Lot: Gratia Dangola - 1644-12-15 (Original Grants and Farms)

Gratia Dangola - 1644-12-15
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Gratia Dangola
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
B. The Grant to Gratia D'Angola

Willem Kieft, Director, etc., to Gratia Dangola, a free negro. Ground-brief dated Dec. 15, 1644. Not found of record: recited in confirmation set forth below.

Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Christoffel Santomee and Maria Dangola. Confirmation dated Oct. 19, 1667. — Liber Patents, II: 131 (Albany).

Recites foregoing ground-brief; Gratia being dead his interest devolved to Maria Dangola his widow, who is since married to Christofl^sl Santomee.

Conveys "A piece of land stretching from the land then belonging to Cleyn Manuell to that of Marycke, east-and-eastby-south; then further to the land of Pieter Tambeer, south, somewhat more easterly, it contains 20 rods; on both sides along by the land of Jan Francisco and Pieter Tambeer, 51 rdds; also stretching [further] west and somewhat to the south to a certain valley or piece of meadow ground, it makes 37 rods; then going along to [by] Old Jan's land north west somewhat more northerly, 40 rods to the land of Cleyn Antony; and alongst by the said Antony's east-and-by north somewhat more northerly, 23 rods, and east-and-by-north and eastnorth-east to the first descent, 65 rods; in all amounting to about 10 acres or 5 morgen 590 rods."

Christopher Santome to Sigismundus Luycas. Deed dated ; not found of record; recited in

Liber Deeds, VI: 154 (Albany).

Conveys same premises.

Sigismund Luycas to Hendrick Bastiensen. Deed dated Nov. 1,1679. — Liber Deeds, VI: 154 (Albany).

Conveys same premises.

Jacob Stille and Mary, his wife, late widow of Henry Bastianson, deed., and John Brevoort, tutor of children of Henry Bastianson, deed., to Richard Ashfield. Deed dated April 23, 1696. — Liber Deeds, XXI: 143 (New York).

Conveys same premises (with other prop.).

Richard Ashfield and wife to Jacob Stille. Deed dated Jan. II, i6()-]— Liber Deeds, XXI: 261 (New York).

Conveys same premises.

Lot Event Type