Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Edward Marrel
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Edward Marrel. (GG: 126.) Desc.:Acert. lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Man- hattans, on or at the Cripplebush, E. of the lots of Isaac AUerton and Govert Loockermans and behind the lots of Mr. Poulus* and William Bredenbent; it extends in br. or on the W'ly side 5 r. ; in length on the N. side, 14 r. and 5 ft.; its br. on the E. side, 14 r.; its length on the S. side, 14 r., 3 ft.; amtg. in all to 64 r., 8 ft. f
Document Source(s)
GG: 126
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Nov. 3 Gr-br. to Edward Marrel. (GG: 126.) Desc.:Acert.
lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Man-
hattans, on or at the Cripplebush, E. of the lots of Isaac
AUerton and Govert Loockermans and behind the lots
of Mr. Poulus* and William Bredenbent; it extends in br.
or on the W'ly side 5 r. ; in length on the N. side, 14 r.
and 5 ft.; its br. on the E. side, 14 r.; its length on the S.
side, 14 r., 3 ft.; amtg. in all to 64 r., 8 ft. f
•Paulus van der Beeck.
tin above gr-br. translator's error reverses dimensions. Should
read E. and W. sides, 5 r.; N. and S. sides, 14 r. '
Nov. 15 Deed. Wessel Everts to Conraet Ten Eyck and
Barent Myndertsen. (HH: 5.) Desc: s. a. preceding
instrument. Recites according to gr-br. Nov. 3, 1645.
Note: No deed into Wessel Everts found of record.
June 8 Partition deed. Not found of record, but recited in
Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 23. Bet. Conraet Ten Eyck
and Barent Mynderts.
July 15 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Conraet Ten Eyck. (Pats.
Alb., II: 76 [2J.) Recites transport dated Nov. 15, 1652
by Wessel! Everts to Conraet Ten Eyck and Barent
Myndertsen for lot lying on the E. of the lots of Isaack
Allerton and Govert Loockermans, behind those hereto-
fore belonging to Mr. Paulus and William Bredenbent,
a part of which said lot is now only in the tenure and
occupation of said Conraet Ten Eyck, the rest being
conveyed away to several other persons; And whereas
Thos. Fredericks did upon the 19th Aug., 1656 transport
unto the said Conraet Ten Eyck a cert, part of his lot
near the former on the street called the Schaapen
Weytie behind his own and before the lot of the said
Conraet, and he having likewise upon 31st May, 1660,
conveyed unto said Conraet his said Thomas Fredericks's
lot lying on the W. side of the Prince's Graft having to
the E. said Graft, N. and W. ground belonging to said
Conraet and to the S. Abraham Lubberts; All which said
several parcels being lately surveyed together they are
found to lie to the E. of Egbert Mynderts, to the N. of
Teunis Tomassen Quick and to the S. of Cornelius
Barents and cont'gon E. side 49 ft., 2 ins.; W. side, 29 ft.;
N. side, 14 r., 6 ft.; S. side, 13 r., 12 ft., 7 ins.
May 31 Deed. Conraet Ten Eyck to Daniel Tourneur. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 219.) Lot W. of Prince Graght,
bounded N. by lot of R. Reinoutsen, 13 r., 10 ft.; E. by
Graght, 40 ft.; S. by lot of Conraet Ten Eyck, 14 r.;
W. by lot of P. Van der Beeck, 20 ft., measured by J.
Cortelyou, Apl. 12, 1660. Recites deeds Nov. 15, 1652;
Aug. 19, 1656.
Apl. II Deed. Daniel Tourneur to Cornells Barensen Van der
Kuyl. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 10.) Recites deed
May 31, 1660. Subject to 200 guilders mtge. The pas-
sage way bet. both remaining in common. Desc: Ho.
and lot W. of the Prince Graft, bounded N. by the ho.
and lot of Daniel Tourneur; E. by the Graft afsd.; S. by
the ho. and lot of P. Van der Beecq, measured by J.
Cortelyou is found: E. side, 18 ft., 3 ins.; the passage-
way, etc.; N. and S. sides, II2 feet, 4 ins.; W. side, 7 ft.,
8 ins.; the lot being there again broad on E. side, 26 ft.,
5 ins.; N. side 66 ft.; S. side, 69 ft.; W. side, 21 ft., 9 ins.
June 12 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornelys Barents Van der
Kuyl. (Pats. Alb., II: 51.) Recites transport by Daniell
Tourneur, dated Apl. II, 1663. Desc: Substantially s. a.
preceding instrument.
