Lot: M6 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Evert Duyckingh
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Evert Duyckingh. (GG: 67.) Desc: Lot June 22 bounded on the E. side by the lot of the wid. of Claes de Veeringh and on the W. by the lot of the Negroes; lying next and bordering on and in the rear of this lot is the Marsh of the Company; extending in br. in front along the road 10 r., 2 ft., 2 ins. and 4 gr. On the E. side in the length, 12 r., 7 ft., 4 ins., 6 gr. on the Company's Marsh; in the br., 10 r., i ft., 6 ins., 5 gr.; and on the side of the Negroes, 10 r., I ft., 3 ins.; amtg. to 151 r., 3 ft., 4 ins. and 6 gr.
Document Source(s)
GG: 67
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

Gr-br. to Evert Duyckingh. (GG: 67.) Desc: Lot June 22
bounded on the E. side by the lot of the wid. of Claes de
Veeringh and on the W. by the lot of the Negroes; lying
next and bordering on and in the rear of this lot is the
Marsh of the Company; extending in br. in front along
the road 10 r., 2 ft., 2 ins. and 4 gr. On the E. side in
the length, 12 r., 7 ft., 4 ins., 6 gr. on the Company's
Marsh; in the br., 10 r., i ft., 6 ins., 5 gr.; and on the
side of the Negroes, 10 r., I ft., 3 ins.; amtg. to 151 r.,
3 ft., 4 ins. and 6 gr.

Note: Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 367 recites that Duyck-
ingh got an addition to his patent, Apl. 30, 1650.
Probably the land bet. his grant and the st. Not men-
tioned in the conf. Nicolls to Duyckingh set forth below.

Deed. Evert Duyckinck to Wm. Abrahamsen [Van Aug. 27
der Borden] and Lubbert Roelantsen. {Dutch MSS.,
ni: 142.) Desc: S. of High St., bounded on the W.
by Joghem Beeckman, shoemaker; N. by the afsd. St.;
E. by Jan Reyersen; S. by him, the ho. and lot belonging
to the grantor. Survey by Jacques Cortelyou, July 6,
1658; N. side, 65 ft. from the corner; S. side the same;
W. side, no ft.; E. side, 94 ft.

Deed. Willem Abrahamsen Van der Borden to Robert Aug. 24
Roelantsen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 277.) Recites
deed Aug. 26, 1658 {sic). Desc: >2 part of ho. and lot
S. of Prince St., bounded on E. by lot of Jan Reyersen,
94 ft.; S. by ho. and lot of E. Duyckinck, 24 ft.; W. by
lot of J. Backer, no ft.; N. by st. afsd., 22 ft.

Conf Governor Nicolls to Jacobus Backer. (Pats. June 29
Alb., H: 61.) Recites transport by Robert Roelantsen
and William Abrahams Van der Borden to Jacobus
Backer: Desc: (l) S. of Prince's Graft, having to the
W. Jochem Beeckman; to the N. the afsd. St.; to the
E. the lot of said Robert Roelants and Wm. Abrahams;
to the S. the lot of Evert Duyckings. Cont'g on the
N. side, along the way, 44 ft., 8 ins.; S. side, 42 ft.; E.
side, 94 ft.; W. side, no ft. Recites Evert Duyckings
and Reiner Ganckes did upon the same day transport



June 29 to said Backer another lot (2): Desc: Having to the
W. the lot transported as afsd. unto Backer by Robert
Roelants and Wm. Abrahams; to S. the ho. and ground
of the said Evert Duyckings and Reinier Ganckes; to
the E. Jochem Beeckman's; and to the N. the St.; being
on E. side, no ft.; W. side, 127 ft.; N. side, 33 ft.; S.
side, 32 ft.

1658 ^

July 6 Deed. Evert Duyckingh to Sibout Clasen, Agent for
' Acct. of Jan Reinders. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 133.)
Recites gr-br. to Duyckingh, June 22, 1643; bill of sale,
Apl. 17, 1655. Desc: Lot in Slyck St.; W. by lot of
Evert Duyckingh; E. by lot of Do. Megapolensis,
measured by J. Cortelyou, July 4, 1658; S. side, 28 ft.,
N. side, 28 ft.; E. side, long 177 ft.; W. side, 179 ft.

June 21 Deed. Sybout Clasen, Atty. of Jan Reindersen to
Arent Fransen Vander Bruel. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 40.) Recites deed July 6, 1658. Desc: s. a. above.

Sep. 9 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Evert Duyckingh. (Pats.
Alb., II: 95.) Recites gr-br. Desc: To the E. by land
then belonging to the wid. of Claes Veringh and to the
W. by the Negroes' plantations, next to his own land
and behind the valley or meadow grounds heretofore
belonging to the West India Company. Striking in br.
towards the highway, 10 r., 2 ft., 2 ins., 4 gr.; and behind
towards the valley or meadow, 10 r., i ft., 6 ins., 5 gr.
In length on E. side, 12 r., 7 ft., 4 ins., 6 gr. and on that
side towards the Negroes, 19 r., I ft. and 3 ins.; in all
amtg. to 150 r., 3 ft., 4 ins., 6gr.; which said patent
or gr-br. bears date June 22, 1643.

Note: This conf is erroneous inasmuch as it affects
the entire contents of the gr-br. As shown by instru-
ments set forth above, Duyckingh had, before the date
of conf. divested himself of much of his land.