Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Tonis Kray
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Tonis Kray. (GG: 214.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying along the Common Ditch N. of the lot of Michel Picet; its br. on the ditch or on the E. end is 4 r., 5 ft., 7 ins. and 5 gr.; in the rear or on the W. side its br. is 4 r., i ft., 9 ins. and 9 gr.; on the S. side next the lot of Michel Picet, 3 r., i ft., 8 ins., amtg. in all to 14 r., 6 ft., 6 ins. and 6 gr.
Document Source(s)
GG: 214
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Apl. IS Gr-br. to Tonis Kray. (GG: 214.) Desc: A cert,
lot for a ho. and garden lying along the Common Ditch
N. of the lot of Michel Picet; its br. on the ditch or on
the E. end is 4 r., 5 ft., 7 ins. and 5 gr.; in the rear or on
the W. side its br. is 4 r., i ft., 9 ins. and 9 gr.; on the S.
side next the lot of Michel Picet, 3 r., i ft., 8 ins., amtg.
in all to 14 r., 6 ft., 6 ins. and 6 gr.
Oct. 5 Deed. Pieter Schabanck, agent of Tonas (or Teunis)
Kray, to Solomon La Chair. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co. :
74.) Desc: Lot W. of the Graft, bounded N. by the St.,
3 r., 6 ft., 4 ins.; E. by the St., 2 r., 3 ft., 2 ins.; W. by L
Kip and H. Jansen, 2 r., i ft., Syi ins.; S. by G. Van Im-
broeck and Kray and by div. line being ^ gate and yi
well, 3 r. and 4 ft., according to measure by Court Mes-
senger, Sep. 26 last.
Apl. 27 Deed. Teunis Kray to Solomon La Chair. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 127.) Desc: Ho. and lot W. of Heere
Graft; bounded N. by Brouwers Straat; E. by the graft
afsd.; S. by ho. and lot of Teunis Kray; W. by ho. and
lot of L Kip, extending on S. side to centre of gate of
passage-way and of the well and further as rear fence lies,
according to bill of sale Nov. i8, 1655, when ho. was
purchased. Gr-br. recited as of Apl. 15, 1647 {supra).
Jan. 12 Deed. Teunis Cray to OlofF Stevensen Cortland.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 180.) Ho. and lot W. of
Heere Graght, bounded S. by the ho. and lot of P.
Schabanck and S. J. Romeyn, 3 r., 6 ft., 5 ins.; W. by ho.
and lot of L Kip, 30 ft., 4 ins.; N. by the Brouwers
Straat, 3 r., 8 ft., 8 ins.; E. by the said Graght, 29 ft.,
4 ins. Br. in front on St. or E. side, according to measure-
ment of J. Cortelyou, Dec. 17, 1660 (sic), 29 ft., 4 ins.
Gr-br. recited (supra).
Aug. 12 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Oloff S. Van Cortlandt.
(Pats. Alb., II: 93.) Recites transport dated Jan. (12)
1660, Teunis Cray to OlofF Stevensen Van Cortlandt.
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Mch. 2 Deed. Teunis Kraey to Peter Schabanck and Gysbert
Van Imbroeck. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 37.) Desc:
Ho. and lot W. side of the Graft, bet. the ho. and lot on
S. side H. de Backer. N. side, S. La Chair; W. side, H.
Smith; E. side, the street, according to purchase made
Jan. 20 last by parties of second part. Br. in front on
St. or E. side, from K the passage or place bet. both the
hos. and lot of Hendrick the baker, where K the drop
remains 2 r. and 6 ins. Rear, on W. side, from l4 well
unto Hendrick the Baker's, 2 r., z'/i ft.; long on W. bet.
S. La Chair and from '2 the passage to ^2 the well,
3 r., 4 ft. and 3 ins. Long on S. side, by Hendrick the
Baker, 3 r., i ft., Sins.; according to gr-br. to Kray,
Apl. 15, 1647.
Nov. 8 Deed. Gysbert Van Imbroeck to Isaac de Foreest.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 105.) Desc: undivided }4
part of above described premises.
Feb. 13 Deed. Isaac De Foreest to Simon Jansen (Romeyn).
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 124.) Same undivided in-
terest conveyed.
Dec. I Deed. Pieter Schaafbanck to Symon Jansen Romeyn.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 198.) Conveys undivided
yi interest in same premises.
Feb. I Deed. Symon Jansen Romeyn and Pieter Schaufbanck
to Teunis Cray. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 199.) Desc:
Lot W. of Heere Graght, bounded S. by lot of H. W. Feb. i
Backer 3 r., 3 ft.; W. by lot of H. Jansen Smith, 9 ft.,
Sins.; N. by ho. and lot of Romeyn, 3 r., 3 ft.; E. by
Graght, 10 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Dec. 22, 1660.
