Lot: E13 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Abraham Jacobsen Van Steenwyck
From Party (Text)
Grant Notes
Note: This lot seems to have been originally in the possession of William Heyl but was not granted to him.
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Abraham Jacobsen Van Steenwyck. Not Nov. 14 found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Note: This lot seems to have been originally in the
possession of William Heyl but was not granted to him.

Gr-br. to Abraham Jacobsen Van Steenwyck. Not Nov. 14
found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

Deed. Abraham Jacobsen Van Steenwyck to Anthony May 24
Jansen Van Fees. Desc: A portion of the lot in the
afsd. transport mentioned, cont'g 17 r., 6 ft., 2 ins. and
S gr., being the most W'ly part of the lot of Abraham
Jacobsen, where the lot of Hendrick Kip lies W'ward of
it, extending in br. in front of the ho. of Anthony Jansen,
2 r., 5 ft. and 4 ins.; on the E. side, its length is 9 r., 5 ins.,
its br., for the length of i r. and 7 ft. measured on the W.
side is 2 r., 3 ft. and 7 ins.; for the length of 5 r., 2 r.,
4 ft. and 4 ins.; for the same length being an inward
point (angle), i r., 3 ft., 7 ins.; for the length of 8 r.*
(being the N. end of the lot of Anthony Jansen afsd.),

1 r., 3 ft., 7 ins., 5 gr., amtg. in all to the afsd. 17 r., 6 ft.,

2 ins., s gr.

* Should read 3 r.

Deed. Abraham Jacobsen Van Steenwyck to Hend- Oct. 4
rick Jans, "slootmaker." Not found of record, but
recited in conf. set forth below.

Deed. Hendrick Janse Smit to Isaac Kip. (Lib. A, Sep. 4
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: loi.) Desc: Lot next to ho. in
which Isaac Kip resides, measured by City Surveyor,
J. Cortelyou July 11 last and cont'g long on S. side, 3 r.,

1 ft., 2 ins.; N. side, equal length; W. on W. side, i r.,

2 ft., 6 ins.; E. side, i r., 8 ft., 5 ins. Recites gr-br. to ^


Conf Governor Nicolls to Annetie Gerritsen. (Pats. Feb. 14
Alb., II: 168.) Recites gr-br. to Abraham Jacobsen van
Steenwyck, dated Nov. 14, 1643 (supra). Jacobsen
conveyed same, Oct. 4, 1644, to Hendrick Jans, sloot-
maker, who being deed., his wid. is confirmed as Annetie


Deed. Anthony Jansen Van Vaes to Isaack Kip. Nov. 21
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co. : 80.) P. o. lot S. side of I. Kip's
land bet. lots of H. Jansen Smith and Jacob Kip, lying
in rear of lot of first party where formerly a part or an
oblique strip of about 3 or 4 ft. was taken off on which one
end of Isaac Kip's ho. stands; in compensation or pay-
ment for which so much is again taken and given to A.
Jansen by H. Kip, St.; is br. both in rear aginst I. Kip's
ho. and against A. Jansen's lot, bet. I. Kip and H.
Jansen's lots, I r., 3 ft., 7 ins. and long on both E. & W.
sides where the ho. of I. Kip now stands, i r., i ft., 8 ins. ;
recites by virtue deed Steenwyck to A. Jansen Van
Vaes, May 24, 1644 (supra).

Note: There is no record of the dimensions of the
lot sold by Abraham Jacobsen Van Steenwyck to
Hendrick Jansen for the deed is not found and the con-
firmation which recites it, gives no figures: but, after
sale by Jansen to Kip (see Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
loi) his wid., Annetie, is informed by the Magistrates
that she is occupying more ground than she owns and
has sold land to Kip that was not hers. On the same day
(Feb. 28, 1658) Hendrick Willemsen is also informed that
his lot measures more than the gr-br. calls for. He
acquiesces; and as Annetie Smit cannot afford to buy
the surplus, he agrees to do so. (Rec. N. Am., VII: