Lot: Johannos van Brugh and Thomas Hall and Jan Vigne and Egbert Wouters and Jacob Leendersen - 1667-10-03 (Original Grants and Farms)

Johannos van Brugh and Thomas Hall and Jan Vigne and Egbert Wouters and Jacob Leendersen - 1667-10-03
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Johannos van Brugh
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Johannes van Brugh, Thomas Hall, Jan Vigne, Egbert Wouters and Jacob Leendersen. Patent dated Oct. 3, 1667. — Liber Patents, II: III (Albany).

Conveys "A Certaine Tract or Parcell of Land upon this Island Manhatans lying and being to ye North of ye Great Creeke or Kill Stretching in Length from ye said Creeke alongst ye Ryver comonly called and knowne by ye name of Hudsons or ye North Ryver 800 r. and from ye said Ryver stretching in depth or breadth from ye length aforementioned into ye woods 250 r., conteyning in all by estimation about acres or Margen."

Lot Event Type