Lot: E6 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Philip Welles
From Party (Text)
Governor Andros
Grant Description
Patent. Governor Andros to Philip Welles. (Pats. Alb., V: 8.) Desc: On S. side of the Stony Street, bounded on E. by ground of Capt. Anthony Brockholes and stretches S. 10° W'ly, 61 ft. and 6 ins.; and then in a line W. 7° N'ly 23 ft. and then N. 10° E'ly 61 ft., 6 ins. to the said Stony street; and then in a line with the buildings in said street E. 7° S'ly to the corner of the said Capt. Brockholes' ground, 23 ft. Cont'g in front, 23 ft. and in length 6l>^ ft. and in the rear, 23 ft., being part of the ground of the Five Houses belonging to his Royal Highness
Document Source(s)
Pats. Alb., V: 8
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
The Five Houses.
The Five Houses of the West India Company were
built prior to 1638. They were on the Winckel Straet
and were confiscated, with other property of the Com-
pany at the English conquest.

Oct. 15 Patent. Governor Andros to Philip Welles. (Pats.
Alb., V: 8.) Desc: On S. side of the Stony Street,
bounded on E. by ground of Capt. Anthony Brockholes
and stretches S. 10° W'ly, 61 ft. and 6 ins.; and then in a
line W. 7° N'ly 23 ft. and then N. 10° E'ly 61 ft., 6 ins.
to the said Stony street; and then in a line with the
buildings in said street E. 7° S'ly to the corner of the said
Capt. Brockholes' ground, 23 ft. Cont'g in front, 23 ft.
and in length 6l>^ ft. and in the rear, 23 ft., being part
of the ground of the Five Houses belonging to his Royal

Dec. 6 Patent. Governor Andros to Capt. Anthony Brock-
holes. (Pats. Alb., V: 5.) Desc: S. of Stony Street
beginning at the corner of Christian Peters's ho. and
stretches S. 3° W. 6i>^ft. to the bounds or fence of
Peter Jansen and from thence W. 7° N. 34 ft. in the rear;
and from thence N. 10° E'ly 6l'A ft.; and from thence,
with the range of the buildings in Stony street E. 7°
S'ly to the corner of Christian Peters afsd., 27 ft., 5 ins.;
there belonging to the ho. of Christian Peters 7 ins. of
ground for droppings. Cont'g in the front, 27 ft., 5 ins.;
in length, 6iyi h. and in the rear 34 ft., being part of
the ground of the Five Houses belonging to his Royal
Highness. Consideration £50.

Patent. Governor Andros to Stephanus Cortland. Dec. 15
(Pats. Alb., V: 9.) Desc: N. side Bridge street,
bounded on the E. by John Darvall and stretches N. 10°
E. 6i],4 ft. to the rear of Philip Wells and in rear W. 7° '^'-'

N. 23 ft. and then S. 10° W'ly to Bridge St. afsd., 61K
ft. and so by the range of the said street, E. 7° S'ly 23 ft.
Cont'g in front 23 ft. in length, 6i>2 ft. and in rear,
23 ft., being part of the ground of the Five Houses
belonging to his Royal Highness.

Patent. Governor Andros to John Darvall. (Pats. Dec. i;
Alb., V: 9.) Desc: N. side of Bridge Street and bounded
on the E. side by the ho. and ground of Peter Johnson
and stretching N. 2° E'ly 6i>^ ft. to the rear of Capt.
Brockholes's ground and in the rear by the same line,
W. 7° N'ly 18K ft. and from thence S. 10° W'ly 6i>^ ft.
and then ranging with the buildings on Bridge street,
E. 7° Southerly 26 ft.; there belonging to the ho. of Peter
Johnson 7 ins. of ground for droppings; cont'g in front
26 ft.; in length 6i}i h. and in rear 18K ft- being part
of the ground of the Five Houses belonging to his Royal