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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Grant Lot Document(s)
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Taxlots 8, 9, 10 were purchased by Nicholas de Meyer and contained a mill, a lot, and a stone house. Lot #10 was the stone house and was occupied by Nicholas and his family. According to Stokes, the western end was the mill, the house was lot #10 and the garden was in between. See Stokes VolII for more details. TD.
Tax Lot Events
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Nicolaes d' Meyer, or de Meyer, from Holsteyn, owned the Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven property, in 1660, and on it Van Couwenhoven had built a stone house and
a mill.
Van Couwenhoven mortgaged "his certain stone house and lot situate within this city west of the house of Michael Poulusen and occupied by Lysbet Setten and [blank], together with the barn, mill and lot situate adjoining thereunto east of the house of Pieter Andriesen chimney sweeper. . . ."—Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 13-16.
The house stood on the easterly part of his ground, next to Paulussen's house (afterward Van Vleck's). The mill was on the western end of the grant, next to the chimneysweep's house; between them lay the lot or garden. This mortgage was assigned by Allard Anthony, administrator of the estate of Benjamin vande Water, deceased, to Walewyn van der Veen.
Some time prior to December 18, 1656, Van Couwenhoven sold the property to Nicolaes d'Meyer; but Secretary Kip refused to draw up the conveyance, because of an unpaid balance due on this mortgage. — Rec. N. Am., II: 249. The court directing him to do it. Kip finally drew the deed for the lot "where the Mill stands," and it was recorded December 20, 1656. — Liber Deeds, A: 83.
On January 29, 1657, De Meyer still had no title to the house. "The Secretary is ordered to make out the conveyance and mortgage." — Rec. N. Am., II: 281. Kip then wrote out the conveyance for the "certain Stone house and lot," and also for the little strip of land "on the East side of the house" and "on the West side of Michiel Paulessen's house," which had been bought from Wessel Evertsen, and they were recorded, March 21, 1657. — Liber Deeds, A: 86, 87.
But de Meyer was not yet satisfied. On February 11, 1658, he states in court, that he
has bought the stone house, in which he lives, also the mill and lot from the deft. Jacob Wolfersen, and paid for them . . . and as the stone house, mill and lot stand mortgaged to the attornies of Wallewyn vander Veen for payment of fl. 3543: 19 stiv., the pltf. demands in writing, that the aforesaid mortgage be erased from the Register. — Rec. N. Am., II: 326-7.
Van der Veen protested, and the contest dragged through the courts until, on June i, 1658, the mortgage was satisfied and de Meyer's title cleared. — Ibid., II: 340, 352, 355, 368; Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 13-16. Then, De Meyer tore down the old horse-mill, and erected the two new houses shown on the Plan — Nos. 8 and 9 — leaving the old stone house. No. 10. The mill-work and the mill-stones were sent to New Utrecht. De Sille says:
In this year 1660, the Fiscal, Jan Van Cleef and his friend [Titus Cyre], bought of Jacob Wolfertse Van Couwenhoven, for the use of the inhabitants of the town of Utrecht, a Horse Mill, with the appurtenances which had been used for grinding in Amsterdam on the Manhattans. The mill stones and the mill work were brought and set up in the Village of Utrecht.
After reciting various difficulties about payment, and so forth, De Sille concludes:
Having in view the benefit to the Town and the convenience of the inhabitants . . . the mill remained in the town of Utrecht, the Fiscal remaining unwilling to sell his third part. — Papers relating to Long Island, in Doc. Hist. N. Y., 8vo. ed., I: 650.
De Sille errs in saying that the appurtenances of the mill were bought directly from Van Couwenhoven. Hendrick van Dyck,De Meyer's father-in-law and attorney, on October ig, 1660, sued Titus Cyre and Jan van Cleef for "payment of fl. 250. in zeewan with costs, for purchase of a horse mill." — Rec. N. Am., Ill: 230.
