Lot: Claes van Elslant - 1647-03-13 (Original Grants and Farms)

Claes van Elslant - 1647-03-13
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Claes van Elslant
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
E. The Van Elslandt Grant

WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Claes van Elslant. Ground-brief dated March 13, 1647. — Liber Deeds GG: 182 (Albany).

Desc: "A piece of land lying on the island of the Manhattans on the east of the land of Cornelis Claessen and extends from the land of Cornelis Jacobsen till to the wagon road; east one-half point northerly, 76 r.; further south-by-east one-half point southerly till to the division of Edwaert Marril, 52 r.; further along the division line of the aforesaid Cornelis Claessen, 42 r.; west a little northerly being the place of beginning, amounting in all to 12 morgens, 152 r."

Claes van Elslant to Jan Cornelissen. Deed dated . Not found of record; recited in Liber Patents, III: 93 (Albany).

Conveys same premises.

Jan Cornelissen to Wolphert Webbers. Deed dated May 28, 1660. Not found of record; recited in Liber Patents, III: 93 (Albany).

Conveys same premises.

This land was surveyed, April 7, 1660 (memorandum in the Steenwyck papers in the author's collection). If the surveyor tried to follow the description in the ground-brief, which is clearly imperfect, he probably did encroach on land west and south of the tract.

May 31, 1666, WiUiam Beeckman owning Bouwery No. 5, and Cornells Aertzen who then owned the Marill grant, brought suit against Webbers for encroachment. The court advised the parties to settle the question amicably. — Rec. N. Am., VI: 13. In December, 1666, as nothing had been done, the court ordered "that Sieur Beeckmans land in question shall again be surveyed by the sworn surveyor Jacques Corteljou in the presence of Mr. Cornells Steenwyck." — Ibid., 51. Cortelyou did not appear to do the work. April 2, 1667, the court again decreed that the land should be surveyed "as soon as the surveyor Corteljou is here." — Ibid., 6(>--j.

Probably the survey was made, but Webbers was stubborn. June II, 1667, Beeckman alleged that Webbers had removed the fence and had encroached 30 rods on his lands although forbidden to do so. He demanded "that the old measurement from the Hook to the road towards Corlaers Hook [at that time on the line of the later Division Street] shall stand firm." The jury brought in a verdict for Beeckman, with costs. — Ibid.,


The description in the confirmation was drawn from Cortelyou's survey. Evidently it is not just as the surveyor's notes were written, but it has been most helpful to this compiler. It starts at the north east corner of Bouwery 6, runs north 80 rods along the end of Bouwery 5, then east along the wagon road leading to the meadows, 76 rods, thence south 90 rods. At this point the description is not correctly written, but the line runs along Marill's land to beginning.

Marill's ground-brief, the earliest of record in this vicinity, fixed the line of Corker's Hook. It was parallel to and 76 rods east of the east line of Bouwery No. 6. 76 rods, strictly measured, equal 950 feet English. A line 1000 feet east of and parallel to the centre line of Montgomery Street (the east line of the Rutgers farm) is still to be identified on the atlases. The Ratzer Map shows it distinctly. The maps of the De Lancey farm show it.

The compiler has used this line from the strand to the Stuyvesant line to define the west boundary of the Corlaer's Hook farm, and has found it correct. The north line of the Marill grant is a continuation of the line of the old road to the meadows. Division Street was laid along the same line.

Francis Lovelace, Governour, to Anneken Webbers. Confirmation dated June 18, 1670. — Liber Patents, III: 93 (Albany).

Recites ground-brief to Claes Van Elslant "for a Certaine Peice of land upon this Island Manhatans lyeing & being at y« East end of Cornelys Claes & Stretching from y= Land of Cornelys Jacobs to y^ Waggon way North & by East 80 Rod alongst ye Waggon way East & halfe a Point Northerly 76 Rod furthr. South & by East halfe a Point Easterly 90 Rod so West halfe a Point Southerly to y« fence then belonging to Edward Marrell 52 Rod & alongst y« fence unto ye Land of ye aforemenconed Cornelys Claess 52 Rod West & by North to ye first descent Amounting in all to about Twenty five Acres or twelve Margen & 152 Rod weh said Patent or Ground-breife bearing date ye 13th day of March 1647 was first transported to Jan Cornelisse & afterwards that is to say upon ye 28*11 day of May 1660 made over to Wolphert Webber"

Confirms said tract, with other premises, to Wolphert Webber's widow, Anneken.

Anna Webbers, widow of Wolfert Webber, dec'd., to Abram Lammerts Mol. Deed dated March 9, 1671. — Book of Deeds & Transfers (June 1665-Dec. 1672), 194, in city clerk's office, New York.

Conveys same premises.

Abram Lammertsen Mol to Cornelis Steenwyck and Olof Stevens van Cortlandt. Deed dated March 17, 1671. — Ibid., p. 195.

Conveys same tract.

Lot Event Type