Lot: N3 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Original Grants and Farms Document(s)
Grant Lot Document(s)

"Claas Karstensen" of Sant, in Norway own this little house until October 1662 when he sold it to Aldert Conick.  (Stokes).

Tax Lot Events
Document(s) Property Type Taxlot Event Type Date To Party 1 Entity Description (to party 1) Party Role In Transaction (to party 1) To Party 2 Entity Description (to party 2) Party Role In Transaction (to party 2) From Party 1 Party Role In Transaction (from party 1) Entity Description (from party 1) From Party 2 Entity Description (from party 2) Party Role In Transaction (from party 2) References Title
Land Sale Abel Hardenbrooke (ID: 1,660,246) Individual Buyer Seller Individual N3_1668-00-00
Land January 1, 1646 Claes Karstensen (ID: 1,660,204) Individual Owner N3_1646-01-01
Land Acquired through Marriage April 15, 1646 Individual Owner (Joint Owner through Marriage) Owner (Joint Owner through Marriage) Individual N3_1646-04-15
Land Sale Individual Buyer Claas Karstensen (ID: 1,660,105) Seller Individual Hilletje Hendricks (ID: 660,039) Individual Owner (Joint Owner through Marriage) N3_1662-10-00
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
"Claas Karstensen," of Sant, in Norway, ['] owned this little house, until October, 1662, when he sold it to Aldert Coninck, from whom it passed to Abel Hardenbrook, in 1668. — Liher Deeds, A: 282; ibid., B: 145; cf. Book of Records of Deeds ^ Transfers, 1665-1672 (translated), 130-2.

Carstensen was born in 1607, according to a deposition made by him before the orphanmasters, May II, 1657. — Min. of Orpk. Court, trans, by O'Callaghan, 38-9. He was in New Netherland as early as 1642, and owned land on Long Island before 1644. Burger Jorissen bought part of his bouwery at Newtown from Carstensen. — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dvtch, 19, 26, 378. He married Hilletje Hendricks, April 15, 1646. — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 13. In 1655, he was one of the weigh-house labourers, working under Thomas Fredericks. — Rec. N. Am., I: 403.

Site: No. 31 Stone Street.