Lot: D5 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Pieter Wolphertsen Van Couwenhoven
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Pieter Wolphertsen Van Couwenhoven. Not found of record, but recited in Dutch MSS., Ill: 109.
Document Source(s)
Dutch MSS., Ill: 109
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Pieter Wolphertsen Van Couwenhoven.
Not found of record, but recited in Dutch MSS., Ill: 109.

Deed. Pieter Wolphertsen Van Couwenhoven to Nov. 24
Arnoldus Van Hardenbergh. {Dutch MSS., II: 152.)
Desc: Ho. and lot on the N. side of the Graft, on the
Island of Manhattan.

Note: No connection found between Arnoldus Van
Hardenbergh and Jan Laurensen Appel.

Deed. Jan Laurensen Appel to Johannes Harden- June 20
bergh. (See Dutch MSS., Ill: 109.) Recites s. a. Kieft
to Pieter Wolphertsen, Apl. 22, 1645. No desc.

Deed. Govert Loockermans, atty. and agent of Apl. 30
Guardians of Estate &c. left by Jan Van Hardenbergh,
to Frerick Lubbersen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 157.)
Desc: Ho., garden and lot W. of Heere Graft, bounded
S. by Brouwer Straat, W. by ho. and lot of P. Hertyens;
N. by lot of R. Reinheoutsen; E. by Graght. In br. and
length according to said gr-br. and further according to
bill of sale of Oct. 5, 1655. Recites deed June 20, 1652

Conf Governor Nicolls to Frederick Lubberts. (Pats. M
Alb., Ill: 22.) Recites transport by Govert Loocker-
mans (having procuration from Executors of Jan Van
Hardenbergh), 30 Apl., 1659, unto Frederick Lubberts
a cert, ho., lot and garden. Desc: W. of Prince's or the
High Graft, having to S. Brewers or Stone st. to W. ho.
and lot of Pieter Hertgers, to the N. Reinhout Reinhout-
sen and to the E., Graft, cont'g in br. and length as in
the original gr-br. granted to the said Jan van Har-


Deed. Frederick Lubbersen to OloflF Stevensen Cort- Feb.
landt. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 181.) Lot W. of the
Heere Graght, bounded S. by ho. and lot of Frederick
Lubbersen, 48 ft., 6 ins.; E. by the Graght afsd., 22 ft.,
3 ins.; W. by the lot of A. de la Noy, 22 ft., 6 ins.; N. by






Feb. 14

May 9

June 27

lot of Frederick Lubbersen, 4 r. Measured by J.
Cortelyou on Aug. 25, 1658. Recites deed Apl. 30, 1659.

Conf. Governor NicoUs to OlofF S. Van Cortlandt.
(Pats. Alb. II: 93.) Recites transport by Frederick
Lubberts to Oloff S. Van Cortlandt, Feb. 14, 1660.
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.

Feb. 14 Deed. Frerick Lubbersen to Pieter Pietersen, Men-
ist. (Lib.A.Deeds, N. Y.Co.: 188.) Desc: Lot W. of
Heere Graght, bounded S. by ho. and land of Oloff S.
Cortlandt, 4 r.; W. by lot of A. de la Noy, 23 ft., 6 ins.;
N. by ho. and lot of G. Jansen Roos, 52 ft., 6 ins.; E.
by Graght, 23 ft., 3 ins.; measured by J. Cortelyou,
Aug. 25, 1658. Recites deed Apr. 30, 1659.

Deed Pieter Petersen, Menist, to Hendrick Jansen
Spiers. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 190.) Desc: s. a.
preceding instrument.

Deed. Magdalena Hansen, wife of H. J. Spiers to
Christoffel Van Laer. Subscribed by Hendrick Jansen
Spiers, May 12, 1662. Recorded, Oct. 20, 1681. (Lib. 12,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 65; Cf. Lachaire's Register, under
date May 12, 1662.) Desc: Ho. and lot on the Heere
Graft, next to ho. of O. S. Van Cortlandt and Gerrit
Jansen Roos, extending in front E'ward to the burgh-
waal and in the rear to the lot of Abraham de la Noye.

Deed. Frederick Lubbersen to Gerrit Jans Roos.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 159.) Desc: Lot W. of
Heere Graght, bounded S. by lot of P. Pietersen, 52 ft.,
6 ins.; W. by ho. and lot of P. Hartgers, 23 ft.; N. by ho.
and lot of R. Reinhoutsen, 59 ft., 6 ins.; E. by said
Graght, 25 ft., 6 ins. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Aug.
25, 1658. Recites deed Apl. 30, 1659.

Deed. Gerrit Jans Roos to Claes Paulusen. (Lib. B,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 7.) Recites deed June 27, 1659. Desc:
Ho. and lot W. of Heere Graght; bounded S., ho. and
lot of Van Laer; W., ho. and lot of P. Hertgens; N. ho.
and lot of D. Van Oldenbergh; E. by the Graft afsd.; in
front on st. or Graft, 25 ft., 5 ins.;W. 23 ft.; long N. side,
59 ft., 6 ins.; and S. side, 52 ft., 6 ins.

Deed. Revnout Reynoutsen to TomaS Jans Mingael.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 202.) Desc: Lot W. of
Heere Graght, bounded S. by ho. and land of G. J. Roos,
4 r., 7 ft., 9 ins.; W. by lot of A. de la Noy, 25 ft.; N. by
ho. and lot of Reynout Reynoutsen, 4 r., 11 ft., 4 ins.;
E. by afsd. Graght, 25 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou,
Nov. 10, 1659. Recites deeds Jan. 14, 1656; Mch. 19,

166 1
Deed. Tomas Jans Mingael to Dirck Jansen van
Oldenburgh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 202.) Desc:
s. a. preceding instrument.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacques Cousseau. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 35.) Recites transport by Dirck Jansen van
Oldenburgh to above, July 5, 1665. Desc: s. a. in both
instruments preceding.