Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Adam Roelantsen. (GG: 86.) Desc: Lot for a ho. and garden lying E. of Arent de Smit, extending along the road 7 r., 9 ft., 7 ins.; further, 8 r., 2 ft., 8 ins,, 3 gr., and further to the garden of Philip Geraerdy, 4 r., 2 ft., 3 ins.; and along his said garden 5 r., with a projecting point on his said lot, for the ho., besides his said lot; in length to the first starting point, i r., 9 ft., 4 ins
Document Source(s)
GG: 86
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Aug. 7 Gr-br. to Adam Roelantsen. (GG: 86.) Desc: Lot
for a ho. and garden lying E. of Arent de Smit, extending
along the road 7 r., 9 ft., 7 ins.; further, 8 r., 2 ft., 8 ins,,
3 gr., and further to the garden of Philip Geraerdy,
4 r., 2 ft., 3 ins.; and along his said garden 5 r., with a
projecting point on his said lot, for the ho., besides his
said lot; in length to the first starting point, i r., 9 ft.,
4 ins.
Dec. 2 Deed. Adam Roelantsen to Govert Aertsen. (Dutch
MSS., II: 153.) Desc: Ho. and lot standing and
situate next to Philip Geraerdy's lot and in virtue of the
patent granted to Adam Roelantsen, dated Aug. 7, 1643.
July 28 Deed. Johannes Pieter Verbrugge, agent of Dirckie
Van Galen, wid. of Willem Tomassen, deceased, to Gillis
Verbrugge & Co. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 60.) Desc:
P. o. lot E. of ho. of W. Tomassen, deed., W. of lot con-
veyed by Schrick to G. Verbrugge & Co., Sep. 11, 1655;
S. side, front on St., 2 r,, i ft., 3 ins.; N. side, such br.
that entire lot with what is conveyed by Schrick afsd.
is in br. 4 r. long, as well on E. as W. side, 8 r., 3 ft.
Also 6 foot passageway. Same as gr-br. Aug. 7, 1643
and deed Aug. 17, 1649; recites power of atty., Mch. 10,
Apl. 26 Deed. Johannes Pietersen Verbrugge, agent of
Dirckie Van Galen, wid. of Willem Tomassen, to Jeroni-
mus Ebbingh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 93.) Desc:
Ho. and lot bet. ho. and lot of M. de Vos, on W. and
Verbrugge's newly built ho. on the E. side; S. side, front
on St., 2 r., I ft., including y^ alley way on E. side; N., in
rear, 2 r., i>^ ft.; long on E. and W. sides S^ r. ; according
to sale dated Apl. 26, 1657 at public auction and in virtue
of power of atty. of Mch. 10, 1656.
Feb. 9 Conf Governor Nicolls to Jeronimus Ebbing. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 5.) Recites transport by Johannes Pietersen
van Brugh, atty. for Dirckie van Galen (then pro-
prietor) to Ebbing, dated June 4, 1657. Desc: On Stone
St., lying bet. the ho. of Mattheus de Vos on the W. side
and the brick ho. late belonging to the Van Brugges on
the E. side; cont'g in br. on the S. side towards the st.
2 r., I ft. (comprehending one-half the gate which lies
in common betwixt them and the afsd. brick ho.); on
the N. side, 2 r., i ft., 6 ins., and in length on the E. and
W. sides, 8 r., 9 ins.
Oct. 15 Deed. Pieter Wolfertsen Van Couwenhoven, Creditor
of Claes Jansen Rust, to Philip Geraerdy. (HH: 62.)
Desc: A lot lying at the place where the Wooden Horse
hangs out right opposite to the Shop St. (Winckel St.)
in br. on the S. or street side, 3 r., 3 ft.; on the E., 3 r.,
6 ins.; on the N. 3 r., 3 ft.; on the W. 2 r., 2 ft., 8 ins.
Feb. 18 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Maria Paulett, wid. of
Philip Geraerdy. (Pats. Alb., II: 174.) Recites trans-
port Pieter Wolferts to Philip Geraerdy, Oct. 15, 1653 Feb. 18
of a cert, lot in the Brewers or Stony st. over against
that formerly known by the name of the Winckel st.
And whereas Arent Van Hattem did likewise, upon Sep.
27, 1653, transport unto said Philip Geraerdy a cert,
piece of a lot otherwise a passage or going between lying
betwixt the said Philip Geraerdy's and Theunis Thomas-
sen, which said lot and passage are found to contain
before on S. side, 45 ft.; on W. side 3 or 4 ft.; from whence
stretching out 10 ft. it makes further on the said W. side
6 r. ; on the E. side, 9 r., 4 ft. and on the N. side, 4 r.,
9 ft.; now Philip Geraerdy being deed, and Maria
Paulett is his wid. and relict and John Geraerdy his son,
Confirms, &c.
