Lot: Q5 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Occupancy Date Notes

This house had 8 small apple trees on the property.

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Jacob Jansen Moesman contracted with Abraham Jansen, the carpenter, to build this house, which was not completed when the Plan was made, although Moesman was living in it, as the List informs us. In July, 1661, the carpenter sued for 272 guilders, and an otter as a present. Moesman acknowledged the obligation, but alleged that "the job is not yet finished ... a chimney mantel has yet to be made, also that the doors of the store house must be made to shut, which is not denied by the pltf." — Rec. N. Am., Ill: 334. The "Worshipful Court" ordered the carpenter to make the mantel-piece, when Moesman must pay the bill. It was not paid, however, until the carpenter procured an order to have the house sold, under execution of this judgment, in September, 1661. — Ibid., Ill:


Soon after he had bought the lot, Moesman contracted for eight apple trees, for which he was to pay 40 florins, which he did not do. The vendor sued, demanding payment, "or that he may take the apple trees back." — Ibid., II: 343. Whether the eight small trees shown on the Plan are these identical apple trees, will never now be known.

Moesman sold the house, November i, 1670, to Dirck Jansen Smith, taking a purchase money mortgage of 9,600 pounds of good tobacco {Liber Deeds, A: 86), which proves that property values were appreciating in this section.