Lot: Catalina Antony - 1643-07-13 (Original Grants and Farms)

Catalina Antony - 1643-07-13
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Catalina Antony
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
D. The Grant to Catalina Antony WiLLEM KiEFT, Director, etc., to Catelina Antony,

widow of JocHiM Antony, negro. Ground-brief dated July 13, 1643. — Liber GG: 81 (Albany).

Conveys premises described in confirmation set forth below.

NicoLLs to Augustine Herman. Conf., dated June 15, 166%.— Liber Patents, III: 56 (Albany).

"Whereas there was a Patent or ground-brief . . . Kieft unto Katalina ye widdow of Jochem Antonio ye Negroe for a cert, piece of land upon this Island Manhatans lying and being to ye N. of ye Waggon way Stretching alongst ye said Waggon Path upon a S. W. lyne till it comes to Domingo Antonioes Land it contains 66 r. (leaving betwixt both a Comon Waggon way) & from ye said Domingoes Land to ye land of Thomas Sanders Smith N. W. & by W. 60 r. & further to ye said Waggon Path by ye first descent alongst ye said Sanders his land. Amounting in all to about 8 Acres or 4 morgen, 94 r. The ground-brief v/as dated July 13, 1643. Together with all ye Right & interest of ye said Catalina therein hath been purchased by Augustine Hermans & a Valuable Consideration given for ye same. Now, &c."

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