In the tax-list of 1677, De Meyer's "Little house," his "new great house," and a "Dwelling house" are assessed — undoubtedly, the three buildings pictured on the Plan. — M.C. C, I: 56. In 1686, "De Heer Nicolas de Meyert, en zyn h. v. Lydia van Dyck" still lived here. — Selyns's List, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1841, p. 396.
Nicolaes van Holsteyn, as the earliest records call him, was originally from Hamburg (in Schleswig-Holstein). He was a baker, and, as was usual in those days, ground his own flour. His mill near the Fresh Water is treated of elsewhere. De Meyer is not found in New Amsterdam much earlier than June 6, 1655, the date of his marriage to Lydia, daughter of Hendrick van Dyck. — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 19. He was a good business man, and a perusal of the records leads to the conclusion that no one ever succeeded in taking advantage of him. As a creditor, he was inexorable. During 1664, he served as schepen of New Amsterdam. — Rec. N. Am., V: 17. In 1669, he was alderman {ibid., VI: 201), and again in 1675. — M. C. C, I: i. He was mayor, under Andros, in 1676-7 {ibid., VIII: 145), and assistant alderman under the Dongan regime. — Ibid., I: 297. He was appointed a member of Governor Sloughter's council in January, 1691, but had died before the arrival of the new governor, in March, 1691. — A'. Y. Col. Docs.,
Ill: 756-7-
For De Meyer's will, and letters of administration granted to his son, see N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1892, pp. 187, 203. A sketch of de Meyer and his descendants will be found in Riker's Hist, of Harlem, 359-60.
On the partition of Nicholas de Meyer's estate, in July, 1691, the most westerly house fell to Henry de Meyer; the middle house to Elizabeth de Meyer and her husband, Philip Schuyler; and the easterly house to Anna Catrina de Meyer and her husband, Jan Williamse Neering. — Liber Deeds, XVIII: 165, 137, 134.
The stone house, No. 10, stood on the site of No. 45 Stone Street; the mill was in the rear of No. 41 Stone Street, or back of No. 8; No. 9 was on the site of No. 43 Stone Street.
See the note explaining the apparent error in the relation of these houses to the Stadt Huys Lane, now Coenties Alley (Block 0, Nos. 8 and 9).
a mill.
Van Couwenhoven mortgaged "his certain stone house and lot situate within this city west of the house of Michael Poulusen and occupied by Lysbet Setten and [blank], together with the barn, mill and lot situate adjoining thereunto east of the house of Pieter Andriesen chimney sweeper. . . ."—Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 13-16.
The house stood on the easterly part of his ground, next to Paulussen's house (afterward Van Vleck's). The mill was on the western end of the grant, next to the chimneysweep's house; between them lay the lot or garden. This mortgage was assigned by Allard Anthony, administrator of the estate of Benjamin vande Water, deceased, to Walewyn van der Veen.
Some time prior to December 18, 1656, Van Couwenhoven sold the property to Nicolaes d'Meyer; but Secretary Kip refused to draw up the conveyance, because of an unpaid balance due on this mortgage. — Rec. N. Am., II: 249. The court directing him to do it. Kip finally drew the deed for the lot "where the Mill stands," and it was recorded December 20, 1656. — Liber Deeds, A: 83.
On January 29, 1657, De Meyer still had no title to the house. "The Secretary is ordered to make out the conveyance and mortgage." — Rec. N. Am., II: 281. Kip then wrote out the conveyance for the "certain Stone house and lot," and also for the little strip of land "on the East side of the house" and "on the West side of Michiel Paulessen's house," which had been bought from Wessel Evertsen, and they were recorded, March 21, 1657. — Liber Deeds, A: 86, 87.
But de Meyer was not yet satisfied. On February 11, 1658, he states in court, that he
has bought the stone house, in which he lives, also the mill and lot from the deft. Jacob Wolfersen, and paid for them . . . and as the stone house, mill and lot stand mortgaged to the attornies of Wallewyn vander Veen for payment of fl. 3543: 19 stiv., the pltf. demands in writing, that the aforesaid mortgage be erased from the Register. — Rec. N. Am., II: 326-7.
