Lot: N3 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
Tax Lot Events
To Party 1 (text)
Barent Jansen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Barent Jansen. Not found of record, but recited in instruments set forth below.
Document Source(s)
Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 282
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: (link is external)https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
May 3 Gr-br. to Barent Jansen. Not found of record, but
recited in instruments set forth below.
Oct. 13 Deed. Claas Karstensen to Aldert Coninck. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 282.) Desc: His ho. and K part
of gr-br. N. of Hoogh Straat; bounded W. by Brewery
of Jacob Van Couwenhoven, 7 r., 3 ft., 8 ins.; N. by
Slyck Steegh, i r., 8 ft.; E. ho. and lot of A. Levy, 7 r.,
8 ft.; S. by Hoogh Straat, 1 r., 9 ft., i in. With free
drop on E. side of 8 ins.; recites gr-br. to B. Jansen,
May 3, 1649.

25 Deed. Burgomasters to Aldert Coninck. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 283.) Desc: N. side ground of above
deed; a strip of land E. side, long 3 ft., W. side, 4 ft.
25 Deed. Claas Karstensen, as atty. of Jan Barentsen
Kunst to Aldert Coninck. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
13.) Recites }i part of gr-br. May 3, 1649. Desc:
Ho. and lot N. of Hoogh Straat. Bounded E. by the lot
of Joghem the Baker; S. by the Hoogh Straat; W. the
ho. or brew-house and lot of J. van Couwenhoven; N. by
the Slyck Steegh.*

*This desc. covers the entire gr-br., erroneously, inasmuch as
only the W'ly half of the grant is conveyed.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Aldert Coninck. (Pats.
Alb., H: 119.) Recites transport by Claes Kaarsten
Oct. 13, 1662. Desc: On N. side High St. having on W.
the brew-house of Jacob van Couwenhoven; on N. side,
the Slyck Steegh; on E. side. Asset Levy; on S. side, the
High St.; cont'g in br. before towards said street on S.
side, I r., 9 ft., I in.; behind on the N. side, i r., 8 ft.;
in length, on W. side, 7 r., 3 ft., 8 ins.; on E. side, 7 r.,
8 ft.; with space for a gutter on E. side, of 8 ins. AND
WHEREAS the Burgomasters did, on 25 Apl., 1663,
for valuable consideration convey to Aldert Coninck a
small stroke of land lying on the N. side of the lot afore-
mentioned cont'g in length on the E. side, 3 ft. and on the
W. side, 4 ft. Conf. same.


Oct. 13 Deed. Jacob W. Van Couwenhoven to Aldert
Coninck. Not found of record, but recited in conf. set
forth below.


Oct. 14 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Aldert Coninck. (Pats.
Alb., H: 118.) Recites transport Jacob W. van Cou-
wenhoven to Aldert Coninck, Oct. 13, 1662. Desc: A
cert, alley or passage lying and being on the N. of the
High Street, bet. the lots of the said Jacob Wolferts
(van Couwenhoven) and Claes Karstens. Cont'g on




the S. side 6 ft.; on the NE. side, in length 3 r., 10 ft.; Oct. 14
on the W. side, along 13 ft., br. there 5 ft.; then forwards
on the W. side in length 5 ft. in br. there 8 ft., 4 ins.;
further in length on the W. side, 2 r., ; ft. Recites
Whereas Claes Kaarsten, as atty. for John Barens
Kunst did upon Apl. 25, 1663, transport to said Aldert
Coninck all the title, &c. to lot lying next to said Claes
Kaarstens N. side High St., having to the E. Jochem the
Baker; to the S. the High St.; to the W. the brew-house
of Jacob Wolferts van Couwenhoven; and to the N. the
lane or st. commonly called the Slyck Steegh; cont'g
in br. and length as in the gr-br. and a former transport
bearing date Oct. 13, 1662 is set forth.

Deed. Claes Carstensen (Norman) to Jan Nagel. Oct. 15
(HH: 55.) Desc: A ho. and lot lying W. of Jochim
Calder; in br. i r., 1 ft.; in length on the W., 7 r., 3 ft.,
8 ins.; in length on the E., 7 r., 8 ft.; lying in the Breur's
(Brewers') St. in the city of New Amsterdam.

Deed. Barent Gerritsen, having m. the wid. of Jan June 8
Nagel to Asset Levy. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 268.)
Desc: Lot N. of Hoogh St., bounded W. by ho. and lot
of C. Karstensen, 7 r., 3 ft., 8 ins.; N. by Slyck Steegh,

1 r., I ft.; E. by ho. and lot of J. Blanck, 7 r., 8 ft.; S.
by St. afsd., in front or St. side, or S. side, i r., 4 ft.
Recites deed Oct. 15, 1653.

Deed. Asset Levy to Jochem Backer. Not found of
record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jochem Backer. Recites July 4
conveyance by Asset Levy to Jochem Backer. Desc:
s. a. deed Gerritsen to Levy {supra).