 House, Brewery

House and Brewhouse. Stokes.

Beyond-the-Wall1 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall1 1647-05-15 House

Small House.

Beyond-the-Wall10 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall10 1654-04-12 Garden - Formal

What was once a formal garden is now part of Trinity Church Yard.  Stokes.

Beyond-the-Wall2 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall2 House


Beyond-the-Wall3 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall3 1653-01-28 Land

Maize Land. Stokes.

Beyond-the-Wall4 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall4 Land

Maize Land. Stokes.

Beyond-the-Wall5 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall5 House
Beyond-the-Wall6 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall6 House
Beyond-the-Wall7 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall7 1648-07-16 House
Beyond-the-Wall8 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall8 1656-10-00 House
Beyond-the-Wall9 Taxlots taxlot_Beyond-the-Wall9 House

Was owned by Marinus Adriaensen  (Maryn Adriaensen)     Bio info is available for him in Stokes.   Requires further research.

C1 Taxlots taxlot_C1 House

Substantial buildings including a cooperage and homestead. Stokes.

C10 Taxlots taxlot_C10 House

House owned by Samuel Edsall but rented to Jan Fries. Stokes.

C11 Taxlots taxlot_C11 1657-07-00 House
C12 Taxlots taxlot_C12 1659-07-09 House
C13 Taxlots taxlot_C13 1660-05-08 House

This was the 'southerly house' mentioned in Stokes description.   Although this house belonged to Pieter Rudolphus in 1660, his residence was on Prince Gracht  (C34).  Stokes.

At one time this house belonged to Cosyn Gerritsen van Putten, the main wheelwright for the colony, so it may have had a wheelwright's workshop at one time.

C14 Taxlots taxlot_C14 1660-05-08 House

This is described as the 'northerly house' in Stokes.

C15 Taxlots taxlot_C15 1659-09-24 Boarding House
C16 Taxlots taxlot_C16 1654-08-18 School

In a part of this house school was kept here by Harmanus van Hoboocken before his own house at L10 was built.

C17 Taxlots taxlot_C17 1659-03-00 House
C18 Taxlots taxlot_C18 1656-03-00 House

C 18 and 18A = "1 large new and 1 small decayed old house"   It appears that #18 was the new house and 18A the old house.  Stokes.

Schulyer, who owned this property lived in Albany.

C18A Taxlots taxlot_C18A 1656-03-00 House

Small, old decayed house.

Schulyer lived in Albany.

C19 Taxlots taxlot_C19 1654-12-00 House
C19A Taxlots taxlot_C19A 1654-12-00 House
C19B Taxlots taxlot_C19B 1654-12-00 House
C2 Taxlots taxlot_C2 1645-00-00 House
C20 Taxlots taxlot_C20 1659-00-00 House
C21 Taxlots taxlot_C21

Stokes description of this property is unclear as to function or property type.   Review by Scholarly committee or more information necessary, especially as Red Lion Brewery is listed elsewhere.  TD 11-2-09

C22 Taxlots taxlot_C22 1653-03-22 Poorhouse

The Deaconry of New Amsterdam purchased this property from Paulus van der Beeck.   Most probably, it was the first poorhouse.  Stokes.

C23 Taxlots taxlot_C23 1660-01-00 House
C23A Taxlots taxlot_C23A 1660-01-00 House
C24 Taxlots taxlot_C24 1651-00-00 House

Little house/cottage. Stokes.

C25 Taxlots taxlot_C25 1656-06-00 House
C26 Taxlots taxlot_C26 1660-07-10 House
C27 Taxlots taxlot_C27 1659-07-00 House

Purchased on speculation.  Stokes.

C28 Taxlots taxlot_C28 1658-03-00 House
C29 Taxlots taxlot_C29
C3 Taxlots taxlot_C3 1645-00-00 Tavern
C30 Taxlots taxlot_C30 1658-03-00 House
C31 Taxlots taxlot_C31 1660-05-31 House
C32 Taxlots taxlot_C32 1659-03-00 House

Modest cottage. Stokes

C33 Taxlots taxlot_C33 House
C34 Taxlots taxlot_C34 1656-00-00 House

'...low, wide, house, with a wing...covered the entire frontage of the street, about 30 feet....'  Stokes.

