Lot: A8 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Land afterwards covered by the present Nos. 17-19 Broadway. The original grant for this plot, to one Jan Huygen, dated June 6, 1649, is in the library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq. Huygen was dead before July, 1657, when his widow, Lysbeth Pieters, married Dirck Wiggerts, "late in the Company's service," as he deposed when he took the burgher oath. — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 21; Rec. N. Am., VII: 200.

"Uncle Dirck," as he was commonly known, was a waterside character. He was a ship carpenter, and also owned and operated small boats. He was in New York as late as 1674. — Ihid., IV: 209; VI: 98,99, no; VII: 129.