Lot: C11 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
RutgerArentsen Van Seyl
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to RutgerArentsen Van Seyl. (GG:79.) Desc: A lot for a ho. and garden bounded on the E. by the com- mon highway, northward by the land of Cornells Volkertsen; its br. along the Highway is 4 r. 9 ft.; its fength along the said lot of Cornells Volkertsen is 18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins., 6 gr.; in the rear, its br. is 4 r., 2 ft., 4 ins. and 6 gr; amtg. to 88 r., 4 ft., 9 ins. and 4 gr.
Document Source(s)
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
July 13 Gr-br. to RutgerArentsen Van Seyl. (GG:79.) Desc:
A lot for a ho. and garden bounded on the E. by the com-
mon highway, northward by the land of Cornells
Volkertsen; its br. along the Highway is 4 r. 9 ft.; its
fength along the said lot of Cornells Volkertsen is 18 r.,
2 ft., 5 ins., 6 gr.; in the rear, its br. is 4 r., 2 ft., 4 ins.
and 6 gr; amtg. to 88 r., 4 ft., 9 ins. and 4 gr.


Deed. Rutgert Arentsen to Arent Reyniersen. {Dutch Oct. 17
MSS., II: 130.) Desc: Ho. and lot situate on the Great
Highway on the Island of Manhattan. Sold "according
to the gr-br."

Note: Arent Reyniersen is called Arent StyfFander in
Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 103. His wife was Anna


Deed. Anna Thomassen (of Gravesend) to Jacob Oct. 15
Tysen. (HH: 47.) Desc: A ho. and lot in Broadway
bet. Jan Peeck and Matys Capito, in length and br. the
equal half of what is contained in the gr-br.

Deed. Jacob Thyssen (j-ic) to Jacob Steendam. (HH: Oct. 15
48.) A ho. and lot in Broadway, bet. Matys Capito and
Geurt Coertsen; in length and br. as by the deed given
to the grantor by Anna Thomassen.

Deed. Jacob Steendam to Cornells Jansen Coppen- Jan. 8
bergh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 33.) Desc: Ho. and
lot on Great Highway, bet. ho. and lot on N. side of
Geurt Coerten and on S. side of Matys Capito and that
large and small wide and long as same belongs to
Steendam according to gr-br. to R. Aersten, July 13,
1643, being }4 thereof Recites deed Oct. 15, 1653, Jacob
T. Van der Heyden to Jacob Steendam.

Deed. Claes Dangeloppen, who m. the wid. of Cornells
Jans Coppenburgh to Adam Onclebagh. Not found of
record. Recited in conf set forth below.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Adam Oncleback. (Pats. May 30
Alb., II: 37.) Recites transport by Jacob Steendam,
dated Jan. 8, 1656 unto Cornelys Jans Coppenborgh.
Further that the right, title &c. devolved upon Claes
Dangeloppen who m. the wid. of Cornelys Jans afsd. and
Reynout Reynoutsen, as atty. for the said Claes Dan-
geloffen {sic) having sold and transported the same to
Adam Oncleback, therefore the conf is to the latter.

Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.

Deed. Anna Tomassen, wife of Arent StyfFander, to Aug. 28
Geurt Courten. Not found of record. Recited in Lib.

A, Deeds, N.Y. Co.: 103.


Deed. Geurt Courten to Jacob Kip. (Lib. A, Deeds, Sep. 13
N.Y. Co.: 103.) Desc: Ho. and lot on Heerwegh bet.
lots of Jan Bexel and C. Jansen; in front on St., 2 r.,4'^ft.; •
rear on E.side, 2 r.,4j-^ ft.; long both on N. and S. sides,
18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins., 6 pepper corns. Recites deed of Aug.
28, 1654; recites gr-br. of July 13, 1647; being one-half
of the lot of Anna Tomassen, wife of Arent StyfFander;
recites deed by Rutger Arentsen to Arent Reyniersen

Note: This deed was re-recorded June 9, 1664 in Lib.

B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 35, by substantially same desc.

Deed. Jacob Kip to Francis Douty, of Newtown. June 9
(Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 36.) Recites deed June 9,
1664. Desc: s. a. said deed