Kiersted's Remedy, NY Daily Herald 1853
In 1853 Kiersted's Universal Remedy, an ointment containing herbs was still being sold to women as a cure for maladies relating to breastfeeding. We don't know for sure, but it is possible that Sara and her husband Hans, and her grandmother the midwife may have contributed their knowledge of herbs and trading with the Native Americans in the making of this remedy.

The Surgeon, David Teniers the Younger, 1670s.
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Surgeon_by_David_Teniers_th…;
Spouse | Marriage |
Sara Roelofse Kierstede (ID: 660,028) | 1,660,107 - 660,028 Kierstede - Roelofse |
Arrived in New Amsterdam 1638 with Director Kieft. Stokes.
Hans Kiersted, from Magdeburg in Germany, was New Amsterdam’s first physician, employed by the Dutch West India Company. His marriage to Sarah Roeloffse, an Indian trader and eldest step-daughter of Domine Eduardus Bogardus, linked him to some of the most prominent citizens of the community. His house was at the corner of Whitehall and Pearl streets, F1 on the Castello Plan.
Dr. Hans Kierstede