Lot: M11 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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...mean little house...Stokes

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
his mean little house, on a part of the negroes' land, was probably the one which Adriaen Dircksen Coen built. — Recitals in Liber Deeds, A: 90.

Cornelis Hendricksen, from Dort,- bought it; he was killed by the Indians in the autumn of 1655. — Min. of Orph. Court, 1 : 4. On March 3, 1657, his widow was married to Harman ' Hendricks, of Bergen, Norway {Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 21), who soon afterward conveyed "in sole real ownership unto . . . Joost Goderus." — Liber Deeds, A: 96. The Orphan-Masters Court, however, looked after the interests of the heirs of Cornelis. — Min. of Orph. Court,!: 29-30.

• - Joost Goderus was one of the weigh-house labourers — an ill-balanced, excitable character, whom the young fellows of the town delighted to tease. He had an attractive wife, Jacomyntje Wallings, of whom he was very jealous, and with some reason; for, if the records speak truly, Allard Anthony admired her — much to her husband's distress. In fact, he was suspicious of everyone. Schout de Sille brought him into court one day, and said "Joost Goderus unreasonably abuses people, when he is somewhat out of his head," and begged "that the Magistrates will^please reprimand him for it, which is .done." — Rec. N. Am., I: $1, et seq; II: 421; VII: 145-6.

Goderus and his wife jogged along here, evidently never very well off". In December, 1663, Joost was arrested by the fiscal for stealing firewood, "which is a. very prevalent practice among the poor in New Amsterdam." The poor fellow pleaded guilty, and asked pardon, but the fault cost him his office of porter at the weigh-house. — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 256, 257. He worked as a labourer for Thomas Delavall, in 1668 {Rec. N. Am., VI: 132), which is the last time he is mentioned. His son, Hans, lived in the house in 1677. — M. C. C, I: 58. Hans Goderus and his brother Frans partitioned their father's estate, March 17, 1679. When Cornelia Depeyster bought this property, December 2, 1685, she paid 5800 guilders for it. Steenwyck's wife acted for Hans Goderus in the sale; an indication that in the second generation the family had risen in the social scale. — Liber Deeds, XHI: 91, 93, 170.

Site: No. 28 South William Street.