Lot: Jan Francisco - 1664-12-15 (Original Grants and Farms)

Jan Francisco - 1664-12-15
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Jan Francisco
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
The Grants to Peter van Campen and Francisco

WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Peter Van Campen, negro. Ground-brief dated April 8, 1647. — Liber GG: 209 (Albany).

Conveys "A certain piece of land situated on the Island of Manhattans in the rear of the land of Fossyn Briel. It extends north-east-by-east and north-north-east, 53 r. to the Negroes' land; north-north-west and north-west-by-north, 30 r.; further along by the said Negroes' land, west-south-west, 45 r. and to the place of beginning, south-east-by-south, 55 r.; amounting in all to 3 morgens, 225 r."

WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Jan Francisco. Groundbrief dated earlier than Dec. 15, 1644.

Not found of record, nor confirmed: recited in the confirmation of Gratia Dangola's land on the north side.

Kieft manumitted Jan Francisco Sept. 27, 1646, "in consequence of the promise heretofore given by our predecessor [van Twiller] and of his long and faithful service." — Laws &? Ord. N. Neth., 60.

Lot Event Type