Document: Contract of John and Richard Ogden of Stamford, Connecticut, to build a stone church at Fort Amsterdam

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Contract. John and Richard Ogden, of Stamford, to build a stone church at New Amsterdam, 72 ft. long, by 52 ft. broad, and 16 ft. high, above the ground, for 2,500 guilders.

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Before [ me, Cornelis van Tienhoven ], appointed secretary [ in New Netherland ] for [ the General Chartered ] West India Company, appeared the [ Hon. Mr. Willem Kieft ], church master, [ being requested by his ] bretheren the church masters [ of the church in ] New Netherland, [ to contract ] in the name of all of them [ for the building of a church. ] Therefore, the appearer, as [ representative of the church masters ] has agreed and contracted with Jan Jogden and Ritsert Jogden, residents of Stantfoort,[1] about [ the building ] of a church in [ manner and ] on the conditions hereinafter written, to wit: The aforesaid Jan and Ritsert Jogden engage to build for the above named church masters a church of stone,[2] seventy-two feet long, fifty-four feet wide, sixteen feet high above the ground, all properly finished, durable and strong, so that no fault can be found with it. They shall themselves be obliged to haul the stone necessary thereto and to bring it to the shore at the fort, from which place the church masters shall at their own expense cause the same to be brought to the spot where the church is to be erected. The above named church masters shall furnish as much lime as shall be required for the construction of the aforesaid church, [ but ] the laying, hod-carrying and hauling of the stone for the church they, Jan and Ritsert Jogden, shall do at their own expense, provided that when the work shall be properly completed and finished, they shall be paid by the church masters aforesaid the sum of twenty- five hundred guilders, once, which shall be paid to them in money, beavers or merchandise; at which time, when the work shall be finished and properly and satisfactorily done and the church masters find that the said twenty-five hundred guilders have been well earned, the said church masters shall make them a present of one hundred guilders. They hereby also promise to lend the above named Jan and Ritsert Jogden a helping hand in whatever they may need, provided it can be done without detriment [ to the interests of the Company ], and in order that they may be able to haul the stone and deliver it at the strand in the quickest manner, the woodcutters’ boat shall be loaned to the said Jan and Ritsert Jogden for a month or six weeks. They, Jan and Ritsert Jogden bind themselves and promise to complete the aforesaid contracted work, all without fraud or deceit. Done in Fort Amsterdam, in New Netherland.

Willem Kieft
John Ogden
Richard Ogden
Ghijsbert op Dijck
Cornelis van Tienh[ oven ]

Translation Superscripts
[1]: John and Richard Ogden, of Stamford, Connecticut.
[2]: Clipsteen, meaning undressed stone.

From the collections of the New York State Archives, Albany, New York.  

Translation link see:

Published bound volume is also available: Translation: Scott, K., & Stryker-Rodda, K. (Ed.). New York Historical Manuscripts: Dutch, Vol. 2, Register of the Provincial Secretary, 1642-1647 (A. Van Laer, Trans.). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: 1974.

Copyright to the published bound volume is held by the Holland Society of New York.
A complete copy of this publication is available on the
New Netherland Institute website.

Modern Location
Locations (Unlinked)
Fort Amsterdam
Document Location