Lot: Anthony L. Bleecker Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Anthony L. Bleecker Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
THE ANTHONY L. BLEECKER FARM Block Check List. 536-532-529-521-523-513-525-536.

This tract, west of Bouwery Lane at Bleecker St. and south of Amity Lane, was part of Van Twiller's Bouwery. Afterwards granted in small parcels to several free negroes.

East of Broadway land of Manuel de Ros, alias "Swager."

West of Broadway, the land of Cleyn Manuel and Antony Portugies. None of the grants found of record.

Wolphert Webbers died seized of that part of the Bleecker farm west of Broadway. His heirs seem to have sold to Nicholas Bayard who had also acquired the part east of Broadway.

Nicholas Bayard conveyed the entire farm to Stephen Bayard, Sept. 10, 1762. — Liber Deeds, XIX: 370 (Albany).

Stephen N. Bayard conveyed to John Lawrence and Effingham Embree, Sept. 17, 1790 (Liber Deeds, CVIII: 219), who, in turn conveved to Anthony L. Bleecker, Dec. 31, 1791. —Liber Deeds, LXXXV: 74 (New York).

The farm contained about 23 acres of land. The house, which stood west of the Bouwery Road south of the later Bleecker St., was probably built by Stephen N. Bayard. It is shown on the Ratzer Map, 1766, PI. 41. It was still standing in 1799. See the Goerck-Mangin Plan, PI. 70. Stephen N. Bayard advertised this villa for rent, April 12, 1784. — Chronology.