Aug. 7 Gr-br. to Adam Roelantsen. (GG: 86.) Desc: Lot
for a ho. and garden lying E. of Arent de Smit, extending
along the road 7 r., 9 ft., 7 ins.; further, 8 r., 2 ft., 8 ins,,
3 gr., and further to the garden of Philip Geraerdy,
4 r., 2 ft., 3 ins.; and along his said garden 5 r., with a
projecting point on his said lot, for the ho., besides his
said lot; in length to the first starting point, i r., 9 ft.,
4 ins.
Dec. 2 Deed. Adam Roelantsen to Govert Aertsen. (Dutch
MSS., II: 153.) Desc: Ho. and lot standing and
situate next to Philip Geraerdy's lot and in virtue of the
patent granted to Adam Roelantsen, dated Aug. 7, 1643.
July 28 Deed. Johannes Pieter Verbrugge, agent of Dirckie
Van Galen, wid. of Willem Tomassen, deceased, to Gillis
Verbrugge & Co. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 60.) Desc:
P. o. lot E. of ho. of W. Tomassen, deed., W. of lot con-
veyed by Schrick to G. Verbrugge & Co., Sep. 11, 1655;
S. side, front on St., 2 r,, i ft., 3 ins.; N. side, such br.
that entire lot with what is conveyed by Schrick afsd.
is in br. 4 r. long, as well on E. as W. side, 8 r., 3 ft.
Also 6 foot passageway. Same as gr-br. Aug. 7, 1643
and deed Aug. 17, 1649; recites power of atty., Mch. 10,
Apl. 26 Deed. Johannes Pietersen Verbrugge, agent of
Dirckie Van Galen, wid. of Willem Tomassen, to Jeroni-
mus Ebbingh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 93.) Desc:
Ho. and lot bet. ho. and lot of M. de Vos, on W. and
Verbrugge's newly built ho. on the E. side; S. side, front
on St., 2 r., I ft., including y^ alley way on E. side; N., in
rear, 2 r., i>^ ft.; long on E. and W. sides S^ r. ; according
to sale dated Apl. 26, 1657 at public auction and in virtue
of power of atty. of Mch. 10, 1656.
Feb. 9 Conf Governor Nicolls to Jeronimus Ebbing. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 5.) Recites transport by Johannes Pietersen
van Brugh, atty. for Dirckie van Galen (then pro-
prietor) to Ebbing, dated June 4, 1657. Desc: On Stone
St., lying bet. the ho. of Mattheus de Vos on the W. side
and the brick ho. late belonging to the Van Brugges on
the E. side; cont'g in br. on the S. side towards the st.
2 r., I ft. (comprehending one-half the gate which lies
in common betwixt them and the afsd. brick ho.); on
the N. side, 2 r., i ft., 6 ins., and in length on the E. and
W. sides, 8 r., 9 ins.
Oct. 15 Deed. Pieter Wolfertsen Van Couwenhoven, Creditor
of Claes Jansen Rust, to Philip Geraerdy. (HH: 62.)
Desc: A lot lying at the place where the Wooden Horse
hangs out right opposite to the Shop St. (Winckel St.)
in br. on the S. or street side, 3 r., 3 ft.; on the E., 3 r.,
6 ins.; on the N. 3 r., 3 ft.; on the W. 2 r., 2 ft., 8 ins.
Feb. 18 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Maria Paulett, wid. of
Philip Geraerdy. (Pats. Alb., II: 174.) Recites trans-
port Pieter Wolferts to Philip Geraerdy, Oct. 15, 1653 Feb. 18
of a cert, lot in the Brewers or Stony st. over against
that formerly known by the name of the Winckel st.
And whereas Arent Van Hattem did likewise, upon Sep.
27, 1653, transport unto said Philip Geraerdy a cert,
piece of a lot otherwise a passage or going between lying
betwixt the said Philip Geraerdy's and Theunis Thomas-
sen, which said lot and passage are found to contain
before on S. side, 45 ft.; on W. side 3 or 4 ft.; from whence
stretching out 10 ft. it makes further on the said W. side
6 r. ; on the E. side, 9 r., 4 ft. and on the N. side, 4 r.,
9 ft.; now Philip Geraerdy being deed, and Maria
Paulett is his wid. and relict and John Geraerdy his son,
Confirms, &c.