Deed. Conraet Ten Eyck to Paulus Vander Beeck. Sep. 25
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 72.) Desc: Lot in Sheep
Pasture in rear and on the line of Mr. Paulus's lot;
bounded S. by the said Mr. Paulus's lot, 4 r., zyi ft. ; N.,
Mr. Rynhout Rynhoutsen's lot, 35-2 r.; W. by Mr.
Gysbert's lot, zyi r.; E. by the lot of Conraet Ten Eyck,
3 t-> 7/'2 ft. In virtue of deed by W. Eversen to Conraet
Ten Eyck, Nov. 13, {sic) 1652.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Daniel Turner. (Pats. Nov. 27
Alb., II: 137.) Recites transport by Conraet Ten Eyck
to above for Desc: W. side Prince's Graght having on N.
lot of Reynout Reynoutsen; to E. the Graght afsd. and
to S., lot of said Conraet Ten Eyck and to W. that of
Paulus Van der Beeck. Cont'g E. side, 40 ft.; W. side,
20 ft.; S. side, 14 r.; N. side, 13 r., 10 ft.
Deed. Barent Meynderts to Rhynhout Rynhoutsen. June 8
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 23.) Desc: Lot in Sheep
Pasture abutting W. side Mr. Gysbert; on S. side, C. Ten
Eyck, N. and E., open and ungranted land; br. on W.
side, in rear, 2}/iv.; E. side, front, 6K r.,^ ft.; long on N.
side, 14 r., 5 ft.; S. side, bet. C. Ten Eyck and in straight
line, 14 r., 4 ft. Recites agreement of partition bet.
Conraet Ten Eyck and Barent Meynderts, June 8, 1655.
s. a. gr-br.; s. a. W. Eversen to Ten Eyck, Nov. 15, 1652,
and Barent Meyndertsen.
Deed. Reinhout Reinhoutzen to Jacob Mensen. (Lib. Mch. 13
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 153.) Lot in Schape Weitie, W. of
Prince Graght; bounded N. by T. Verdon, 119 ft.; W. by
tannery of R. Reinhoutsen, 17 ft.; S. by C. Ten Eyck,
119 ft.; E. by above Graght, 22 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou Mch. 22, 1658. Deed, June 8, 1655.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Jacob Mensen. (Pats. May 6
Alb., Ill: 22.) Recites transport Reinhout Reinhoutsen
to Jacob Mensen. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Reinout Reinoutsen to Tomas Verdon. (Lib. Mch. 13
A, Deeds, N.Y. Co.: 152.) Lot in Shaape Weytie, W. of
the Prince's Graght, bounded N. by Jan Cornelissen, 1 19
ft.; W. by Tannery of Reinoutsen, 17 ft.; S. by J. Mensen
119 ft.; E. by the Graght, 22 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, Mch. 22, 1658. Recites deed June 8, 1655.
Deed. Tomas Verdon to Cornells Barens Van der Apl. 9
Kuyl. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 8.) Recites deed set
forth above. Desc: Ho. and lot on the Prince's Graft.
Bounded N. by the ho. and lot of A. Hardenbrook;* E.
by the Graft afsd.; S. by the ho. and lot of J. Mens; W.
by the Tannery of R. Reinoutsen. In front on St., 22 ft.;
in rear, on W. side, 17 ft.; in length, S. and N. sides,
1 19 ft.
•Abel Hardenbroeck m. Annetje Meyndcrs, wid. of Dirck Smit.
{Min. Orph. Court, Vol. II, under date Jan. 31, 1664.)
Deed. Cornells Barensen Van, der Kuyl to Paulus Apl. 9
Andriessen Stulp. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 9.) Re-
cites deed, Apl. 9, 1653. Desc: s. a. as above.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Paulus Andries Stulp. May 25
(Pats. Alb., II: 36.) Recites a transport Cornelys
Barens van der Kuyl to Stulp, dated Apl. 9, 1663. Desc:
s. a. above.
Deed. Remhout Remhoutzen to Jan Cornelissen van Mch. 13
Vlensburgh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 154.) Desc:
Lot in Shaape Weytie W. of Prince's Graght; bounded
N. by P. Rudolphus, 119 ft.; W. by tannery of Van
Vlensburgh, 17 ft.; S. by T. Verdon, 119 ft.; E. by the
Graght, 24 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Dec. 5, 1657.
Deed recited of June 8, 1655.
July 15 Deed. Jan Cornelissen Van Vlensburgh to Willem
Jansen Van Borckloo. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 233.)