Recites deeds, Mch. 2, 1656, Feb. 13, 1658.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Laurens Vander Spiegel. June 6
(Pats. Alb., II: 42.) Recites transport by Symon Jansen
Romeyn to above Vander Spiegel, Mch. 15, 1667. Desc:
On W. side of the Moate or ditch, commonly called the
Heere Graft, having to the S. Teunis Craey; W. the
ground hereafter named; N. Oloff Stevens (Van Cort-
landt); E. the Graft; cont'g in br. on the E. side, 17 ft.,
7 ins.;W. side, 18 ft., 5 ins.; in length on the S. side, 3 r.,
3 ft.; on the N. side, 3 r., 5 ft.; and a small slip on both
sides of 7 ins. Together with another lot of ground to
theW. of the lot aforenamed, to the S. of Lucas Dircksen,
where the Signe of the Fort Orange hangs out, being in
length and br. on the S.W. side, 38 ft., wood measure;
on the N.E. side, 37 ft.; and on the N.W. and S.E. sides,
18 ft., 9 ins.
lot for a ho. and garden lying along the Common Ditch
N. of the lot of Michel Picet; its br. on the ditch or on
the E. end is 4 r., 5 ft., 7 ins. and 5 gr.; in the rear or on
the W. side its br. is 4 r., i ft., 9 ins. and 9 gr.; on the S.
side next the lot of Michel Picet, 3 r., i ft., 8 ins., amtg.
in all to 14 r., 6 ft., 6 ins. and 6 gr.
Oct. 5 Deed. Pieter Schabanck, agent of Tonas (or Teunis)
Kray, to Solomon La Chair. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co. :
74.) Desc: Lot W. of the Graft, bounded N. by the St.,
3 r., 6 ft., 4 ins.; E. by the St., 2 r., 3 ft., 2 ins.; W. by L
Kip and H. Jansen, 2 r., i ft., Syi ins.; S. by G. Van Im-
broeck and Kray and by div. line being ^ gate and yi
well, 3 r. and 4 ft., according to measure by Court Mes-
senger, Sep. 26 last.
Apl. 27 Deed. Teunis Kray to Solomon La Chair. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 127.) Desc: Ho. and lot W. of Heere
Graft; bounded N. by Brouwers Straat; E. by the graft
afsd.; S. by ho. and lot of Teunis Kray; W. by ho. and
lot of L Kip, extending on S. side to centre of gate of
passage-way and of the well and further as rear fence lies,
according to bill of sale Nov. i8, 1655, when ho. was
purchased. Gr-br. recited as of Apl. 15, 1647 {supra).
Jan. 12 Deed. Teunis Cray to OlofF Stevensen Cortland.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 180.) Ho. and lot W. of
Heere Graght, bounded S. by the ho. and lot of P.
Schabanck and S. J. Romeyn, 3 r., 6 ft., 5 ins.; W. by ho.
and lot of L Kip, 30 ft., 4 ins.; N. by the Brouwers
Straat, 3 r., 8 ft., 8 ins.; E. by the said Graght, 29 ft.,
4 ins. Br. in front on St. or E. side, according to measure-
ment of J. Cortelyou, Dec. 17, 1660 (sic), 29 ft., 4 ins.
Gr-br. recited (supra).
Aug. 12 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Oloff S. Van Cortlandt.
(Pats. Alb., II: 93.) Recites transport dated Jan. (12)
1660, Teunis Cray to OlofF Stevensen Van Cortlandt.
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Mch. 2 Deed. Teunis Kraey to Peter Schabanck and Gysbert
Van Imbroeck. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 37.) Desc:
Ho. and lot W. side of the Graft, bet. the ho. and lot on
S. side H. de Backer. N. side, S. La Chair; W. side, H.
Smith; E. side, the street, according to purchase made
Jan. 20 last by parties of second part. Br. in front on
St. or E. side, from K the passage or place bet. both the
hos. and lot of Hendrick the baker, where K the drop
remains 2 r. and 6 ins. Rear, on W. side, from l4 well
unto Hendrick the Baker's, 2 r., z'/i ft.; long on W. bet.
S. La Chair and from '2 the passage to ^2 the well,
3 r., 4 ft. and 3 ins. Long on S. side, by Hendrick the
Baker, 3 r., i ft., Sins.; according to gr-br. to Kray,
Apl. 15, 1647.
Nov. 8 Deed. Gysbert Van Imbroeck to Isaac de Foreest.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 105.) Desc: undivided }4
part of above described premises.
Feb. 13 Deed. Isaac De Foreest to Simon Jansen (Romeyn).
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 124.) Same undivided in-
terest conveyed.
Dec. I Deed. Pieter Schaafbanck to Symon Jansen Romeyn.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 198.) Conveys undivided
yi interest in same premises.
Feb. I Deed. Symon Jansen Romeyn and Pieter Schaufbanck
to Teunis Cray. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 199.) Desc:
Lot W. of Heere Graght, bounded S. by lot of H. W. Feb. i
Backer 3 r., 3 ft.; W. by lot of H. Jansen Smith, 9 ft.,
Sins.; N. by ho. and lot of Romeyn, 3 r., 3 ft.; E. by
Graght, 10 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Dec. 22, 1660.
Recites deeds, Mch. 2, 1656, Feb. 13, 1658.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Laurens Vander Spiegel. June 6
(Pats. Alb., II: 42.) Recites transport by Symon Jansen
Romeyn to above Vander Spiegel, Mch. 15, 1667. Desc:
On W. side of the Moate or ditch, commonly called the
Heere Graft, having to the S. Teunis Craey; W. the
ground hereafter named; N. Oloff Stevens (Van Cort-
landt); E. the Graft; cont'g in br. on the E. side, 17 ft.,
7 ins.;W. side, 18 ft., 5 ins.; in length on the S. side, 3 r.,
3 ft.; on the N. side, 3 r., 5 ft.; and a small slip on both
sides of 7 ins. Together with another lot of ground to
theW. of the lot aforenamed, to the S. of Lucas Dircksen,
where the Signe of the Fort Orange hangs out, being in
length and br. on the S.W. side, 38 ft., wood measure;
on the N.E. side, 37 ft.; and on the N.W. and S.E. sides,
18 ft., 9 ins.