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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Grant Lot Document(s)
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Stokes describes this property as a house built by the Chimney Sweep, Pieter Andriessen Schoorsteenweger (1660156), and sold to William Herrick (1660075).
Tax Lot Events
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Pieter Andriessen, Schoorstenveger (chimney-sweep),['] had the grant on which houses Nos. 6 and 7 stand. The westerly half of his grant he sold to Cornelis de Potter and Cornelis Steenwyck, "who transported to William Herrick, of Mespath Kills the said house and lot," April 17, 1654. (Recitals in Patents, IV: 23, Albany.) Evidently, then, the house was built by the chimney-sweep.
Thomas Wandall, having married the widow of Herrick, was confirmed here, as above. In January, 1661, his westerly neighbour, Adriaen van Laer, complained that
whereas he built a house next to Tomas Wandel and Tomas Wandel's house stands on his ground, and he not being here, and not knowing, who is his agent, requests therefore the Court's consent to lay a gutter to catch the dropping from Tomas Wandel's house. The Court allows Arien van Laar to erect a gutter at the expense of the owner. — Rec. N. Am., Ill: 250.
Before 1670, the house belonged to John Cooley, a smith, who was still assessed here in 1677. — Liber Deeds, B: 171; cf. Book of Records of Deeds l^ Transfers (etc.), 1665-1672 (translated), 176-7; M. C. C, I: 56.
Site: No. 37 Stone Street.
Thomas Wandall, having married the widow of Herrick, was confirmed here, as above. In January, 1661, his westerly neighbour, Adriaen van Laer, complained that
whereas he built a house next to Tomas Wandel and Tomas Wandel's house stands on his ground, and he not being here, and not knowing, who is his agent, requests therefore the Court's consent to lay a gutter to catch the dropping from Tomas Wandel's house. The Court allows Arien van Laar to erect a gutter at the expense of the owner. — Rec. N. Am., Ill: 250.
Before 1670, the house belonged to John Cooley, a smith, who was still assessed here in 1677. — Liber Deeds, B: 171; cf. Book of Records of Deeds l^ Transfers (etc.), 1665-1672 (translated), 176-7; M. C. C, I: 56.
Site: No. 37 Stone Street.