Desc: Ho. and lot W. of Prince Graght, bounded N.
by ho. and lot of P. Rudolphus's wid., 119 ft.; W. by
tannery of R. Reinhoutsen; S. by Cornells Bordensen,
119 ft.; E. by Graght, 24ft. Recites deed Mch. 13,
July 17 Deed. Willem Jansen Van Borckelo to Annetje
Dircks, wid. of Dirck Smitt. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
234.) S. a. preceding instrument. Recites deed July 15,
Nov. 3 Gr-br. to Edward Marrel. (GG: 126.) Desc.:Acert.
lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Man-
hattans, on or at the Cripplebush, E. of the lots of Isaac
AUerton and Govert Loockermans and behind the lots
of Mr. Poulus* and William Bredenbent; it extends in br.
or on the W'ly side 5 r. ; in length on the N. side, 14 r.
and 5 ft.; its br. on the E. side, 14 r.; its length on the S.
side, 14 r., 3 ft.; amtg. in all to 64 r., 8 ft. f
•Paulus van der Beeck.
tin above gr-br. translator's error reverses dimensions. Should
read E. and W. sides, 5 r.; N. and S. sides, 14 r. '
Nov. 15 Deed. Wessel Everts to Conraet Ten Eyck and
Barent Myndertsen. (HH: 5.) Desc: s. a. preceding
instrument. Recites according to gr-br. Nov. 3, 1645.
Note: No deed into Wessel Everts found of record.
June 8 Partition deed. Not found of record, but recited in
Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 23. Bet. Conraet Ten Eyck
and Barent Mynderts.
July 15 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Conraet Ten Eyck. (Pats.
Alb., II: 76 [2J.) Recites transport dated Nov. 15, 1652
by Wessel! Everts to Conraet Ten Eyck and Barent
Myndertsen for lot lying on the E. of the lots of Isaack
Allerton and Govert Loockermans, behind those hereto-
fore belonging to Mr. Paulus and William Bredenbent,
a part of which said lot is now only in the tenure and
occupation of said Conraet Ten Eyck, the rest being
conveyed away to several other persons; And whereas
Thos. Fredericks did upon the 19th Aug., 1656 transport
unto the said Conraet Ten Eyck a cert, part of his lot
near the former on the street called the Schaapen
Weytie behind his own and before the lot of the said
Conraet, and he having likewise upon 31st May, 1660,
conveyed unto said Conraet his said Thomas Fredericks's
lot lying on the W. side of the Prince's Graft having to
the E. said Graft, N. and W. ground belonging to said
Conraet and to the S. Abraham Lubberts; All which said
several parcels being lately surveyed together they are
found to lie to the E. of Egbert Mynderts, to the N. of
Teunis Tomassen Quick and to the S. of Cornelius
Barents and cont'gon E. side 49 ft., 2 ins.; W. side, 29 ft.;
N. side, 14 r., 6 ft.; S. side, 13 r., 12 ft., 7 ins.
May 31 Deed. Conraet Ten Eyck to Daniel Tourneur. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 219.) Lot W. of Prince Graght,
bounded N. by lot of R. Reinoutsen, 13 r., 10 ft.; E. by
Graght, 40 ft.; S. by lot of Conraet Ten Eyck, 14 r.;
W. by lot of P. Van der Beeck, 20 ft., measured by J.
Cortelyou, Apl. 12, 1660. Recites deeds Nov. 15, 1652;
Aug. 19, 1656.
Apl. II Deed. Daniel Tourneur to Cornells Barensen Van der
Kuyl. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 10.) Recites deed
May 31, 1660. Subject to 200 guilders mtge. The pas-
sage way bet. both remaining in common. Desc: Ho.
and lot W. of the Prince Graft, bounded N. by the ho.
and lot of Daniel Tourneur; E. by the Graft afsd.; S. by
the ho. and lot of P. Van der Beecq, measured by J.
Cortelyou is found: E. side, 18 ft., 3 ins.; the passage-
way, etc.; N. and S. sides, II2 feet, 4 ins.; W. side, 7 ft.,
8 ins.; the lot being there again broad on E. side, 26 ft.,
5 ins.; N. side 66 ft.; S. side, 69 ft.; W. side, 21 ft., 9 ins.
June 12 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornelys Barents Van der
Kuyl. (Pats. Alb., II: 51.) Recites transport by Daniell
Tourneur, dated Apl. II, 1663. Desc: Substantially s. a.
preceding instrument.
Deed. Conraet Ten Eyck to Paulus Vander Beeck. Sep. 25
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 72.) Desc: Lot in Sheep
Pasture in rear and on the line of Mr. Paulus's lot;
bounded S. by the said Mr. Paulus's lot, 4 r., zyi ft. ; N.,
Mr. Rynhout Rynhoutsen's lot, 35-2 r.; W. by Mr.
