Lot: Thomas Buchanan Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Thomas Buchanan Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

(Ruremont) Block Check List. 1349-1372-1348-1371.

This farm, 12^ acres in extent, was sold by David Devore to Timothy Hurst, as hereinafter shown. For the earlier histor)', see the Edmund Seaman farm.

David Devore to Timothy Hurst. Deeds of lease and release dated Aug. 17-18, 1767. — Liber Deeds, XLI: 374-6 (New York). Consid., £1,002.

Conveys "All that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the out ward of the City of New York on the East side of the post road or public highway Bounded and described as follows beginning at a Black walnut tree and running from thence South Twenty six degrees and an half degree. . . . Bounded Northwesterly by the road or highway Northeasterly by the land of John Provoost Southeasterly by the river and Southwesterly by land belonging to the said David Devore."

Timothy Hurst and Mary, his wife, to Robert Smyth. Deed dated May 9, 1777. — Liber Deeds, XLI: 456 (New York). Consid., £2,200.

Conveys "All that certain messuage tenement or dwelHng house garden and piece parcel or farm of land" in the Out Ward. — The boundaries of the farm are described as in previous deed.

Evidently the house was built by Timothy Hurst, between 1767 and 1777, not after 1784 as L. M. R. K. says, III: 948.

The following advertisement is interesting: "To be sold,

"And possession given on the first d.ay of May next, or sooner, if the proprietor, Robert Smyth, Esq; can be accommodated with a convenient house, in town,

"That most delightful and elegantly situate farm of Ruremont, adjoining the East-River, on the Island of New- York, within four miles and three quarters of the city, containing 13 acres of exceeding fine meadow land, well fenced, principally with handsome stone wall: On which is an extraordinary good dwelling-house, barn, and other necessary buildings, a fine orchard and garden, abounding with a great variety of the best fruit-trees, the whole in complete order: The beauties of this villa are so well known as to require no further description. If not sold before the first of April, the same will be let. Proposals in writing will be received by John Kelly, No. ^Z^: Hanover-Square." — N. Y. Merc, F 11, 1782.

Two and a half years elapsed before Smyth sold the farm. The house, as Randel shows it, overlooked the river. On modern atlases it stood in the bed of 55th St., at the east side of Ave. A.

Robert Smith to Thomas Buchanan. Deed dated Aug. 3, 1784. — Liber Deeds, XLI: 396 (New York). Consid. £2,200.

Conveys same property