Lot: Abijah Hammond Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Abijah Hammond Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
THE ABIJAH HAMMOND FARM Block Check List. 486-475-231-228-476-486.

The title to this tract begins with an order in council empowering the governour to grant a patent to Anthony Rutgers for the swamp, etc.

George II, King, etc. to the Governour, etc. by an order of the privy council, 'Aug. 12, 1731.

The governour is "to grant to Anthony Rutgers the fee simple and Inheritance of a certain Swamp and Fresh Pond, called the Fresh Water, adjacent to the Duke's Farm upon the Island Manhattan now called New York Island, beginning at a stake sett in the ground on the south side of the said Pond and at the north-east corner of the land belonging to William Merritt, thence running along the south side of the said Swamp and Pond by the Upland to the Beach on the east side of Hudson's River, so along the beach on the east side of Hudson's River, to the Upland; thence crossing a small Gutt of the said Swamp to the land on the east side thereof; by the said land as it runs to the east side of the Tan Yards and thence to the place where begun; Containing in all 70 acres."

George II, King, etc. to Anthony Rutgers. Royal patent dated Dec. 31, 1733. — Liber Patents, XI: 127 (Albany).

Conveys same as described in warrant preceding, on condition that the Swamp be drained within one year. See Chronology, Dec. 31, 1733.

Anthony Rutgers died in 1746. Will dated Aug. 2, 1746; proved Sept. 17, 1746. — Liber Wilts, XVI: 12 (New York).

He left a widow, Cornelia, and three daughters — Elsie, wife of Leonard Lispenard, Mary, who afterward married Henry Barclay, Alletta, wife of Dirck Lefferts, and a grandson, Anthony Rutgers, surviving.

There seems to have been a partition among the heirs of Anthony Rutgers by which this property vested in Henry Barclay and Mary Barclay. Not found of record.

Henry Barclay died in 1764. Will dated June 19, 1764; proved Oct. 9, 1764. — Liber Wills, XXIV: 573 (New York). There is no proof of the death of Mary Barclay in New York Co.

Mary Barlcay, wid. and ex'x, and Leonard Lispenard, ex'r of Henry Barclay, deed., to Anthony Barclay. Deed dated Dec. 25, \-]%-] —Liber Deeds, XLV: 198 (New York). Consid., £5,465.

Conveys, with other property, parcel of land and meadow in the west ward, being all the land which by partition of the estate of the testator fell to Henry Barclay, except so much as was laid out in lots and streets; beginning on the east side of Ann St., extending along the Pond or ^L^rsh and Fresh Water and along the same and by lands of Nicholas Bayard and Leonard Lispenard and by lands of John Chambers and Abraham De Peyster and by Ann St. aforesaid as by said annexed map appears.

Egbert Benson, Samuel Bayard, John Watts, Ex'rs of Mary Barclay, deed.; and Anthony Barclay, to Abijah Hammond. Deed dated July 13, 1792. — Ibid., XLIX: 228 (New York). Consid., £388, 10 s.

Conveys a parcel of swamp or meadow land, containing nine acres, more or less as appears by a survey by Casimir T. H. Goerck, dated Jan. 17, 1792, annexed to this deed.