Gysbert's lot, zyi r.; E. by the lot of Conraet Ten Eyck,
3 t-> 7/'2 ft. In virtue of deed by W. Eversen to Conraet
Ten Eyck, Nov. 13, {sic) 1652.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Daniel Turner. (Pats. Nov. 27
Alb., II: 137.) Recites transport by Conraet Ten Eyck
to above for Desc: W. side Prince's Graght having on N.
lot of Reynout Reynoutsen; to E. the Graght afsd. and
to S., lot of said Conraet Ten Eyck and to W. that of
Paulus Van der Beeck. Cont'g E. side, 40 ft.; W. side,
20 ft.; S. side, 14 r.; N. side, 13 r., 10 ft.
Deed. Barent Meynderts to Rhynhout Rynhoutsen. June 8
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 23.) Desc: Lot in Sheep
Pasture abutting W. side Mr. Gysbert; on S. side, C. Ten
Eyck, N. and E., open and ungranted land; br. on W.
side, in rear, 2}/iv.; E. side, front, 6K r.,^ ft.; long on N.
side, 14 r., 5 ft.; S. side, bet. C. Ten Eyck and in straight
line, 14 r., 4 ft. Recites agreement of partition bet.
Conraet Ten Eyck and Barent Meynderts, June 8, 1655.
s. a. gr-br.; s. a. W. Eversen to Ten Eyck, Nov. 15, 1652,
and Barent Meyndertsen.
Deed. Reinhout Reinhoutzen to Jacob Mensen. (Lib. Mch. 13
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 153.) Lot in Schape Weitie, W. of
Prince Graght; bounded N. by T. Verdon, 119 ft.; W. by
tannery of R. Reinhoutsen, 17 ft.; S. by C. Ten Eyck,
119 ft.; E. by above Graght, 22 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou Mch. 22, 1658. Deed, June 8, 1655.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Jacob Mensen. (Pats. May 6
Alb., Ill: 22.) Recites transport Reinhout Reinhoutsen
to Jacob Mensen. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Reinout Reinoutsen to Tomas Verdon. (Lib. Mch. 13
A, Deeds, N.Y. Co.: 152.) Lot in Shaape Weytie, W. of
the Prince's Graght, bounded N. by Jan Cornelissen, 1 19
ft.; W. by Tannery of Reinoutsen, 17 ft.; S. by J. Mensen
119 ft.; E. by the Graght, 22 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, Mch. 22, 1658. Recites deed June 8, 1655.
Deed. Tomas Verdon to Cornells Barens Van der Apl. 9
Kuyl. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 8.) Recites deed set
forth above. Desc: Ho. and lot on the Prince's Graft.
Bounded N. by the ho. and lot of A. Hardenbrook;* E.
by the Graft afsd.; S. by the ho. and lot of J. Mens; W.
by the Tannery of R. Reinoutsen. In front on St., 22 ft.;
in rear, on W. side, 17 ft.; in length, S. and N. sides,
1 19 ft.
•Abel Hardenbroeck m. Annetje Meyndcrs, wid. of Dirck Smit.
{Min. Orph. Court, Vol. II, under date Jan. 31, 1664.)
Deed. Cornells Barensen Van, der Kuyl to Paulus Apl. 9
Andriessen Stulp. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 9.) Re-
cites deed, Apl. 9, 1653. Desc: s. a. as above.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Paulus Andries Stulp. May 25
(Pats. Alb., II: 36.) Recites a transport Cornelys
Barens van der Kuyl to Stulp, dated Apl. 9, 1663. Desc:
s. a. above.
Deed. Remhout Remhoutzen to Jan Cornelissen van Mch. 13
Vlensburgh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 154.) Desc:
Lot in Shaape Weytie W. of Prince's Graght; bounded
N. by P. Rudolphus, 119 ft.; W. by tannery of Van
Vlensburgh, 17 ft.; S. by T. Verdon, 119 ft.; E. by the
Graght, 24 ft. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Dec. 5, 1657.
Deed recited of June 8, 1655.
July 15 Deed. Jan Cornelissen Van Vlensburgh to Willem
Jansen Van Borckloo. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 233.)
Desc: Ho. and lot W. of Prince Graght, bounded N.
by ho. and lot of P. Rudolphus's wid., 119 ft.; W. by
tannery of R. Reinhoutsen; S. by Cornells Bordensen,
119 ft.; E. by Graght, 24ft. Recites deed Mch. 13,
July 17 Deed. Willem Jansen Van Borckelo to Annetje
Dircks, wid. of Dirck Smitt. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
234.) S. a. preceding instrument. Recites deed July 15,