C35 Taxlots taxlot_C35 House
C36 Taxlots taxlot_C36 House
C4 Taxlots taxlot_C4 1650-10-02 Tavern

Possibly both a house and a tavern.  Stokes is a bit unclear.  TD. 2009-10-04

C5 Taxlots taxlot_C5 1660-00-00 House
C6 Taxlots taxlot_C6 1653-10-15…1656-01-21 House
C7 Taxlots taxlot_C7 1659-01-20 House

Original Patent of Isaac Allerton and Govert Loockermans for 2 lots of land on Manhattan Island 

 (link is external)http://digitalcollections.archives.nysed.gov/index.php/Detail/objects/51145

C8 Taxlots taxlot_C8 1659-01-00 House
C9 Taxlots taxlot_C9 1658-09-04 House
D1 Taxlots taxlot_D1 House
D10 Taxlots taxlot_D10 1656-00-00 Brewery

The brewery was a large building.  '.....occupying 3 sides of the quadrangle...'   A well is also mentioned.  See Stokes D10.

D10A Taxlots taxlot_D10A 1656-00-00 House

This was the residence of Oloff Stevensen van Cortlandt and part of the compound including the very large brewery, a well, possibly outbuildings, and 2 other houses.   Stokes 10-10A-10B-10C.

D10B Taxlots taxlot_D10B 1656-00-00 House

This house was part of the compound that included the large brewery,  Olaf Stevensen Van Cortlandt's residence and another house.

D10C Taxlots taxlot_D10C 1656-00-00 House

This house was part of the compound containing the large brewery, Olaf Stevensen Van Cortlandt's residence, and another house.

D11 Taxlots taxlot_D11 1659-09-01 House

Since Abraham de la Noy is listed as an innkeeper, it is possible that this house was also used as an inn.   Stokes is not clear about this. TD 11-05-09

D12 Taxlots taxlot_D12 1655-10-00 House

...large house with ornamental dormers...Stokes.

D13 Taxlots taxlot_D13 1659-04-00 House


D14 Taxlots taxlot_D14 1659-04-00 House

A cottage rented to a young shoemaker and his wife. Stokes.

D15 Taxlots taxlot_D15 House


D16 Taxlots taxlot_D16 House

Little house.

D17 Taxlots taxlot_D17 House
D18 Taxlots taxlot_D18 1651-00-00 House
D19 Taxlots taxlot_D19 1658-03-00 House

This was 2 small houses until purchased by David Wessels who demolished the small cooper's house.

D2 Taxlots taxlot_D2 House
D20 Taxlots taxlot_D20 1659-06-00 House
D21 Taxlots taxlot_D21 1655-00-00 House

This was a house and lot rented to Meindert Barentsen 1,660,016 by Bout.   Original deed at New York Historical Society.

D22 Taxlots taxlot_D22 House

House and double lot.

D2A Taxlots taxlot_D2A House
D3 Taxlots taxlot_D3 1659-02-00 House
D4 Taxlots taxlot_D4 1658-01-29 House

House and outbuilding.

D5 Taxlots taxlot_D5 1657-00-00 Tavern

Most scholars refer to this property as the White Horse Tavern.    For a dozen years,  Philipe Geraerdy kept tavern here, and prospered,  he died some time in  December, 1654.   His son ran the tavern for a short time and then sold the building.

The Wooden Horse Tavern. Stokes

Some time in or before 1657.

D6 Taxlots taxlot_D6 1657-00-00 Tavern

House of Maria Polet, widow of Philip Geraerdy.....she kept a tavern here....   Stokes.   It is not clear from Stokes if this house was a house, or both a house and a part of the Wooden Horse Tavern at D5.  For the sake of the model, we will assume that it is a house, where perhaps she took on overflow customers from the Wooden Horse next door.    Maria is not listed in the Holland Society's original list of ancestors and so it is not possible to associate her with this house.   This is a functionality that must revised in future iterations.    TD 11-04-09

D7 Taxlots taxlot_D7 1656-04-26 House

Ebbingh is described as a 'wealthy merchant', so the house might reflect that.

D8 Taxlots taxlot_D8 Houses - Attached

D8 and D9 were double attached houses, made of brick.

D9 Taxlots taxlot_D9 1653-10-15 Houses - Attached

D8 and D9 were double attached houses made of brick.

E1 Taxlots taxlot_E1 1660-00-00 House
E10 Taxlots taxlot_E10 1643-04-28 House
E11 Taxlots taxlot_E11 1643-04-28 House
E12 Taxlots taxlot_E12 House
E13 Taxlots taxlot_E13 House
E14 Taxlots taxlot_E14 House
E15 Taxlots taxlot_E15 House
E16 Taxlots taxlot_E16 Shop

...In his shop...he dealt as a mercer, selling silks, linens, galloon, lace, stockings and buttons.... Stokes.

E17 Taxlots taxlot_E17 1660-01-12 House
E18 Taxlots taxlot_E18 House
E19 Taxlots taxlot_E19 House
E2 Taxlots taxlot_E2 1660-00-00 House
E20 Taxlots taxlot_E20 House
E21 Taxlots taxlot_E21 House

Jacob Hendricksen and Jacob Stryker, Jr. shared a half interest in this property in the year 1660.

