Lot: N11 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Tielman van Vleck (349) and his wife Maghdaleentee Herlyn (660,038)acquired this property from from Michiel Paulussen (1660134). (Notes from the Index to the Castello Plan.)

Tax Lot Events
Document(s) Property Type Taxlot Event Type Date To Party 1 Entity Description (to party 1) Party Role In Transaction (to party 1) To Party 2 Entity Description (to party 2) Party Role In Transaction (to party 2) From Party 1 Party Role In Transaction (from party 1) Entity Description (from party 1) From Party 2 Entity Description (from party 2) Party Role In Transaction (from party 2) References Title
Sale December 16, 1658 Tielman van Vleck (ID: 349) Individual Buyer Michiel Paulessen (ID: 1,660,134) Seller Individual N11_1658-12-16
Lease August 4, 1661 Lessee Tielman van Vleck (ID: 349) Lessor Individual N11_1661-08-04
Sale September 29, 1674 Individual Buyer Seller Individual N11_1674-09-29
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Tielman van Vleck bought Michiel Paulussen's house, December 16, 1658. His widow, Maghdaleentee Herlyn, sold it to Guiljam de Honeur, September 29, 1674. — Original Book of N. Y. Deeds, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1913, pp. 50-1.

Tielman van Vleck was admitted as a notary at New Amsterdam, July 29, 1658. — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 199. He was the predecessor of Solomon La Chair, whose record begins January 20, 1661. Unfortunately, Van Vleck's register has not been found. It would, undoubtedly, throw light on many interesting transactions during the period of his incumbency.

On March i, 1660, Van Vleck petitioned, "on behalf of several persons, for permission to settle on the maize land behind Gemoenepaen, on the west side of the North river." This petition was refused. — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 208. On April 12th, following. Van Vleck and several others again petitioned for leave "to settle a village and some bouweries" there, with the same result; but in August the petitioners were successful. — Ibid., 216. Their request was granted, on condition that "the village shall be formed and placed on a convenient spot, which may be defended with ease." — Winfield's Hist, of the Co. of Hudson, N. J., 68-9.

This new and conveniently situated village of Bergen drew Van Vleck from New Amsterdam. On August 4, 1661, he was appointed its first schout, or sheriff, his commission issuing September 5, 1661. — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 227, 228.

Thereafter, he rented his house on the Hoogh Straet, though he continued his business associations with New Amsterdam, and practiced in her courts.

Van Vleck's name is perpetuated on the monument commemorating the founding of the village of Bergen (Jersey City).