Lot: Laurens Cornelissen Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Laurens Cornelissen Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Laurens Cornelissen [vANDER Wel]. Ground-brief dated Sept. 7, 1641. — Liber GG: 43 (Albany).

Conveys "A certain parcel of land lying by Smit's Valley on the Island of Manhattans where on the east it bounds on the lands of Cornells van Tienhoven and west on the Highway running betwixt the said piece of land and Hendrick Snijder's palisades, which in the measured breadth both on the side and before on the beach shall remain, with the express condition that the said Laurens Cornelissen shall repair the road leading from the farm of Cornells van Tienhoven to this beach fit for the use of wagons and when once repaired at the costs of the aforesaid Laurens Cornelissen it shall henceforth and forever be maintained and kept up by the said Laurens Cornelissen and Cornells van Tienhoven half and half."

The road to the beach was the present Maiden Lane.

WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Sander Leendertsen. Ground-brief dated July 2, 1646. — Liber GG: 152 (Albany).

"Whereas some years ago Laurens Cornelissen vander Wei was granted a double lot on Smith's Valley to be built on within five years, and whereas there has been erected only one house and the remaining part remains unimproved, Cornelissen has forfeited his claim to that part which lies waste, therefore there is granted the portion between Frederick Lubbertsen and the Dam and the land of Cornelis van Tienhoven unto Sandert Leendertsen."

LowERis Cornelissen to Sander Leenderse. Deed dated Nov. 9, 16^1.— Liber HH: 6 (Albany).

Conveys "lot on east of lot which he has sold to Frederick Lubbertsen, extending in front on the river from the said Frederick's side utmost bound, about east 9 rods, 8 feet, 6 inches and along said Frederick's side, 16 rods, 4 feet, 7 inches; in breadth in rear, 8 rods, 9 feet; along the Smith's Valley, 19 rods, 7 feet, 9 inches, I grain; amounting together to 100 and 19 rods, 6 feet, 6 inches." Evidently a quit-claim deed.