Lot: G2 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Jacob Jacobsen Roy
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Jacob Jacobsen Roy. Not found of record. Sep. 9 Recited in conf set forth below.Deed. Jacob Jacobsen Roy to Dirck Cornelissen. Not found of record. Recited in Conf. Pats. Alb., II: 38.
Document Source(s)
Pats. Alb., II: 38
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

Gr-br. to Jacob Jacobsen Roy. Not found of record. Sep. 9
Recited in conf set forth below.

Deed. Jacob Jacobsen Roy to Dirck Cornelissen.
Not found of record. Recited in Conf. Pats. Alb., II: 38.


Deed. Marritie Jans, wid. of Dirck Cornelissen to May 26
Juriaen Blanck. Not found of record. Recited Pats.
Alb., II: 38. It was for the E'ly one-half of Roy's gr-br.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Juriaen Blanck. (Pats. May 30
Alb., II: 38.) Recites gr-br. to Jacob Jacobsen Roy for
lot S. side Fort, together with two hos. and gardens
lying bet. Jan Snediger and Tryntien Jonas; cont'g in br.
on the S. side, 5 r.; in length on the W. side next to the
grant of Tryntien Jonas, 9 r., 5 ft., 2 ins. and behind
towards the fort, 10 r., 7 ft., 2 ins., in all amtg. to 50 r.,
6 ft., which said pat. or gr-br. bears date Sep. 9, 1644
was 26 May, 1649, transported and made over to Juriaen
Blanck by Marritie Jans, the wid. of Dirck Cornelissen,
but the rest being otherwise disposed of, the moiety or
3^ thereof doth only remain with him.

Deed. Jacob Jacobsen Roy to Cornells Arissen. Apl. 14
{Dutch MSS., II: 146.) Desc: Half his lot, bet. the
land of Jan Schepmoes* and Tryntje Jonas, cont'g 22 r.,
^H ft., being the W'ly ^ "according to gr-br. of Sep.
9, 1644."

* Should read Snediger.


Deed. Cornells Aryssen from Utrecht to Jacob Steen- July 28
dam. (HH: 42.) Desc: A ho. and lot in Pearl street
bet. the lots of John Snedyger and Tryntie Jonas, cont'g
22 r., 3li ft.


Deed. Jacob Strycker, as agent of Jacob Steendam, to Nov. 28
Cornells Langevelt. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 284.)
Desc: Ho. and lot N. of Pearl St. bounded W. by pas-
sage by the fort, 41 ft., 4 ins.; N. by lot of Steendam,
32 ft., 10 ins.; E. by ho. and lot of J. Blanck, 41ft.,
4 ins.; and S. by Pearl St., 32 ft., 10 ins. Recites,
measured by J. Cortelyou, Nov. 17, 1662. Bill of Sale,
July I, 1660; deed July 28, 1653, granted to Steendam


Conf Governor Nicolls to Thomas Lourensen. (Pats. May I
Alb., Ill: 13.) Recites Whereas there is a cert, lot of
ground, N. side Pearle Street, to the W. of the lot of
Juriaen Blankes, and behind the ho. and lot of Thomas
Lourensen, towards the fort, cont'g in br. on the S. side,
2}i r., 2 ins. and on the N. side, 2K r-i in length on the
E. side, 7>2 r., i ft. and on the W. side, 7K r.; which
said lot of ground did heretofore belong to Jacob Steen-
dam. Now whereas said Steendam hath been absent and
gone of this country for the space of above eight years,
during which time said lot is unfenced, unimproved and
building thereon gone to ruyne, therefore forfeited to his
Royal Highnesse. Gives, grants and confirms, &;c.*

*This is for the northerly part of Steendara's lot.