E22 Taxlots taxlot_E22 1646-00-00 House

small house

E23 Taxlots taxlot_E23 1659-00-00 Hospital

became The Gasthuys (Hospital)

E24 Taxlots taxlot_E24 1659-00-00 Hospital

became The Gasthuys (Hospital)

E2A Taxlots taxlot_E2A 1660-00-00 House
E3 Taxlots taxlot_E3 1658-02-07 House
E4A Taxlots taxlot_E4A House

...pretentious...double gable to the street....Stokes

E5 Taxlots taxlot_E5 1646-04-23 House
E6 Taxlots taxlot_E6 Houses - Attached

5 houses of the Company....Stokes

These were attached houses owned by the DWIC, and used to house the company's servants as well as goods and merchandise.
"Jacob Hendricks, "the barber' (i.e. Varrenvanger), is stated to have been living in the Company's house."  Stokes

E7 Taxlots taxlot_E7 1658-07-27 House

This property later became a school house.

E8 Taxlots taxlot_E8 1643-04-28 House
E9 Taxlots taxlot_E9 1643-04-28 House
F1 Taxlots taxlot_F1 1647-01-21 House Sara Roelofse Kierstede (ID: 660,028)

This was the residence of Dr. Hans Kierstede and his wife, Sara Roelof Kierstede.

F10 Taxlots taxlot_F10 House

In 1656 Isaac De Forest built a house on the grounds of the old church which is described as "which was an ornament to the City."   Stokes

F11 Taxlots taxlot_F11 Tavern

This is described as a small house and a tavern in Stokes.

F12 Taxlots taxlot_F12 1659-07-00 House

Small house.

F13 Taxlots taxlot_F13 House
F14 Taxlots taxlot_F14 1656-00-00 Shop

Baker's shop. Stokes

F15 Taxlots taxlot_F15 House
F15A Taxlots taxlot_F15A House
F16 Taxlots taxlot_F16 Tavern

Tavern, granted permission to tap in 1656.

F2 Taxlots taxlot_F2 House

Cornelis Steenwyck's "elaborate dwelling-house (F2,3,4) was erected upon the south-east corner of the present Whitehall and .Bridge Streets, now know n as No. 27  Whitehall Street."  Stokes

F3 Taxlots taxlot_F3 House
F4 Taxlots taxlot_F4 Great House

....Cornelis Steenwyck....His elaborate dwelling house....Stokes

The measurements of this house in the model are currently:

19'3" Wide  x  45'11"  Deep  x  11'10" Tall.

This is an approximation, as the house has not yet been modeled in detail.


F5 Taxlots taxlot_F5 Warehouse

Paulus Leendersen built this tall warehouse in 1650.

F6 Taxlots taxlot_F6 1649-00-00 Warehouse

Pack House of the DWIC.

F7 Taxlots taxlot_F7 1645-07-16 Warehouse

This warehouse is described as a 3 story building in Stokes.

F8 Taxlots taxlot_F8 Great House

...his extensive dwelling here was referred to as "van Tienhoven's Great House."....

F9 Taxlots taxlot_F9 Great House

This lot was also part of ..."van Tienhoven's Great House"...Stokes.

G1 Taxlots taxlot_G1 House

"...a pretty cottage, which, in 1660, belonged to Annetje Jans Bogardus, then living at Albany....A splendid tree shaded the cottage--shaded, too, the smaller house at the rear belonging to Trijin Jonas, the midwife......."Stokes

Both Annetje and Trijin are not listed as Ancestors under the current configuration of the model.  This points to the issue of assigning ownership of these lots to Spouses and/or developing a list of Female Ancestors vs. Male Ancestors in the next phase of the project.  TD -11-12-09

G10 Taxlots taxlot_G10 1658-08-02 House
G11 Taxlots taxlot_G11 1652-03-04 House
G2 Taxlots taxlot_G2 House

--a fair sized house, with a stable in the rear, and a trim garden with fruit trees....Stokes

G3 Taxlots taxlot_G3 1649-05-26 House
G3 Taxlots taxlot_G3 1649-05-26 House
G4 Taxlots taxlot_G4 Tavern

tavern, was a maritime building, many seafaring men frequented it.

G5 Taxlots taxlot_G5 1659-04-00 Land

...house...an old one...had probably fallen into complete decay.   The Plan shows that it was demolished before July, 1660...Stokes

G6 Taxlots taxlot_G6 House
G7 Taxlots taxlot_G7 1654-10-00 House
G8 Taxlots taxlot_G8 House
G9 Taxlots taxlot_G9 1660-00-00 House
H1 Taxlots taxlot_H1 1656-00-00 House
H2 Taxlots taxlot_H2 House

No. 2 and 2A   -   Jan Evertsen Bout is said to have lived here.   He owned a much better house in Block D (No. 21), but he lived at Breuckelen the greater part of the time.  His domicile in New Amsterdam seems to have been for business purposes.....Stokes.

