Lot: F16 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Tavern, granted permission to tap in 1656.

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Hans Dreper was granted permission to tap, in 1656 {Rec. N. Am., II: 197), and kept a tavern at the corner of the present Broad and Pearl Streets, the site of which is now covered by the Bush Terminal Building. He seems to have been of a trustful disposition, and his customers frequently took advantage of him. He was often obliged to sue them for board and "consumed drink" for which they had not paid. — Ibid., II: 334, 344, 351; III: 155, 160. He insisted on boarding incoming ships, against the placard and in spite of Schout de Sille's "naked sword," for which he was fined 25 guilders. For saying to Resolved Waldron, the schout's officer, "Thou lyest!" he was obliged to pay six guilders more. — Ibid., Ill: 171, 233. In 1667, he removed to Albany. — Valentine's Hist, of N. Y. City, 86. He sold the corner house to James Mathews, on February 14, 1674. — Original Book of N. Y. Deeds, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1913, pp. 18-9.