Lot: N12 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Aris Otto's tavern was described as being 'not of a very high order'.

Tax Lot Events
Document(s) Property Type Taxlot Event Type Date To Party 1 Entity Description (to party 1) Party Role In Transaction (to party 1) To Party 2 Entity Description (to party 2) Party Role In Transaction (to party 2) From Party 1 Party Role In Transaction (from party 1) Entity Description (from party 1) From Party 2 Entity Description (from party 2) Party Role In Transaction (from party 2) References Title
Sale December 16, 1658 Aris Otto (ID: 1,660,131) Individual Buyer Michiel Paulessen (ID: 1,660,134) Seller Individual N12_1658-12-16_2
Deed December 16, 1658 Aris Otto (ID: 1,660,131) Individual Grantee Michiel Paulessen (ID: 1,660,134) Owner (Grantor) Individual N12_1658-12-16_3
Inheritance Individual Inheritor (Owner) Aris Otto (ID: 1,660,131) Owner (Joint Owner through Marriage) Individual N12_1658-12-16_4
Acquired through Marriage September 3, 1661 Individual Owner (Joint Owner through Marriage) Owner Individual N12_1661-09-03
Sale January 21, 1663 Gerrit Hendricksen (ID: 1,660,082) Individual Buyer Seller Individual Seller N12_1663-01-21
December 16, 1658 Individual Owner N12_1658-12-16_1
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Mighiel, or Michiel, Paulusen hired Surveyor Cortelyou to measure up this property, then gave a bill of sale of the house and lot to Aris Otto, followed by a deed recorded December 16, 1658. The purchase price was 1500 guilders — 600 in cash, with a mortgage for 900. — Liber Deeds, A: 144.

Otto kept a tavern here — not of a very high order. He was continually in trouble with the schout for minor infractions of the ordinances. — Rec. N. Am., II: 376; III: 86, etc. Before September 3, 1661, the inn-keeper had died. On that day, his widow published her banns with Lambert Barentsen. — Marriages in ReJ. Dutch Ch., 27.

Barentsen sold the house to Gerrit Hendricksen, from Harderwyck, January 21, 1663.— Liber Deeds, B: i; cf. Deeds y Conveyances (etc.), 1659-1664, trans, by O'Callaghan, 286.

Site: No. 51 Stone Street.