H2A Taxlots taxlot_H2A House

No. 2 and 2A - Jan Evertsen Bout is said to have lived here. He owned a much better house in Block D (No. 21), but he lived at Breuckelen the greater part of the time. His domicile in New Amsterdam seems to have been for business purposes.....Stokes.

H3 Taxlots taxlot_H3 House
H4 Taxlots taxlot_H4 1653-00-00 House
H5 Taxlots taxlot_H5 House
J1 Taxlots taxlot_J1 1658-02-00 Great House

.....Stuyvesant's house was probably built of stone.....Stokes J1

J10 Taxlots taxlot_J10 1659-07-00 House
J11 Taxlots taxlot_J11 1647-00-00 House
J12 Taxlots taxlot_J12 1647-07-29 House
J13 Taxlots taxlot_J13 1652-01-07 House
J14 Taxlots taxlot_J14 1656-10-23 Tavern
J15 Taxlots taxlot_J15 Warehouse
J2 Taxlots taxlot_J2 1661-00-00 House
J3 Taxlots taxlot_J3 1657-00-00 House
J4 Taxlots taxlot_J4 House
J5 Taxlots taxlot_J5 1657-10-00 House
J6 Taxlots taxlot_J6 1660-00-00 House
J7 Taxlots taxlot_J7 1664-05-00 House
J9 Taxlots taxlot_J9 1656-00-00 House
J9A Taxlots taxlot_J9A 1656-00-00 House
K1 Taxlots taxlot_K1 House

House and orchard.

K2 Taxlots taxlot_K2 1665-00-00 House
K2 Taxlots taxlot_K2 1665-00-00 House
K3 Taxlots taxlot_K3 1665-00-00 House
K4 Taxlots taxlot_K4 House

little house

K5 Taxlots taxlot_K5 House
K6 Taxlots taxlot_K6 House
K7 Taxlots taxlot_K7 1658-02-00 House

THis property belonged to Janneken Bonus.  She was a widow with children.  See Stokes.   Janneken is not listed under the list of ancestors.  In Phase II she must be included.  TD.

K8 Taxlots taxlot_K8 1657-12-00 House
L1 Taxlots taxlot_L1 1658-00-00 Garden
L10 Taxlots taxlot_L10 1660-01-00 School

The "trivial school" of Harmanus van Hobocken

The measurements of this house in the model are currently:

12.5' Wide  x  22'  Deep  x  10' 4" Tall.

This is an approximation, as the house has not yet been modeled in detail.


L11 Taxlots taxlot_L11 1660-06-01 House
L12 Taxlots taxlot_L12 House

In 1660 this house was the scene of a double wedding as both of Nicassius' daughters were wed here.

L2 Taxlots taxlot_L2 House

little cottage

L3 Taxlots taxlot_L3 Brewery

Red Lion Brewery

L4 Taxlots taxlot_L4 1655-00-00 House
L5 Taxlots taxlot_L5 House
L6 Taxlots taxlot_L6 1659-03-03 House
L7 Taxlots taxlot_L7 1656-00-00 House
L8 Taxlots taxlot_L8 1658-12-00 House
L9 Taxlots taxlot_L9 House

Little house.

M1 Taxlots taxlot_M1 1644-06-01 Houses - Attached

6 houses were built on this lot by Adriaen Vincent.

M10 Taxlots taxlot_M10 House

DWIC owned this property to house enslaved workers from Africa and the Americas.  It was the "house of the company's negroes'" as listed in Stokes.

In Andrea Mosterman's book  (link is external)Spaces of Enslavement , she notes " New York's enslaved population also included a significant number of Native Americans.  In fact, frequent references to enslaved Native Americans in colonial legislation suggest that their enslavement was not uncommon in the region, even though a 1679 law prohibited the bondage of New York's indigenous populations and granted freedom to Native Americans who had been brought into the colony from other parts of the Americas after they had been there for six months.  Thus, New York's enslaved population consisted of an ethnically diverse mix of men, women, and children of African and Native American descent." p 6

"The men and women enslaved by the company helped build the colony's infrastructure and fortifications, such as Fort Amsterdam, clear the land, develop its agriculture, and tend to livestock." p 23

" Enslaved men who worked in chains likely produced some of the most physically taxing labor, such as the digging of the canals.  Their circumstances were so severe that working alongside them became a form of punishment in the colony...."  See this document as an example: https://encyclopedia.nahc-mapping.org/document/dutch-colonial-council-minutes-17-may-6-june-1644

" By the 1660's, the seven or eight people still enslaved by the company in New Amsterdam may have inhabited this building as well. ..... if most of the people enslaved by the company lived here, which was likely the case considering that it was referred to as the house of the company slaves, it housed multiple families, thus leaving little privacy and space for each of them." p 35

We are estimating that this meant there may have been 7-8 families living in the very small house, so perhaps as many as 35-40 people.  More research may provide additional information.  TD 2023

M11 Taxlots taxlot_M11 House

...mean little house...Stokes

M12 Taxlots taxlot_M12 1643-00-00 House

This was the house of a master glazier known for creating stained glass windows.

