Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Peter Van Linden.
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Peter Van Linden. (GG: 181.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden on the Island of Man- hattans, N. of the ditch; it extends in length in front of the road or ditch, 16 r., 4 ft.; northward on to a trench in the valley (marsh) till to the road in front or on the S. side, 2 and >i r
Document Source(s)
GG: 181
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Mch. 12 Gr-br. to Peter Van Linden. (GG: 181.) Desc: A
cert, lot for a ho. and garden on the Island of Man-
hattans, N. of the ditch; it extends in length in front of
the road or ditch, 16 r., 4 ft.; northward on to a trench
in the valley (marsh) till to the road in front or on the S.
side, 2 and >i r.
June 29 Deed. Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, agent of Claes
Harmensen, to Thomas Fredericksen. (Lib. A, Deeds,
N. Y. Co.: 56.) Desc: A lot N. of the Graft, rear 3 r.,
3 ft., E. of the lot of T. Briel, 16 r., 4 ft.; W. of the lot of
deed. Monfort, being now the street, 16 r. and 4 ft. S.
side, in front, 2J-2 r. Recites according to gr-br., Mch.
12, 1647 to P. Linda.
Feb. 12 Deed. Tomas Frericksen of Bergen, to Cornelis
Barensen Van der Kuyl. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 31.)
Recites deed June 29, 1656. Desc: Ho. and lot N. of
Bevers Graft, bounded W. by the lot of T. Briel; E. by
the Prince Graft; br. in front on St. or S. side and in rear
or N. side, 34^^ ft.; long both E. and W., sides, 51 ft.,
7 ins.
June 12 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornelys Barent Van der
Kuyl. (Pats. Alb., II: 50.) Recites transport Thomas
Jansen Mingael, to Cornelys Barent Van der Kuyl,
dated Aug. 12, 1662, and transport from Thomas
Fredericks, Feb. 12, 1664 to the same, and confirms both
1 660
July 10 Deed. Tomas Frericksen and Dirck Jansen Van
Oldenburgh to Boele Roeloffsen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 227.) Desc: Lot W. of Prince Graght, bounded S.
by lot of Van Oldenburgh, 59 ft., 4 ins.; W. by lot of
Touseyn Briel, 26 ft.; N. by ho. and lot of Van Olden-
burgh, 59 ft., 8 ins.; E. on said Graght, 26 ft.; W. side,
like br. ; measured by J. Cortelyou, June 20, 1660. Of
which length and br., Van Oldenburgh conveys 26 ft.,
E. and W. and N. and S. 24 ft. Tomas Frericksen con-
veys remainder. Recites Deeds, June 29, 1656, Feb.
14, 1660 (the latter being for a part of Briel's grant.)
Conf Governor Nicolls to Bool Roeloffsen. (Pats. Jan. 13
Alb., II: 149.) Recites transport by Thomas Fredericks
and Dirck Jans van Oldenburgh to Bool Roeloffsen,
dated July 10, 1660. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Tomas Frericksen to Abraham Lubbersen. July 15
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 167.) Desc: Ho. and lot W.
of the Prince Graght; bounded E. by above Graght, 26
ft.; S. by ho. and lot of Frericksen; W. by lot of T. Briel,
26 ft.; N. by lot of Frericksen, deep 35 ft. Dutch. Re-
cites deed June 29, 1656.
Deed. Abraham Lubbersen to Dirck Jansen of Olden- July 15
burgh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 168.) Desc: s. a.
preceding instrument.
Deed. Dirck Jansen Van Oldenburgh to Tomas Jansen Apl. 16
Mingael. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 203.) Desc: Ho.
and lot W. of the Prince Graght, bounded S. by ho. and
lot of B. Roelofsen, 59 ft.; E. by the Graght, 26 ft.; N. by
ho. and lot of A. Lubbersen, 34 ft.; W. lot of T. Briel;
further on N. 24 ft. by W., ;i ft. according to minute,
Dec. 7, 1660, and deed of July i;, 1659. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, Surveyor, Apl. 15, 1661.
Deed. Paulus Leendersen Van Der Grift, Govert Aug. 22
Loockermans, Orphan Masters of Amsterdam, as Cura-
tors of Estate of Tomas Jansen Mingael, deed., to Nico-
laes de la Plaine. (Lib. B, Deeds, N.Y. Co.: 46.)
