Lot: C32 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Modest cottage. Stokes

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
he modest cottage of Jacob Mensen, from Emden, a tailor, stood somewhat back from the street, between the houses of Daniel Tourneur and Jan Cornelissen, from Vlensburgh. Now the site of No. 52 Broad Street.

Mensen had served the Company in Brazil, rising to the rank of corporal. He was in New Amsterdam as early as 1657, for he acquired the burgherright that year. — Rec. N. Jvu, VII: 151. In 1662, when Reynert Reynoutsen went to Holland, Mensen con-ferred upon him power of attorney to collect his arrears of salary from the directors at Amsterdam. — Register of Solomon Lachaire, trans, by O'Callaghan, 360-3.

He bought the property in March, 1659; was taxed here in 1665; and confirmed in possession of "his house in the Sheep's Path, west of the Prince's Graft," in 1668. He still paid taxes here in 1677, but in 1686, his widow, Elizabeth Jacobs, lived in the " Diaconies Huys" — the poorhouse — in Broad Street. — Liber Deeds, A: 153; Rec. N. Am., V: 224; Patents, HI: 22 (Albany); M. C. C, I: 59; Selyns's List, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1841, p. 396.

Before 1663, Thomas Verdon built on a narrow lot between Jacob Mens and Jan Cornelissen. The Plan confirms the records. The lot had not been built upon in 1660.