Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
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Date End
To Party 1
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Teunis Nyssen. (GG: 203.) A cert. lot Mch. 28 lying on the Island of Manhattan, formerly derived from "Long Tryn" (Tall Catharine), extending W. from the public wagon road, S. of the afsd. Teunis Nyssen, N. of the lot of Leendert Aertsen and E. of the Company's land. Its br. on the W. side is 5 r. 8 ft.; its br. on the E. side is 5 r., 8 ft.; its length on the S. side is 18 r., 5^ ft.; its length on the N. side is 18 r. $}4 ft.
Document Source(s)
GG: 203
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Teunis Nyssen. (GG: 203.) A cert. lot Mch. 28
lying on the Island of Manhattan, formerly derived from
"Long Tryn" (Tall Catharine), extending W. from the
public wagon road, S. of the afsd. Teunis Nyssen, N. of
the lot of Leendert Aertsen and E. of the Company's
land. Its br. on the W. side is 5 r. 8 ft.; its br. on the E.
side is 5 r., 8 ft.; its length on the S. side is 18 r., 5^ ft.;
its length on the N. side is 18 r. $}4 ft.
Note. The foregoing description should read:
"Bounded W. by the public wagon road, S. by the afsd.
Teunis Nyssen; N. by the lot of Leendert Aertsen; E. by
the Company's land," etc.
Deed. Teunis Nyssen to Govert Loockermans. May 13
(Dutch MSS., Ill: 35.) Desc: A lot of land E. of the
Great Highway, opposite the Company's garden, ac-
cording to the ground-brief to Teunis Nyssen, on the
28th Mch., 1647.
By 1655, this plot was owned by Pieter Schaafbank,
the Court Messenger. According to a recital in Original
Book of N. Y. Deeds, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1913,
p. 35, Schaafbank (or Schaerbanck) received a deed for
this property from Teunis Cray, which was dated Mch.
2, 1656. No connection is traced between Loockermans
and Cray. (Cf. Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 12, 14, 216;
Rec.N.Am.,Vl\: 11.)
lying on the Island of Manhattan, formerly derived from
"Long Tryn" (Tall Catharine), extending W. from the
public wagon road, S. of the afsd. Teunis Nyssen, N. of
the lot of Leendert Aertsen and E. of the Company's
land. Its br. on the W. side is 5 r. 8 ft.; its br. on the E.
side is 5 r., 8 ft.; its length on the S. side is 18 r., 5^ ft.;
its length on the N. side is 18 r. $}4 ft.
Note. The foregoing description should read:
"Bounded W. by the public wagon road, S. by the afsd.
Teunis Nyssen; N. by the lot of Leendert Aertsen; E. by
the Company's land," etc.
Deed. Teunis Nyssen to Govert Loockermans. May 13
(Dutch MSS., Ill: 35.) Desc: A lot of land E. of the
Great Highway, opposite the Company's garden, ac-
cording to the ground-brief to Teunis Nyssen, on the
28th Mch., 1647.
By 1655, this plot was owned by Pieter Schaafbank,
the Court Messenger. According to a recital in Original
Book of N. Y. Deeds, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1913,
p. 35, Schaafbank (or Schaerbanck) received a deed for
this property from Teunis Cray, which was dated Mch.
2, 1656. No connection is traced between Loockermans
and Cray. (Cf. Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 12, 14, 216;
Rec.N.Am.,Vl\: 11.)