M13 Taxlots taxlot_M13 House

little house

M14 Taxlots taxlot_M14 1658-08-26 House
M15 Taxlots taxlot_M15 House
M16 Taxlots taxlot_M16 House
M17 Taxlots taxlot_M17 1656-04-04 Brewery

Brew house of Michael Vreeland

M18 Taxlots taxlot_M18 Great House

Tax Lots M18 and 19 were owned by Rutger Jacobsen.   He built this house, after October 4, 1649 and before October 15, 1655....  "It seems to have been the finest residence on the block, with a coach-house, or possibly a small warehouse, in the rear (No. 19).  The garden was more than 150 feet deep....

M19 Taxlots taxlot_M19 Warehouse

Coach house or warehouse

M2 Taxlots taxlot_M2 1660-05-01 House

Although Thomas Davidts owned this property, he was often in Albany, and the house was occupied by Foppe Robberts.

M20 Taxlots taxlot_M20 1658-08-26 House
M21 Taxlots taxlot_M21 1658-07-31 Smithy

(site of Burger Jorrisen’s smithy, 1655); this would have been both a smithy and a house

M22 Taxlots taxlot_M22 1660-04-14 House

Meindert Barentsen and his wife's mother occupied houses at M22 and M23.   See Stokes file attached for details.

M23 Taxlots taxlot_M23 1660-04-14 House

Meindert Barentsen and his wife's mother occupied houses at M22 and M23. See Stokes file attached for details.

M3 Taxlots taxlot_M3 House
M4 Taxlots taxlot_M4 House
M5 Taxlots taxlot_M5 House

M5 and M6 are 2 small dwellings.

M6 Taxlots taxlot_M6 1644-06-01 House
M7 Taxlots taxlot_M7 1655-04-07 Tavern

Tavern where brawls often took place.

M8 Taxlots taxlot_M8 1656-06-00 House
M9 Taxlots taxlot_M9 1652-00-00 House
N1 Taxlots taxlot_N1 1660-06-01 House

Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven (263) aquired this property from Govert Loockermans (151).  (Notes from the Index to the Castello Plan).


N10 Taxlots taxlot_N10 1656-00-00 House

"old stone house of van Couwenhowen", see Stokes Vol II for more details. 

N11 Taxlots taxlot_N11 House

Tielman van Vleck (349) and his wife Maghdaleentee Herlyn (660,038)acquired this property from from Michiel Paulussen (1660134). (Notes from the Index to the Castello Plan.)

N12 Taxlots taxlot_N12 1658-12-16 Tavern

Aris Otto's tavern was described as being 'not of a very high order'.

N13 Taxlots taxlot_N13 1646-07-02 House
N14 Taxlots taxlot_N14 1646-07-02 Houses - Attached
N15 Taxlots taxlot_N15 Land

This house may not have existed in 1660 or was under construction. Wessell Evertsen (1,660,063) was in the process of building the house for Assur Levy (1,660,117).   Levy  took occupancy in June 1, 1663.   (Stokes Vol II).

N16 Taxlots taxlot_N16 House
N2 Taxlots taxlot_N2 1646-00-00…1655-00-00 Brewery

Home of Govert Loockermans (151), a wealthy brewer who became a major landholder in New Amsterdam.  Described in Stokes as 'house and brewhouse',  it is later described in Stokes as "the great stone brewhouse".

Measurements for this house in the model would be the equivalent of:
20' 8" X 29' 4" X 18'
Length X Width X Height

N3 Taxlots taxlot_N3 House

"Claas Karstensen" of Sant, in Norway own this little house until October 1662 when he sold it to Aldert Conick.  (Stokes).

N4 Taxlots taxlot_N4 1658-00-00 House
N5 Taxlots taxlot_N5 1659-00-00 House

Gysbert Teunissen van Barnevelt (1660180) was listed as a farmer.  As a result, we have modeled this house as a farmer's house.  TD

Here are the dimensions used in creating the 3D model of this house:

Width (Frontage on the Street) - 15'10"
Length - 29' 8.1"
Height from finished floor to beginning of roof line - 7' 9"
Interior Height from floor to ceiling - 7'8"
Roof Height from floor level to top peak of roof - 20'4"

The measurements were researched by Len Tantillo

N6 Taxlots taxlot_N6 1654-04-17 House

Stokes describes this property as a house built by the Chimney Sweep, Pieter Andriessen Schoorsteenweger (1660156), and sold to William Herrick (1660075).

