Lot: A9 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Frederic Jansen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Frederic Jansen. (Original in library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.) Desc: Premises for a ho. and garden situated on the Island of Manhattan, on the W. side of the great Gentlemen's Road (Highway), bet. the premises of Jan Huygen and William Fredericksen, wide, along the Highway, 3 r. ; along the shore or W. side, 3 r.,4 ft.; long, both on the S. and N. sides, 9 r., 4 ft. En- dorsed: The measure of this property has been retaken and has been staked off according to this indenture, Manhattan, Apl. 4, 1659. J. Cortelyou, Sworn Sur- veyor.
Document Source(s)
Original in library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Mch. 10 Gr-br. to Frederic Jansen. (Original in library of J.
Pierpont Morgan, Esq.) Desc: Premises for a ho. and
garden situated on the Island of Manhattan, on the W.
side of the great Gentlemen's Road (Highway), bet. the
premises of Jan Huygen and William Fredericksen, wide,
along the Highway, 3 r. ; along the shore or W. side, 3 r.,

4 ft.; long, both on the S. and N. sides, 9 r., 4 ft. En-
dorsed: The measure of this property has been retaken
and has been staked off according to this indenture,
Manhattan, Apl. 4, 1659. J. Cortelyou, Sworn Sur-

June 23 Bill of sale. Jan Pietersen, husband and guardian of
Gretchen Jansen, wid. of Frederic Jansen to Hans Steyn.
(Original in library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.) Desc:
A cert. ho. and lot situated in this city on the Broadway,
which property is bounded on the S. side by that of
Lysbet Pietersen, wid. of Jan Huygen, and on the N. side
by that of Dirck Jansen's; wide and long according to the
gr-br. dated Mch. 10, 165 1. "As it was at the beginning
of the month of April, 1655, as at that time it was fenced
and built upon and was entered upon by the purchaser."

Nov. 15 Deed. Jan Pietersen (having m. wid. of Frerick
Jansen) to Hans Steyn. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 28.)
Recites gr-br. to F. Jansen, Mch. 10, 165 1; bill of sale
June 23, 1656. Desc: Ho. and lot W. of Marckvelt;
bounded S. by ho. and lot of D. Wiggersen; N. by ho. and
lot of Director-general; according to said gr-br. is br. in
front on street, or the E. side, 3 r.; in rear, on W. side,
3 r., 4 ft.; long, both N. and S. sides, 9 r., 4 ft.

June 30 Bill of sale. Hans Steyn to Lucas Dirck Van Den
Burgh. (Original injibrary of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.)
Desc: A cert. ho. and lot situated in this city on the
broad way which are bounded on the S. side by the
property of Lysbet Pietersen, wid. of Jan Huygen, and by
that of Dirck Jansen; on the N. side, wide and long
according to gr-br. dated Mch. 10, 165 1 ; another cert,
strip of ground according to the bill of sale dated Aug. 28,
1655, for an alley 4 ft. in general width to the end of the
length of the lot of Jan Swaen who sold the same strip to
Hans Steyn, along the S. side of the lot of Dirck Nes and
the lot of Frederick Jansen; and this by authority of gr-
br. of date of October 23, 1654.

Nov. 15 Deed. Hans Steyn to Lucas Dircksen Van Der Burgh.
(Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 29.) Conveys s. a. preceding


Feb. 13 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Lucas Dircksen. (Pats.
Alb., II: 163.) Confirms premises s. a. preceding instru-