Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Roelof Jansen Haes
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. Roelof Jansen Haes. (GG: 75.) A lot for a July 6 ho. and garden lying at the S. end of the Company's valley (marsh) and N. E. from the fort; the br. in front of the ho. and along the old ditch is 3 r. and 3 ft. and along the other side, amtg. to 18 r., 9 ft.*
Document Source(s)
GG: 75
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. Roelof Jansen Haes. (GG: 75.) A lot for a July 6
ho. and garden lying at the S. end of the Company's
valley (marsh) and N. E. from the fort; the br. in front
of the ho. and along the old ditch is 3 r. and 3 ft. and
along the other side, amtg. to 18 r., 9 ft.*
•Thi3 grant should raeasure4 r., 3 ft. br. Subsequent conveyances so
Note: Philip Dc Truyx (de Truy) is recited as the owner or occu-
pant of this parcel in descriptions on the E. and W. sides. He may
have settled here very early. May 22. 1640, he received a grant in
the Smith's Valley (GG: 34) where he resided.
Deed. Nicolas Stillewel to J. J. Schepmoes. {Dutch Nov. 25
il/SS., II: 152.) Desc: Ho. and lot on the N. side of the
Graft, heretofore occupied by Ensign Gysbert de Leuw.
Deed. Sara Pietersen, late wid. of Jan Jansen Dec. 29
Schepmoes, now m. to William Koeck, to Isaac de
Foreest. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 82.) Desc: Ho.
and lot N. of the Graft, bet. lot of Deacons on W. and
T. Briel on E. side; formerly of R. d'Haes, Ensign de
Leeuw, Nicholas Stilwel and Sara Pietersen's late hus-
band as by gr-br. appears dated July 6, 1643, and as-
signment endorsed thereon by virtue of brief.
Deed. Isaac de Foreest to Nicolaes Langevelthuysen. Jan. 25
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 84.) Desc: s. a. above.
Deed. Nicolaes Langevelthuysen to William Harck. Mch. 28
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 126.) Desc: 2 hos. and lot
N. of Beaver's Graght, bounded W. by ho. and lot of
Deaconry; N. by C. Ten Eyck's tannery; E. by ho. and
lot of T. Briel; S. by the Graght. In br. and length as
same stand at present and according to bill of sale Jan.
17, 1658; recites deed Jan. 25, 1657.
Note: Herrick's (Harck's) wid. was m. to T. Wandell.
Deed. Tomas Wandel to Jacob Leunissen. (Lib. B, May 10
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 14.) Recites deed dated Mch. 28,
1658. Desc: Ho. and lot N. of Bevers Graft; bounded
W. by ho. and lot of Deaconry; N., Tannery of C. Ten
Eyck; E. ho. and lot of Tomas Wandel; S. by the Graft.
Measured by J. Cortelyou, Apl. 25, 1663, is found: S.
side, 29 ft.; W. and E. sides, 142 ft.; N. side, 25 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Leunissen. (Pats. June 6
Alb., II: 43.) Recites transport Thomas Wandell of
Mispats Kills, dated May 10, 1663 to Jacob Leunissen.
Desc: N. side Beaver's Graft, abutting on W. to
Deacons of this place; on the N. to the Tann Yard of
Coenraet Ten Eyck; on the E. to Thomas Wandell afsd.;
and on the S. to the Graft. Cont'g on the S. side, 29 ft.,
E. and W. sides, 142 ft.; N. side, 29 ft.
Further recites transport Thomas Wandell to Jacob
Leunissen, dated Apl. 27, 1665. Desc: N. side of the
Graft, having to the W. the lot of said Jacob Leunissen;
to the N. the tan-yard of Ten Eyck; to the E. Toesen
(Toussaint) Briel and to the S. the Graft; cont'g in br.
before towards the street on the S. side 29 ft.; in length
on the E. and W. sides, 142 ft. and on the N. side alike
as on the S.
Gr-br. Roelof Jansen Haes. (GG: 75.) A lot for a July 6
ho. and garden lying at the S. end of the Company's
valley (marsh) and N. E. from the fort; the br. in front
of the ho. and along the old ditch is 3 r. and 3 ft. and
along the other side, amtg. to 18 r., 9 ft.*
•Thi3 grant should raeasure4 r., 3 ft. br. Subsequent conveyances so
Note: Philip Dc Truyx (de Truy) is recited as the owner or occu-
pant of this parcel in descriptions on the E. and W. sides. He may
have settled here very early. May 22. 1640, he received a grant in
the Smith's Valley (GG: 34) where he resided.
Deed. Nicolas Stillewel to J. J. Schepmoes. {Dutch Nov. 25
il/SS., II: 152.) Desc: Ho. and lot on the N. side of the
Graft, heretofore occupied by Ensign Gysbert de Leuw.
Deed. Sara Pietersen, late wid. of Jan Jansen Dec. 29
Schepmoes, now m. to William Koeck, to Isaac de
Foreest. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 82.) Desc: Ho.
and lot N. of the Graft, bet. lot of Deacons on W. and
T. Briel on E. side; formerly of R. d'Haes, Ensign de
Leeuw, Nicholas Stilwel and Sara Pietersen's late hus-
band as by gr-br. appears dated July 6, 1643, and as-
signment endorsed thereon by virtue of brief.
Deed. Isaac de Foreest to Nicolaes Langevelthuysen. Jan. 25
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 84.) Desc: s. a. above.
Deed. Nicolaes Langevelthuysen to William Harck. Mch. 28
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 126.) Desc: 2 hos. and lot
N. of Beaver's Graght, bounded W. by ho. and lot of
Deaconry; N. by C. Ten Eyck's tannery; E. by ho. and
lot of T. Briel; S. by the Graght. In br. and length as
same stand at present and according to bill of sale Jan.
17, 1658; recites deed Jan. 25, 1657.
Note: Herrick's (Harck's) wid. was m. to T. Wandell.
Deed. Tomas Wandel to Jacob Leunissen. (Lib. B, May 10
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 14.) Recites deed dated Mch. 28,
1658. Desc: Ho. and lot N. of Bevers Graft; bounded
W. by ho. and lot of Deaconry; N., Tannery of C. Ten
Eyck; E. ho. and lot of Tomas Wandel; S. by the Graft.
Measured by J. Cortelyou, Apl. 25, 1663, is found: S.
side, 29 ft.; W. and E. sides, 142 ft.; N. side, 25 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Leunissen. (Pats. June 6
Alb., II: 43.) Recites transport Thomas Wandell of
Mispats Kills, dated May 10, 1663 to Jacob Leunissen.
Desc: N. side Beaver's Graft, abutting on W. to
Deacons of this place; on the N. to the Tann Yard of
Coenraet Ten Eyck; on the E. to Thomas Wandell afsd.;
and on the S. to the Graft. Cont'g on the S. side, 29 ft.,
E. and W. sides, 142 ft.; N. side, 29 ft.
Further recites transport Thomas Wandell to Jacob
Leunissen, dated Apl. 27, 1665. Desc: N. side of the
Graft, having to the W. the lot of said Jacob Leunissen;
to the N. the tan-yard of Ten Eyck; to the E. Toesen
(Toussaint) Briel and to the S. the Graft; cont'g in br.
before towards the street on the S. side 29 ft.; in length
on the E. and W. sides, 142 ft. and on the N. side alike
as on the S.