Lot: A18 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
This house was built by Jacob Hellekers, generally referred to as Jacob Swart, or "black Jacob." He was also called "the Black Carpenter of Gravesend." The Labadists refer to Swart as having welcomed them with open arms, when they visited him on the first day of their arrival in the province. — Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, ed. by James and Jameson, 43.

Swart sold the house to one Jan Gerritsen, smith, who having been arrested for theft, broke jail and fled. Van Tienhoven, as schout, demanded that the house and lot should be sold at public vendue, to indemnify the smith's victims for their lost goods. — Rec. N. Am., I: 134. David Provoost, as attorney for Swart's son-in-law, represented to the court that the smith had never paid for the house. — Ibid., I: 163. Swart promised to pay Van Tienhoven what might be found due on account of the fugitive "who inhabited the house," and on this condition was allowed to sell it to Domine Drisius, November 5, 1654. — Liber Deeds, A: 9.

For an interesting account of Swart and his family, see the Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 189, et seq.