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Annetje Webber Jans (Bogardus) (ID: 660017) | 28 - 660,017 Bogardus-Jans |
1. Everardus Bogardus (28) (b. 1607, d. 1647) was the 2nd domine in the province of New Netherland. He arrived in 1633. In 1638 he married Anneke Jans (660,017), a widow with 4 children and a 162-acre farm on the Hudson River. He had many quarrels with the leaders of New Amsterdam, and was himself charged with drunkeness, meddling, and rough language. In September 1647, leaving his family behind, Bogardus sailed on the Princess bound for Holland to defend himself in court. The Princess was wrecked in a storm, and Bogardus drowned. The Quarreling Domine from the article, Compassionate Calvinism by Firth Haring Fabend.
2. 'The minister, who had earlier worked for the WIC in Africa, encouraged black men and women to take part in the church services and to observe religious holidays. From September 1639, when the baptismal registers were begun, to August 1647, when Bogardus left New Amsterdam, he baptized 39 children of African origin. This is a substantial number given that there were about 100 adult Africans in the colony in 1639.....In 1636, for instance, he asked the authorities via Director Van Twiller to send a schoolmaster "who could teach and improve both the Dutch and the blacks in the knowledge of Jesus Christ."' New Amsterdam, New York by Martine Gosselink pp. 215-217 passim.
3. "The baptismal registers reveal that quite a few children from the black community were baptized in the church. Were these the children of slaves or of free inhabitants of the city? This is not immediately apparent from the registers. In 1655 the baptisms suddenly stopped. A possible explanation is found in a letter of 1660 by Reverend Henricus Selijns. In contrast to his predecessors, particularly Everardus Bogardus, he did not consider requests for baptisms from black parents. He was of the opinion that they had to demonstrate that they understood the faith properly and that they were true believers in Protestantism. This was not usually the case. He feared that as a result the parents would not be able to raise their offspring in the Protestant faith. According to Article 35 of the Synod of 1629, Selijns was right about that. The Synod stated that the children of unbaptized heathens should themselves not be baptized without careful and extensive initiation in the fundamentals of Christianity, and that of course was impossible if they had only just been born. New Amsterdam, New York by Martine Gosselink pp. 215-217 passim.
Selijins had a second argument for being sparing with baptisms. Many parents wanted their children to become free. They tried to accomplish this by having them baptized; after all, Christians could not be slaves."
The main source for information about Everardus Bogardus is Willem Frijhoff, The Two Worlds of Dominie Everardus Bogardus, 1607-1647 (Brill, 2007), 628 pages.