Recites deed Apl. 16, 1661, public sale, March 19, 1663.
Desc: Tomas Jansen Mingael's ho. and lot, W. of Prince
Graght, bounded S'ly by ho. and lot of B. Roeloffsen;
E., Graft afsd.; N., ho. and lots of A. Lubbersen; W., lot
of T. Bryeel. S. side, 59 ft., N. side, like length; E. side,
26 ft.; W. side, 25 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Nicholas De La Plaine. July t
(Pats. Alb., II: 64.) Recites transport by P. L. Van der
Grift to Govert Loockermans, Apl. 16, 1661, as Trustees
for Thomas Jan Mingael, deed, to above named De La
Plaine. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Tomas Frericksen to Coenraet Ten Eyck. Aug. 19
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 64.) Desc: Lot in Sheep
Pasture in rear of Tomas Frericksen; in front of Coen-
raet's lot br. in front, on st. or E. side, 3 r., ^]/i ft. and
rear on W. side, 3 r., dyi ft.; long on N. side, 3 r., J^ ft.;
S. side, 3 r., 2^ ft. Recites in virtue deed June 29 this
Deed. Tomas Frericksen to Conraet ten Eyck. (Lib. May 31
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 195.) Desc: Lot W. of Prince
Graght, bounded E. by said Graght, 41 ft.; N. by lot of
C. ten Eyck, 34 ft., 7 ins.; W. by lot of C. ten Eyck, 41
ft.; S. by lot of A. Lubbersen, 34 ft., 7 ins. Recites
measured by J. Cortelyou Apl. 12, 1660; deed Jun. 29,
Deed. Tomas Frericksen, of Bergen, to Abraham Feb. 12
Lubbersen. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 32.) Recites
deed June 29, 1656. Desc: Lot W. of Prince Graft;
bounded S. by ho. and lot of N. de la Plaine; N., tannery
of C. ten Eyck; br. in front on st. or E. side, 26 ft.; rear,
27 ft.; long both S. and N. sides, 59 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Teunis Tomas. (Pats. Alb., May 15
III: 35.) Recites that Thomas Fredericks transported,
Feb. 12, 1664, unto Abraham Lubberts, lot by desc:
s. a. preceding instrument. Recites: since transported to
Teunis Tomassen.
Mch. 12 Gr-br. to Peter Van Linden. (GG: 181.) Desc: A
cert, lot for a ho. and garden on the Island of Man-
hattans, N. of the ditch; it extends in length in front of
the road or ditch, 16 r., 4 ft.; northward on to a trench
in the valley (marsh) till to the road in front or on the S.
side, 2 and >i r.
June 29 Deed. Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, agent of Claes
Harmensen, to Thomas Fredericksen. (Lib. A, Deeds,
N. Y. Co.: 56.) Desc: A lot N. of the Graft, rear 3 r.,
3 ft., E. of the lot of T. Briel, 16 r., 4 ft.; W. of the lot of
deed. Monfort, being now the street, 16 r. and 4 ft. S.
side, in front, 2J-2 r. Recites according to gr-br., Mch.
12, 1647 to P. Linda.
Feb. 12 Deed. Tomas Frericksen of Bergen, to Cornelis
Barensen Van der Kuyl. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 31.)
Recites deed June 29, 1656. Desc: Ho. and lot N. of
Bevers Graft, bounded W. by the lot of T. Briel; E. by
the Prince Graft; br. in front on St. or S. side and in rear
or N. side, 34^^ ft.; long both E. and W., sides, 51 ft.,
7 ins.
June 12 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornelys Barent Van der
Kuyl. (Pats. Alb., II: 50.) Recites transport Thomas
Jansen Mingael, to Cornelys Barent Van der Kuyl,
dated Aug. 12, 1662, and transport from Thomas
Fredericks, Feb. 12, 1664 to the same, and confirms both
1 660
July 10 Deed. Tomas Frericksen and Dirck Jansen Van
Oldenburgh to Boele Roeloffsen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 227.) Desc: Lot W. of Prince Graght, bounded S.
by lot of Van Oldenburgh, 59 ft., 4 ins.; W. by lot of
Touseyn Briel, 26 ft.; N. by ho. and lot of Van Olden-
burgh, 59 ft., 8 ins.; E. on said Graght, 26 ft.; W. side,
like br. ; measured by J. Cortelyou, June 20, 1660. Of
which length and br., Van Oldenburgh conveys 26 ft.,
E. and W. and N. and S. 24 ft. Tomas Frericksen con-
veys remainder. Recites Deeds, June 29, 1656, Feb.