Van der Veen protested, and the contest dragged through the courts until, on June i, 1658, the mortgage was satisfied and de Meyer's title cleared. — Ibid., II: 340, 352, 355, 368; Mortgages, 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan, 13-16. Then, De Meyer tore down the old horse-mill, and erected the two new houses shown on the Plan — Nos. 8 and 9 — leaving the old stone house. No. 10. The mill-work and the mill-stones were sent to New Utrecht. De Sille says:
In this year 1660, the Fiscal, Jan Van Cleef and his friend [Titus Cyre], bought of Jacob Wolfertse Van Couwenhoven, for the use of the inhabitants of the town of Utrecht, a Horse Mill, with the appurtenances which had been used for grinding in Amsterdam on the Manhattans. The mill stones and the mill work were brought and set up in the Village of Utrecht.
After reciting various difficulties about payment, and so forth, De Sille concludes:
Having in view the benefit to the Town and the convenience of the inhabitants . . . the mill remained in the town of Utrecht, the Fiscal remaining unwilling to sell his third part. — Papers relating to Long Island, in Doc. Hist. N. Y., 8vo. ed., I: 650.
De Sille errs in saying that the appurtenances of the mill were bought directly from Van Couwenhoven. Hendrick van Dyck,De Meyer's father-in-law and attorney, on October ig, 1660, sued Titus Cyre and Jan van Cleef for "payment of fl. 250. in zeewan with costs, for purchase of a horse mill." — Rec. N. Am., Ill: 230.
In the tax-list of 1677, De Meyer's "Little house," his "new great house," and a "Dwelling house" are assessed — undoubtedly, the three buildings pictured on the Plan. — M.C. C, I: 56. In 1686, "De Heer Nicolas de Meyert, en zyn h. v. Lydia van Dyck" still lived here. — Selyns's List, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1841, p. 396.
Nicolaes van Holsteyn, as the earliest records call him, was originally from Hamburg (in Schleswig-Holstein). He was a baker, and, as was usual in those days, ground his own flour. His mill near the Fresh Water is treated of elsewhere. De Meyer is not found in New Amsterdam much earlier than June 6, 1655, the date of his marriage to Lydia, daughter of Hendrick van Dyck. — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 19. He was a good business man, and a perusal of the records leads to the conclusion that no one ever succeeded in taking advantage of him. As a creditor, he was inexorable. During 1664, he served as schepen of New Amsterdam. — Rec. N. Am., V: 17. In 1669, he was alderman {ibid., VI: 201), and again in 1675. — M. C. C, I: i. He was mayor, under Andros, in 1676-7 {ibid., VIII: 145), and assistant alderman under the Dongan regime. — Ibid., I: 297. He was appointed a member of Governor Sloughter's council in January, 1691, but had died before the arrival of the new governor, in March, 1691. — A'. Y. Col. Docs.,
Ill: 756-7-
For De Meyer's will, and letters of administration granted to his son, see N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1892, pp. 187, 203. A sketch of de Meyer and his descendants will be found in Riker's Hist, of Harlem, 359-60.
On the partition of Nicholas de Meyer's estate, in July, 1691, the most westerly house fell to Henry de Meyer; the middle house to Elizabeth de Meyer and her husband, Philip Schuyler; and the easterly house to Anna Catrina de Meyer and her husband, Jan Williamse Neering. — Liber Deeds, XVIII: 165, 137, 134.
The stone house, No. 10, stood on the site of No. 45 Stone Street; the mill was in the rear of No. 41 Stone Street, or back of No. 8; No. 9 was on the site of No. 43 Stone Street.
See the note explaining the apparent error in the relation of these houses to the Stadt Huys Lane, now Coenties Alley (Block 0, Nos. 8 and 9).