Lot: D3 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Jan Cornelissen (van Hoorn)
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Jan Cornelissen (van Hoorn). Not found of June 23 record, but recited in subsequent conveyances.
Document Source(s)
Dutch MSS., Ill: 46
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

Gr-br. to Jan Cornelissen (van Hoorn). Not found of June 23
record, but recited in subsequent conveyances.

Deed. Isaac De Foreest to William Beeckman. Aug. 2
{Dutch MSS., Ill: 46.) Desc: A portion of his lot stand-
ing and situate on the W. side of Jan Cornelissen van
Hoorn and opposite the ho. and lot of Claes Van Elslant
in the br. 4 r., 2 ft.; in the length, 6r., less J^ ft.; and that
by virtue of the gr-br. dated Sept. 5, 1645.*

This gr-br. was to de Foreest, but this lot Is not entirely derived
through said gr-br.


Mch. 28 Deed. William Beeckman to Herman Smeeman.
(HH: 22.) Desc: A cert. ho. and lot on the island of
Manhattan, on the W. side of the ho. of Jan Cornelissen
Van Hoorn; is in br. 4 r. and 2 ft.; in length, 6 r., less

Oct. 10 Deed. William Beekman, Herman Smeeman and
Michael Janse, to Jan Evertse Bout. (Lib. A, Deeds,
N. Y. Co.: 31.) "We the undersigned, Schepens of this
town, Amsterdam in New Netherland, declare hereby
that before us have appeared William Beekman, Herman
Smeeman and Michael Janse, and each of them, as far as
his right and claim of property goes, to transport and to
cede to the behoof of Jan Evertse Bout a cert. ho. and
lot standing and situated within this foresaid city bet.
the lot at the W. side Nicholas Bout and at the E. side
Johannes Monjeer de la Montague, Jr., at present
occupied by Jan J. de Jong. br. at the way or N. side, 3
r., Syi ft. and in the rear at the S. side, 5 r., 7 ft. and at
the W. side, 10 r., 2 ft. and at the E. side 10 r., 2 ft.; as
the same exists to-day, built and fenced and as measured
by the surveyors. 10 October, 1655. Secy. Jacob Kip."*
*The original of this document was soW at the Moore sale. 1894,
and is now in the possession of the N. Y. Hist. Society, as is also the
original conf. by Governor Lovelace, 1669.


June 27 Deed. Monjeer Joannes de la Montague, Jr. to
Joannes Vervelen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 162.)
DesC: Ho. and lot S. of Marckvelt Steegh; bounded E.
by ho. and lot of H. Van Bommel; S. by ho. and lot of
Isaac de Foreest, I r., 6 ft., 7 ins.; W. by ho. and lot of
J. E. Bout, N. by lane afsd., i r., 6 ft., 7 ins. Long from
St. as ho. now stands, ^}4 r.; br. and length according to
deed Sep. 25, 1655; recites deed of that date.

Oct. :5 Deed. Hendrick Gerritsen (Tailor) to Isaac De
Foreest. (HH: 57.) Desc: A lot lying bet. the lot of
Arent Van Hattem and Jan Cornelissen Van Hoorn;
on the street, i r., 6 ft., 7 ins.yin length on the E. 10 r.,
1^2 ft.; in length on the W. 10 r., i>^ ft.

Note: Length on E. and W. sides should read $^4 r.
each side. (Lib. "A, Deeds, Ni Y.^Cc: 30 and 162.)


Sep. 26 Deed. Isaac d'Foreest to Monjeer Johannes d' la
Montayne, Jr. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 30.) Ho. and
lot bet. ho. andlot' of Jan C. Van Hoorn on £. side and
ho. "where J: Jan d'Jongh now dwells" on W. side and
that as said ho. and lot are situate br. in front on N.
side, I r., 6 ft., 7 ins.; rear S. side, i r., 6 ft., 7 ins.; long
from the St. 5>^ r.; in virtue of the deed by H. Gerritsen
to Isaac d'Foreest, October 15, 1653.

July 6 Deed. Jan Cornelissen van Hoorn to OlofF Stevensen
(van) Cortland. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 134.) Re-
cites gr-br. June 23, 1645 (to van Hoorn]. Desc: Ho.
and lot S. of the Marckvelt Steiegie, bounded E. by C.
Paulussen, 4 r., 4 ft., 8 ins.; S. by OloffS. Van Cortlandt,
30 ft.; W. by J.delaMontagne, Jr., 4J^ r.; N. by Marck-
velt Steegie, 28 ft.' Measured by J. Cortelyou on July
. . . , 1658.


Aug. 12 Conf; Governor Nicolls to Oloff S. Van Cortlandt.
(Pats. Alb., II: 92.) Recites transport by Jan Cornelissen
van Hoorne, July 6, 1658. Desc: s. a. preceding instru-


Mch. 6 Deed. Jan Cornelissen to Claes Paulussen. (HH: 17.)
Desc: A lot on E. of Ft. Amsterdam; in br. on the street
or N. side 1^2 r., 4.^4 ins.; in the rear on S. side, J4 r.,
4X ins.; in length on E.,9 r., 9 ft.; on W. 9 r., 9 ft. Re-
cites gr-br. June 23, 1645.