N7 Taxlots taxlot_N7 1648-00-00 Tavern

Pieter's tavern was in operation for many years, as he was listed as a tapster as early as 1648.

Measurements for this house as it is represented in the model would be the equivalent of:

15' 9.5" X 27' 5.5" x 12' 7.5"
Length X Width X Height

N8 Taxlots taxlot_N8 1656-00-00 Mill

Taxlots 8,9,and 10 were owned by Nicholas de Meyer in 1660 and included a house and a mill.  See Stokes Vol II for more details.   Lot #10 was the old stone house, the mill was at the western end, and the garden was in between according to Stokes. TD.

N9 Taxlots taxlot_N9 1656-00-00 Garden

Taxlots 8, 9, 10 were purchased by Nicholas de Meyer and contained a mill, a lot, and a stone house.  Lot #10 was the stone house and was occupied by Nicholas and his family.  According to Stokes, the western end was the mill, the house was lot #10 and the garden was in between.   See Stokes VolII for more details.  TD.

O1 Taxlots taxlot_O1 1658-01-12 House
O2 Taxlots taxlot_O2 1660-02-00 House
O3 Taxlots taxlot_O3 1644-12-15 House

Little house likely to have been the home of Cornelis Melyen.

O4 Taxlots taxlot_O4 House

It is likely that Adolph Pietersen was occupying this property in 1660 as the notes on the Index to the Catello Plan suggest that Mattheus built it for him in 1651.   However, Adolph Pietersen is not currently in our data set.  TD

O5 Taxlots taxlot_O5 House

Small house built by poet. Poorly maintained chimney. See Stokes Vol II

O6 Taxlots taxlot_O6 House
O7 Taxlots taxlot_O7 1657-07-05 House
O8 Taxlots taxlot_O8

Blocks O8 and O9 are described as: de Stadt Huys

O9 Taxlots taxlot_O9

Blocks O8 and O9 are described as: de Stadt Huys

P1 Taxlots taxlot_P1 1660-00-00 House
P10 Taxlots taxlot_P10 House
P11 Taxlots taxlot_P11 House

This house would have had every convenience of the time.  TD See Stokes Vol II.

P12 Taxlots taxlot_P12 1660-00-00 House
P13 Taxlots taxlot_P13 1660-00-00 House
P2 Taxlots taxlot_P2 1647-11-00 Land

Stokes description is not clear about whether or not this parcel was developed by 1660.  TD

P3 Taxlots taxlot_P3 1647-11-00 Land

Stokes is not clear about whether or not this parcel was developed by 1660. TD.

P4 Taxlots taxlot_P4 House

Charles Bridges acquired this property through his marriage to Sarah Cornell, but he retained only a life estate.  The property went back to the Willett Family.  (Sarah Cornell had been married to Thomas Willett.) TD - See Stokes Vol II. 

P5 Taxlots taxlot_P5 House
P6 Taxlots taxlot_P6 1658-03-28 Tavern
P7 Taxlots taxlot_P7 Tavern

La Chair ran an unsuccessful tavern in this house.  See Stokes Vol II for more info. TD

P8 Taxlots taxlot_P8 House
P9 Taxlots taxlot_P9 House

Smith, Richard (c.1596-1666) Richard Smith was born in Thornbury, Gloucestershire ca. 1596.   In 1621, he married Johan Barton and they had 5 children:  Johan 1624; Katheryne 1627; James 1629; Richard 1630; and Elizabeth 1632.  About 1635 he moved his family to Taunton in the Plymouth colony, and arrived in New Amsterdam in 1641.  During the 1640's Smith  conducted a flourishing trading business in New Amsterdam.  He owned a sloop, the Welcome, on which he carried European trade goods to his post at Cocumscussoc where he exchanged them for furs.  In 1648, Smith bought out his rival Jan Wilcox and in 1651 he purchased the trading business and adjacent property of Roger Williams.  Smith served as one of the 'Eight Men", and advisory council to the Dutch Director, Kieft.   Smith's daughter, Katheryne married Gysbert OpDyck, and his daughter Johan married Thomas Newton.  The Smith family left New Amsterdam in 1649.   Gysbert and Katheryne remained in New Amsterdam where Katheryne died about 1660.  Richard Smith died at Cosumscussoc in 1666.

