Lot: L8 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
On February 15, 1656, Sergeant Jacob Luby asked for his discharge from the Company's service "and leave to settle at Arnhem, where he has land; granted." — Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 160. Jacob Luybeck, as he then spelled his name, bought the lot No. 8 from Jacob Strycker, in December, 1658 {Liber Deeds, A: 138), and built this house, though he seems to have lived at Bergen. He took the oath of allegiance in Bergen, on November 22, 1665. — N. J. Archives, ist series, I: 49. He was one of the commissioners to fortify the place {Register of N. Neth., 158), and married his second wife, Gerritje Cornelis, there, in 1672. — Bergen Records in Hoi. Soc. Year Book, 1914, p. 58.

['] The Records reverse the plaintiff and defendant in this litigation.