Lot: Gerrit Striker Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Gerrit Striker Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

(Striker's Bay) Block Check List. 1897-1853-1851-1897.

The early history of this farm, until it vested in Charles Ward Apthorp, is included in the Apthorp farm.

It is known that Charles Ward Apthorp built the Apthorp mansion at 91st St. and 9th Ave. during the early summer of 1764. When that house was ready for occupancy he sold this tract to Gerrit Striker, as follows:

Charles Ward Apthorp, and wife, to Gerrit Striker. Deed dated Aug. 8, i-]6^.— Liber Deeds, XXXVII: 600 (New York).

Conveys "All that certain Messuage or Dwelling House & Tract or Farm of land . . . Beginning at the head of a cove on the east side of the North River which lies between the premises hereby granted and the land of said Charles Ward Apthorp. . . . Bounded west by said river, south and east by the land of Charles Ward Apthorp and north by the land of Humphrey Jones . . . reserving therefrom a road from the cove to the land of Humphrey Jones, which was conveyed by Charles Ward Apthorp to Humphrey Jones August 4, inst. Also reserving the use of said cove," etc.

Humphrey Jones bought the old road to insure his access to the river. The deed contains a description which, when protracted, follows the brook shown on the Randel Map, along the northerly bank from the cove to the fence of the Jones Farm. Probably the road continued north through that farm until it met the wider lane from the Humphrey Jones house to the Bloomingdale Road. See Liber Deeds, XLIII: 413 (New York).

The "Messuage or Dwelling House" was the old home of Teunis Eides. Built 1688-9, '' ^^^ seventy five years old when Apthorp sold it.

Hopper Striker Mott, The New York of Yesterday, p. 13, says that Gerrit Striker built the mansion at Striker's Bay. The new house stood on the bluff very near the site of Teunis Eides' old house.


There is a lovely picture of the Striker house, reproduced from a painting owned by Mr. Mott, in his book, at page 118.

The house is shown on Map No. 580, N. Y. register's office, December, 1S56. On Dripp's Atlas, 1867, it is called "Striker's Bay Hotel."