Paraphrased from: Smith's Castle at Cocumscossoc: Four Centuries of Rhode Island History, Neil G. Dunay, Norma LaSalle, R.Darrell McIntire, 2003. 

Based on the above information, we have modeled the house assuming that Gysbert OpDyck and Richard Smith's daughter Katherine remain in residence during 1660.    Richard Smith was a wealthy merchant dealing in European goods and furs, and the house would have reflected his prosperous business.   

Narrative Action:  Katherine died about 1660 so we have attempted to show a funeral, or to have people stop by the house to pay respects to Gysbert OpDyck.

The measurements of this house in the model are currently:

30' 5.5" Wide  x  11.5'  Deep  x  8' Tall.


Q1 Taxlots taxlot_Q1 Houses - Attached

Two small houses under one roof.  They were rented to Mathys Muller, town watchman, and Gerrit Pilser.   The houses may not have been in very good condition. 

Q10 Taxlots taxlot_Q10 1654-05-17 House

'neglected little house and lot'.

Q11 Taxlots taxlot_Q11 1659-06-00 House
Q12A Taxlots taxlot_Q12A 1660-00-00 House
Q12B Taxlots taxlot_Q12B 1660-00-00 House

House rented by Claes Claesen Smith from Andries Jochemsen.    Claes allowed goats to ruin the orchard and garden.

This is one of 3 houses built by Claes Hendricksen, master carpenter.

Q12C Taxlots taxlot_Q12C 1660-00-00 Great House, Tavern

One of three houses built by master carpenter Claes Hendricksen.  This one was the 'Great House' that Claes lived in, and that Andries Jochemsen lived in after he purchased all three houses circa 1660.

Jochemsen, a sailmaker, also decided to open a tavern here in 1657.

Q13 Taxlots taxlot_Q13 House

This house was sold to Willem Pietersen.  We do not currently have information on him.  TD 2-18-2010

Q14 Taxlots taxlot_Q14 1649-07-11 House

See Stokes Taxlot Q14 for a detailed account of this property.

Q15 Taxlots taxlot_Q15 1657-11-28 House
Q16 Taxlots taxlot_Q16 1644-00-00 House

Burger Jorisen had 3 lots.  This one was the residence, Q17 was the still, and Q18 was the smithy.  Stokes.

Q17 Taxlots taxlot_Q17 1660-00-00 Still House
Q18 Taxlots taxlot_Q18 1660-00-00 Smithy
Q19 Taxlots taxlot_Q19 House

This house belonged to the estate of Govert Loockermans, until 1672, when it was sold to Joannes van Brugh.

Q2 Taxlots taxlot_Q2 1659-01-00 House
Q20 Taxlots taxlot_Q20 House
Q21 Taxlots taxlot_Q21 House
Q22 Taxlots taxlot_Q22 House
Q23 Taxlots taxlot_Q23 Outbuilding

Small outbuilding.

Q24 Taxlots taxlot_Q24 Tavern
Q25 Taxlots taxlot_Q25 1657-00-00 House
Q26 Taxlots taxlot_Q26 House
Q3 Taxlots taxlot_Q3 1657-00-00 House
Q4 Taxlots taxlot_Q4

Description of this property in Stokes is not clear.  May be a bowerie, may be a house.

Q5 Taxlots taxlot_Q5 1660-00-00 House

This house had 8 small apple trees on the property.

Q6 Taxlots taxlot_Q6 1659-03-29 House
Q7 Taxlots taxlot_Q7 1659-03-29 House
Q8 Taxlots taxlot_Q8 House
Q9 Taxlots taxlot_Q9 House

Large House

Q9A Taxlots taxlot_Q9A House

Small house rented to Andries Jochemsen by Daniel Litschoe.

R1 Taxlots taxlot_R1 1651-08-29 Office - Factor

R1- Dwelling; R2 - Tobacco warehouse of Albert Andriessen...who established a trading post here.  He used the house as an office for his factor.

R2 Taxlots taxlot_R2 1651-08-29 Warehouse

Tobacco warehouse

R3 Taxlots taxlot_R3 1647-00-00 House

R 3 and 3A are listed as the homes of Claes van Elslant and of Andries Claessen, his son.

