Lot: D10 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Philip Geraerdy
From Party (Text)
Governor Nicolls
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Philip Geraerdy. Not found of record, but July 13 recited in conf. set forth below.
Document Source(s)
Pats. Feb. 14 Alb., II: 169
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Philip Geraerdy. Not found of record, but July 13
recited in conf. set forth below.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Maria Paulett. (Pats. Feb. 14
Alb., II: 169.) Recites Maria Paulett and son John
Geraerdy are confirmed, they being respectively wid.
and son of Philip Geraerdy, deed.

Recites gr-br. Kieft to Philip Geraerdy. Desc: E.
of Fort betwixt Arent the Smith and Adam Roelants.
Cont'g in br. before, 2 r., i ft.; in length, 2 r., 5 ft.;
then striking out behind Adam Roelants, with a three-
angled crooked corner, 3 r., 6 ft. and 6 ins. it goes fur-
ther alongst by the garden; it's in br. 4 r., 7 ft. 5 ins.;
and then it runs by Arent Smith's to the lot belonging
to the ho., 4 r., 2 ft., where there runs out another
little corner or hook near to the Fort, of i r., 5 ft.
[should read 2 r., 5 ft.] and then further to the ho., 3
r., 3 ft.; in all amtg. to 42 r., 6 ft., 8 ins. Recites date
of gr-br. as July 13, 1643.

Deed. Jan Geraardt to Joost Teunissen Van Norden. Jan. II
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: no, date of record being Nov.
16, 1657.) Desc: His cert. ho. belonging to him by
patrimonial property, with all that is thereon and therein,
earth and nail fast &c. situate within this city where the
wooden horse hangs out (i. e., at the Sign of the Wooden
Horse, Tr.) being a cake ho. (Koeckhuys) extending in
br. from the corner of the Heere St. 2 r., I ft. to a cert,
clapboard bldg., E. of the said ho., inclusive and in
length to the clapboards at the beginning of the garden
of the purchaser's mother, who is enclosed, allotted and
located there next; and in the rear and between him and
her remain 22 running ft. open.; according to bill of sale
Jan. II, 1655; gr-br. July 16, 1649.

Deed. Joost Teunissen Van Norden to Jacob May 30
Hendricksen Varrevanger. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
129.) Desc: Ho. and lot N. of Brouwer Straat, where
the wooden horse hangs out from it (i. e. at the sign of
the Wooden Horse), being a corner house. W. side, long

7 r., 3K ft.; S. side, br., 2 r., 6}4 h> E. side, long 9 r.,
4K ft.; N. side, br. 4 r., 4^ ft.; recites bill of sale Mch. 4,
1657; deed May 5, 1655; deed, Nov. 16, 1657