Philipse, Frederick (1627-1702), merchant; born Bolswaard, Friesland, son of Philippus Douwesz and Ibel Feddricks; arrived in New Amsterdam as a carpenter’s apprentice, 1647; engaged in the Indian and West India trade and manufacture of wampum; purchased a lot in New Amsterdam, 1658; married Margaret Hardenbroeck (c. 1628–1691?), widow of Pieter Rudolphs de Vries, Dutch Reformed Church, New Amsterdam, intention, Oct. 28, 1662; appointed New York City surveyor,1666; city alderman, 1674; business associate of Gov. Edmund Andros [q.v.]; member of New York governors’ councils, 1675-1688.
The portrait above is from The Founders Portraits vol. III, Charles Knowles Bolton, 1867.
David Voorhees, Jacob Leisler Papers