Lot: Brevoort and Odell Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Brevoort and Odell Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
THE BREVOORT AND ODELL FARM Block Check List. 1312-1349-1325-1324-1322-13031305-1312.

This farm, of about 40 acres, very irregular in outline, comprised all of the Du Four grant west of the old Eastern Post Road, and all of the Andries Anderson farm west of the road. The latter parcel was conveyed to David Devore, 4th, by a deed not found of record; recited in Liier Mtges., IV: 431 (New York).

David Devore, 4th, died in 1780, leaving the farm to his dau. Ann, who married successively Abraham Brevoort and Jacob OdeW.—Liier mils, XXXII: 260 (New York). See also Riker, Hist, of Harlem, 461.

Last Will and Testament of David Devore (4th]. Dated May 30, 1780; proved June 12, 1780. — Liher Wills, XXXII: 260 (New York).

After providing annuity for wife, Maritie, Devises property to dau. Ann Devore.

Ann Devore married, May 29, 178B, Abraham Brevoort, by whom she had issue, John and Henry Brevoort. Abraham Brevoort died Nov. 12, 1794.

Ann (Devore) Brevoort married, 1795, Jacob Odell, and had issue Jacob D. and Jane.

Jacob Odell and Anne, his wife, to Henry Brevoort and Jacob D. Odell. Deed dated April 25, 1836. — Liber Deeds, CCCLI: 584 (New York). Consid., an annuity.

Conveys "all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, on both sides of the Third Avenue, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, bounded on the easterly side by the old Boston Post Road, on the S. by lands formerly of Thomas Buchanan, deed.; on the W. by the Commons; on the N. in part by land formerly of Sheriff Bell and in part by parties unknown, etc., being the real estate formerly of David Devoore, deed. Containing about 40 acres."

The fence of the Pottersfield formed part of the western boundary of the farm. — See Liber Deeds, DXXIV: 517 (New York). For this Pottersfield, see L. M. R. K., Ill: 927.

A map of this property, in a portfolio in the N. Y. Hist. Soc. is annotated: "The grant of this Property is in the possession of Isaac Adriance, 79 Nassau St."

The old mansion, which stood in the bed of 54th St. just west of the old Post Road, was long known as "Cato's." — L. M. R. K., Ill: 977.

For the early history of Du Four's patent see the Edmund Seaman Farm.

For the Anderson farm see Turtle Bay Farm.