R3A Taxlots taxlot_R3A 1647-00-00 House
R4 Taxlots taxlot_R4 Carpenter's Shop

...every indication that this structure, ...was not a dwelling, but a carpenter's shop....Stokes Taxlot R4

R5 Taxlots taxlot_R5 Tavern
R6 Taxlots taxlot_R6 House
R7 Taxlots taxlot_R7 House
R8 Taxlots taxlot_R8 House
R9 Taxlots taxlot_R9 House
Area of present East Marion (1661) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Area of present East Marion (1661) 1661-00-00 The Corchaugs were still present when six English families settled in 1661…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Marion,_New_York
Christopher and Thomas Foster Land Purchase (1650) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Christopher and Thomas Foster Land Purchase (1650) 1650-00-00 In 1650, Christopher and Thomas Foster purchased a large plot of land…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmont,_New_York
Dongan grant (1683) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Dongan grant (1683) 1683-00-00 Thomas Dongan, the fourth royal governor of New York, was granted an 800-acre parcel of land in 1683 that included New Hyde Park. It was known as "Dongan's Farm."
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Hyde_Park,_New_York
Grant to Colonel William "Tangier" Smith (1663) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Grant to Colonel William "Tangier" Smith (1663) 1693-00-00 The area of the hamlet once laid within the huge tract of land known as Manor St. George, a land grant given to Col. William "Tangier" Smith in 1693…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manorville,_New_York
Indian Land Sale (c. 1660) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Indian Land Sale (c. 1660) 1653-00-00 The settlement began circa 1653 with purchase of land from the local natives…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurel_Hollow,_New_York
John Carman and Robert Fordham land purchase (1643) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_John Carman and Robert Fordham land purchase (1643) 1643-00-00 In 1643, John Carman and Robert Fordham sailed across the Long Island Sound from Stamford, Connecticut and purchased the land. The Village of East Hills was incorporated on June 24, 1931…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Hills,_New_York
Land purchase from local natives (1655) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Land purchase from local natives (1655) 1655-00-00 In 1655, a handful of land-speculating colonists orchestrated the purchase of the Setauket area from the local natives…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setauket,_New_York
Land purchase from Setalcott tribe (1664) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Land purchase from Setalcott tribe (1664) 1664-00-00 The land that Miller Place occupies was purchased from the native Setalcott tribe in 1664 by settlers of Setauket. By the early 1700s, the community had become known as Miller's Place…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller_Place,_New_York
Purchase by Dutch West India Company (1640) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Purchase by Dutch West India Company (1640) 1640-00-00 In the year 1640, 14 years after the arrival of Dutch colonists in Manhattan (New Amsterdam), the area that is now Valley Stream was purchased by the Dutch West India Company. The Village of Valley Stream was incorporated in 1925 as a result of its growth…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_Stream,_New_York
Richard Latting - Tribal land purchase (1660) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Richard Latting - Tribal land purchase (1660) 1660-00-00 The Matinecock sold the area in 1660 to Richard Latting…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattingtown,_New_York
Robert Williams land purchase (1648) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Robert Williams land purchase (1648) 1648-00-00 Plainview's origins date to 1648, when Robert Williams, a settler from Wales, bought land in the area…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plainview,_New_York
Theophilus Eaton land purchase from Chorchaug Indians (1640) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Theophilus Eaton land purchase from Chorchaug Indians (1640) 1640-00-00 Corchaug Indians, who were the first residents of the area, sold land to Theophilus Eaton, governor of New Haven, Connecticut. The area was eventually settled by English colonists. The meadowlands were held in common by the residents of Southold from its...
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mattituck,_New_York
Thomas Powell Indian land purchase (1695) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Thomas Powell Indian land purchase (1695) 1695-00-00 In 1695, Thomas Powell bought about 10,000 acres (40 km2) from local Indian tribes…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Bethpage,_New_York
Tribal land purchase from Lenape (1643) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Tribal land purchase from Lenape (1643) 1643-00-00 The city of Long Beach's first inhabitants were the Algonquian-speaking Lenape, who sold the area to English colonists in 1643. In 1906, William H. Reynolds, a 39-year-old real estate developer and former state senator, became involved in the area…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Beach,_New_York
Tribal land purchase from Matinecock tribe (1654) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Tribal land purchase from Matinecock tribe (1654) 1654-00-00 In 1654, the Matinecock Native Americans sold 3,000 acres (12 km2) of what is now called Lloyd Neck to English settlers from Oyster Bay. The Matinecock referred to the region as Caumsett ("place by sharp rock")…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Harbor,_New_York
Tribal land sale from Chief Asharoken (1656) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_Tribal land sale from Chief Asharoken (1656) 1656-07-30 On July 30, 1656, land was purchased from Chief Asharoken…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Northport,_New_York
William Nicoll land purchase (November 29, 1683) Wikipedia Villages and Hamlets wikipedia_villages_and_hamlets_lots_William Nicoll land purchase (November 29, 1683) 1683-11-29 On November 29, 1683, William Nicoll (Nicolls), founder of the Town of Islip and son of New York City Mayor Matthias Nicoll, was awarded the first royal patent to the east end of what is now the Town of Islip. Nicoll purchased land from from Sachem (Paramount chief) Winnequaheagh of Connetquot…
(link is external)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_River,_New_York