Lot: M14 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
William Abrahamsen (Vander Borden) and Robert Roelantsen, carpenters, bought this lot from Evert Duyckingh, August 27, 1657, and on it built the house shown on the Plan. — Cat. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 60. Abrahamsen sold his half interest to Roelantsen, August 26, 1658 (recitals in Liber Deeds, A: 277), then sued l.im, on May 3, 1661, for 17 beavers and a half, with interest, "for the half of a house sold to him." Roelantsen admitted the debt, but said Abrahamsen occupied it, "and counts the rent against the interest." The burgomasters ordered them to settle with each other. The deed was recorded August 24, 1662. — Ibid., A: zyy, Rec. N. Am., Ill: 291.