Lot: J6 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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This, the more westerly of the two houses on De Ruyter's grant, was owned by Nicholas Verlett, in 1660. It was sold to William Pattison (Paterson), a Scotchman, in 1668 (recitals in Liher Deeds, XIII: 82); confiscated by Governor Colve, in October, 1673, and regranted to Jacobus Vandewater, in place of his house {N. Y. Col. Docs., II: 629-36), at which time it was assessed at 3,340 guilders (^1,336). Pieter Jacobsen Marius added it to his adjoining property, November 24, 1685. — Liber Deeds, HIW: 112.