14, 1660 (the latter being for a part of Briel's grant.)
Conf Governor Nicolls to Bool Roeloffsen. (Pats. Jan. 13
Alb., II: 149.) Recites transport by Thomas Fredericks
and Dirck Jans van Oldenburgh to Bool Roeloffsen,
dated July 10, 1660. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Tomas Frericksen to Abraham Lubbersen. July 15
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 167.) Desc: Ho. and lot W.
of the Prince Graght; bounded E. by above Graght, 26
ft.; S. by ho. and lot of Frericksen; W. by lot of T. Briel,
26 ft.; N. by lot of Frericksen, deep 35 ft. Dutch. Re-
cites deed June 29, 1656.
Deed. Abraham Lubbersen to Dirck Jansen of Olden- July 15
burgh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 168.) Desc: s. a.
preceding instrument.
Deed. Dirck Jansen Van Oldenburgh to Tomas Jansen Apl. 16
Mingael. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 203.) Desc: Ho.
and lot W. of the Prince Graght, bounded S. by ho. and
lot of B. Roelofsen, 59 ft.; E. by the Graght, 26 ft.; N. by
ho. and lot of A. Lubbersen, 34 ft.; W. lot of T. Briel;
further on N. 24 ft. by W., ;i ft. according to minute,
Dec. 7, 1660, and deed of July i;, 1659. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, Surveyor, Apl. 15, 1661.
Deed. Paulus Leendersen Van Der Grift, Govert Aug. 22
Loockermans, Orphan Masters of Amsterdam, as Cura-
tors of Estate of Tomas Jansen Mingael, deed., to Nico-
laes de la Plaine. (Lib. B, Deeds, N.Y. Co.: 46.)
Recites deed Apl. 16, 1661, public sale, March 19, 1663.
Desc: Tomas Jansen Mingael's ho. and lot, W. of Prince
Graght, bounded S'ly by ho. and lot of B. Roeloffsen;
E., Graft afsd.; N., ho. and lots of A. Lubbersen; W., lot
of T. Bryeel. S. side, 59 ft., N. side, like length; E. side,
26 ft.; W. side, 25 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Nicholas De La Plaine. July t
(Pats. Alb., II: 64.) Recites transport by P. L. Van der
Grift to Govert Loockermans, Apl. 16, 1661, as Trustees
for Thomas Jan Mingael, deed, to above named De La
Plaine. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Deed. Tomas Frericksen to Coenraet Ten Eyck. Aug. 19
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 64.) Desc: Lot in Sheep
Pasture in rear of Tomas Frericksen; in front of Coen-
raet's lot br. in front, on st. or E. side, 3 r., ^]/i ft. and
rear on W. side, 3 r., dyi ft.; long on N. side, 3 r., J^ ft.;
S. side, 3 r., 2^ ft. Recites in virtue deed June 29 this
Deed. Tomas Frericksen to Conraet ten Eyck. (Lib. May 31
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 195.) Desc: Lot W. of Prince
Graght, bounded E. by said Graght, 41 ft.; N. by lot of
C. ten Eyck, 34 ft., 7 ins.; W. by lot of C. ten Eyck, 41
ft.; S. by lot of A. Lubbersen, 34 ft., 7 ins. Recites
measured by J. Cortelyou Apl. 12, 1660; deed Jun. 29,
Deed. Tomas Frericksen, of Bergen, to Abraham Feb. 12
Lubbersen. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 32.) Recites
deed June 29, 1656. Desc: Lot W. of Prince Graft;
bounded S. by ho. and lot of N. de la Plaine; N., tannery
of C. ten Eyck; br. in front on st. or E. side, 26 ft.; rear,
27 ft.; long both S. and N. sides, 59 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Teunis Tomas. (Pats. Alb., May 15
III: 35.) Recites that Thomas Fredericks transported,
Feb. 12, 1664, unto Abraham Lubberts, lot by desc:
s. a. preceding instrument. Recites: since transported to
Teunis Tomassen.