Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Cornelis Volckersen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Cornelis Volckersen. (GG: 83.) Desc: A double lot for two hos. and two gardens, lying on the Common Highway, its br. along said road is 9 r. and 8 ft., and below on the marsh of the same br.; its length on the N. side is 18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins. and 6 gr. and on the S. side of the same length, amtg. to 187 r., 8 ft. and 5 ins.
Document Source(s)
GG: 83
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
July 13 Gr-br. to Cornelis Volckersen. (GG: 83.) Desc: A
double lot for two hos. and two gardens, lying on the
Common Highway, its br. along said road is 9 r. and 8 ft.,
and below on the marsh of the same br.; its length on the
N. side is 18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins. and 6 gr. and on the S. side
of the same length, amtg. to 187 r., 8 ft. and 5 ins.
Apl. 29 Deed. Jan Peeck to Evert Pels. (Lib. A, Deeds, N.
Y. Co.: 17.) Recites gr-br. to C. Volckertsen, July 13,
1643, whose surviving wid. married Jan Peeck. Desc:
E. side Great Highway, bet. lots belonging on N. side to
Director General P. Stuyvesant; S. side to C. Hendricks;
br. in front of road or W. side, 2},^ r., >2 ft. or 33 running
ft.; in rear on E. side, like br.; long on both N. and S.
sides, same as other lots, according to gr-br., 18 r., 2 ft.,
5 ins. and 6 pepper-corns.
Oct. 25 Deed. Evert Pels to Augustyn Heermans. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 76.) Recites s. a. Jan Peeck to Pels,
Apl. 29, 1655. Desc: Ho. and lot on E. side Great
Highway, bet. lots on N. side of P. Stuyvesant and S.
side the old house of P. P. Schuyler, through which a
street is laid out.
Sep. 17 Deed. Augustine Heermans to Hendrick Hendricksen
Kip the Younger. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 280.) Re-
cites according to gr-br. and deed Oct. 25, 1656. Desc:
Ho. and lot E. of Heere Straet; bounded N. by P.
Stuyvesant; E. Prince Graght; S. Heere Dwars Straet.
W. Heere Straet, 2/4 r., }4 ft. or 33 running feet; in rear,
E. side like br.; long N. and S. same as other lots, 18 r.,
2 ft., 5 ins., according to gr-br.
Note: This deed conveyed more land than Heer-
mans had acquired from Pels. The additional lot bet.
the grant line and Broad Street was undoubtedly
bought by Heermans from the Burgomasters but the
deed is not found of record.
On June 4, 1668, Heermans conveys again to Kip,
through his attorney, Nicholas Bayard, the E'ly portion
of the lot.
June 4 Deed. Nicholas Bayard, atty. of Augustine Heermans
to Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, Jr. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 147.) Desc: "On Sept. 17, 1662, A. Heermans did
convey to Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, a ho. and lot lying
in this city on the Heerwegh, in length and br. according
to the deed recorded in the city on the date afsd. Now,
the said Heermans conveys to said Kip also a cert, other
lot on the E. side of the first-mentioned lot, in length
both sides 8 r., i ft. and in br. equal to said lot, 2^ r. and
J4 of a ft. both front and rear."
Aug. 10 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Hendrick Kip. (Pats. Alb.,
Ill: 82.) Confirms both above recited deeds
July 13 Gr-br. to Cornelis Volckersen. (GG: 83.) Desc: A
double lot for two hos. and two gardens, lying on the
Common Highway, its br. along said road is 9 r. and 8 ft.,
and below on the marsh of the same br.; its length on the
N. side is 18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins. and 6 gr. and on the S. side
of the same length, amtg. to 187 r., 8 ft. and 5 ins.
Apl. 29 Deed. Jan Peeck to Evert Pels. (Lib. A, Deeds, N.
Y. Co.: 17.) Recites gr-br. to C. Volckertsen, July 13,
1643, whose surviving wid. married Jan Peeck. Desc:
E. side Great Highway, bet. lots belonging on N. side to
Director General P. Stuyvesant; S. side to C. Hendricks;
br. in front of road or W. side, 2},^ r., >2 ft. or 33 running
ft.; in rear on E. side, like br.; long on both N. and S.
sides, same as other lots, according to gr-br., 18 r., 2 ft.,
5 ins. and 6 pepper-corns.
Oct. 25 Deed. Evert Pels to Augustyn Heermans. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 76.) Recites s. a. Jan Peeck to Pels,
Apl. 29, 1655. Desc: Ho. and lot on E. side Great
Highway, bet. lots on N. side of P. Stuyvesant and S.
side the old house of P. P. Schuyler, through which a
street is laid out.
Sep. 17 Deed. Augustine Heermans to Hendrick Hendricksen
Kip the Younger. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 280.) Re-
cites according to gr-br. and deed Oct. 25, 1656. Desc:
Ho. and lot E. of Heere Straet; bounded N. by P.
Stuyvesant; E. Prince Graght; S. Heere Dwars Straet.
W. Heere Straet, 2/4 r., }4 ft. or 33 running feet; in rear,
E. side like br.; long N. and S. same as other lots, 18 r.,
2 ft., 5 ins., according to gr-br.
Note: This deed conveyed more land than Heer-
mans had acquired from Pels. The additional lot bet.
the grant line and Broad Street was undoubtedly
bought by Heermans from the Burgomasters but the
deed is not found of record.
On June 4, 1668, Heermans conveys again to Kip,
through his attorney, Nicholas Bayard, the E'ly portion
of the lot.
June 4 Deed. Nicholas Bayard, atty. of Augustine Heermans
to Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, Jr. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 147.) Desc: "On Sept. 17, 1662, A. Heermans did
convey to Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, a ho. and lot lying
in this city on the Heerwegh, in length and br. according
to the deed recorded in the city on the date afsd. Now,
the said Heermans conveys to said Kip also a cert, other
lot on the E. side of the first-mentioned lot, in length
both sides 8 r., i ft. and in br. equal to said lot, 2^ r. and
J4 of a ft. both front and rear."
Aug. 10 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Hendrick Kip. (Pats. Alb.,
Ill: 82.) Confirms both above recited deeds