Deed. Claas Paulusen to Olof Stevensen Van Cortlant. July 6
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 267.) Desc: Ho. and lot S.
of Marckvelt Steegh; bourided E. and S. and W. by ho.
and lot of OlofF Stevensen Van Cortlandt; N. by Steegh.
In front on street or N. side, br. iK t-j 4H '"s. in rear
on S. side like br.; long E. and W. 9 n, 9 ft. (Note: S.
dimension was }4 r., 4^ ins.] Recites deed Mch. 6, 1653.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Oloff S. Van Cortlandt. Aug. 12
(Pats. Alb., II: 92.) Recites transport Claes Paulussen
to OloffS. Van Cortlandt, July 6, 1662. Desc: s. a. pre-
ceding instrument.


Deed. Jan Cornelissen to David Wessels. (HH: 16.) Mch. 6
Desc: A lot on E. of Ft. Amsterdam; in br. on the
street on N. side, J^ r., 4>^ ins.; in br. in the rear on S.,
lyi r., 4>i ins.; in length on E., 9 r., 9 ft.; in length on
W. 9 r., 9 ft. Recites gr-br. June 23, 1645.

Deed. David Wessels to Oloff Stevensen Van Cort- Apl. 27
landt. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 43.) Desc: Lot on
E. side Ft. Amsterdam abutting in front on N. side the
street; E. side, lot of Van Cortlandt exchanged for this
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 44); W. side, C. Paulussen;
br. on N. side, i^ r. and 4>i ins.; rear S. side beside lot
of Van Cortlandt i>2 r. and 4>^ ins.; long on E. and
W. sides, 9 r., 9 ft. in virtue of deed by Jan C. Van
Hoorn to David Wessels, Mch. 6, 1653.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Oloff S. Van Cortlandt. Aug. 8
(Pats. Alb., II: 90.) Recites transport David Wessells
to Van Cortlandt. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.

Deed. Jan Cornelissen (van Hoorn) to Oloff Stevensen Aug. 8
Van Cortlandt. Not found of record, but recited in conf.
set forth below.


Conf. Governor Nicolls to Oloff S. Van Cortlandt. Aug. 8
(Pats. Alb., II: 89.) Recites gr-br. to Jan Cornelissen
(van Hoorne) dated June 23, 1646*; that the same was
transported by said Cornelissen to Van Cortlandt Aug. 8,
1650; the same confirmed by Stuyvesant Sep. 12. Desc. :
Lot fenced in bet. the lots which he the said Jan Cor-
nelissen sold unto Albert Trumpetter, William Beekman
and Burger Joris, and the lot belonging to him by the
Horse Mill; cont'g in br. before to the street, on the N.
side, 2 r., 8 ft.; and on the S. side, the like. In length,
on the E. side, 9 r., 9 ft. and on W. side, 9 r., 6 ft.

♦Should read 1645.

Prior to 1649

Deed. Jan Cornelissen (Van Hoorn) to Burger Feb. 22
Jorissen. Not found of record, but Jorissen is recited
as a neighbor in Dutch MSS., Ill: 28 and Pats. Alb.,
II: 89.

Prior to 165 1

Deed. Burger Jorissen to Conraedt Ten Eyck. Not Jan. 4
found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cdnraet Ten Eyck. (Pats. July IJ
Alb., II: 76.) Recites gr-br. to Ten Eyck, dated Jan. 4,
1651.* Desc: Towards the Graft, bet. Albert Trom-
petter and Gerrit Douman; cont'g in br. before towards
the street, on the E. side, 2 r.; and behind W. side, 2 r.,
I ft.; in length on the S. side 7 r., 3 ft., 6 ins.; and on the
N. side, 7 r., 6 ft., 6 ins.

*Thisi3 a confirmatory grant, and is now in the author's posses-
sion: the original gr-br. was to Jan Cornelissen [van Hoorn].


Deed. Jan Cornelissen (Van Hoorn) to Albert Feb. 22

Pietersen, Trumpetter. {Dutch MSS., Ill: 28.) Desc:

A part of his gr-br. on the E.side, 2K r. and J^ft.; on the

W. side of said lot dividing the remainder of Jan Cornelis-



Feb. 22 sen's portion of this parcel, 3 r.; on the N. side, 7 r. and

2 ft., bounding on Burger Jorissen's land; on the S. side,
7 r., less 2 ft. bounding on the lots of Mr. Adolphus van
Hardenbergh and Pieter Wolphertsen. Surveyor's desc:
It is br.on the E.side on the road, 2K r.;K ft.; in the rear
on the W. side, on the afsd. Jan Cornelissen, it is br. 3 r.;
it is long on the N. side. 7 r., 2 ft. stretching on Burger
Jorissen's land. It is long on the S. side 7 r., less 2 ft.,
being bounded by Pieter Wolphertsen's land and
Arnoldus Hardenbergh's lot.

Jan. 4 Deed. Albert Pietersen to Rynhout Rynhoutsen.
(Lib.A, Deeds,N. Y. Co:34.) Desc: His ho. and lot W.
of the Graft bet. lot of F. Lubbertsen and Conraet Ten
Eyck, as ho., fences, etc. are standing and all that is
earth and nail fast br. front on road or E. side, 2'/2 r.,
yi ft.; rear W. side, 3 r.; long on N. side 7 r. and 2 ft.; S.
side, 7 r. less 2 ft., according to deed J. C. Van Hoorn to
Albert Pietersen, Feb. 2, 1649.