Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
Related Taxlots (Stokes, Castello Plan 1660)
From Party
From Party (Text)
Albert Cuyn
Grant Notes
Note: No deed found of record of Allerton's one-half of above-described plot; but Loockermans conveyed the whole grant, by two deeds, as follows
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Isaac Allerton and Govert Loockermans. (GG: 62.) Desc: Two lots lying on the E. side of the great highway on the Island of Manhattans, extending in br. along the said road 8 r. and 9 ft.; on the N. side of the lots 18 r., 2 ft. 6 ins. and 8 gr.; on the S. side 9 r., 8 ft., 7 ins. and 3 gr. ; the outpoint (projecting point) being right-angled I r., 8 ft., 7 ins. and 6 gr. and in a S'ly course; further to the road, 9 r., 4 ft., 3 ins. and 6gr.; amtg. in all to the content of 161 r., 9 ft., 2 ins. and 2 gr.
Document Source(s)
Dulc'h MSS., II: 57
Source Types
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
May 19 Deed. Albert Cuyn to Isaac Allerton and Govert
Loockermans. {Dulc'h MSS., II: 57.)
June 2 Gr-br. to Isaac Allerton and Govert Loockermans.
(GG: 62.) Desc: Two lots lying on the E. side of the
great highway on the Island of Manhattans, extending
in br. along the said road 8 r. and 9 ft.; on the N. side of
the lots 18 r., 2 ft. 6 ins. and 8 gr.; on the S. side 9 r., 8
ft., 7 ins. and 3 gr. ; the outpoint (projecting point) being
right-angled I r., 8 ft., 7 ins. and 6 gr. and in a S'ly
course; further to the road, 9 r., 4 ft., 3 ins. and 6gr.;
amtg. in all to the content of 161 r., 9 ft., 2 ins. and 2 gr.
Note: No deed found of record of Allerton's one-half
of above-described plot; but Loockermans conveyed the
whole grant, by two deeds, as follows:
Oct. 15 Deed. Govert Loockermans to David Provoost. (HH:
52.) Desc: A ho. and lot on the E. side of the Great
Highway, being just one-half of the ground-brief. (Con-
veyed the S'ly moiety.)
Dec. 20 Deed. Govert Loockermans to Samuel Etsal. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 115.) Ho. lot and garden on E.
side Heere Straat, bounded N. by ho. and lot of A.
Willemsen; E. by lot of C. Ten Eyck; S. by ho. and lot of
M. Gysbert van Imsbroeck. W. by Heere Straat. Re-
cites s. a. gr-br. June 2, 1643, and according to bill of sale
Apl. 26, 1657 by Notary D. van Schelluyne. (Conveyed
the N'ly moiety.)
Sep. 28 Deed. Samuel Etsal to John Blacklets, Jr. (Lib. B,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 24.) Recites deed, Dec. 20, 1657.
Desc: Ho. and lot E. of Heere Straat, bounded N. by ho.
and lot of A. Williamsen's wid.; E. by lot of C. Ten Eyck;
S. ho. and lot of T. Fransen; W. st. afsd.; br. in front on
St. or W. side, 34^2 ft.; E. side, 30 ft., 7 ins.; in length
according to gr-br. June 2, 1643 ; also recites deed of Dec.
20, 1657.
Sep. 4 Deed. Samuel Edsall to Thomas Francen. Not found
of record, but recited in conf. set forth below:
May 18 Conf Governor Nicolls to John Damrill. (Pats. Alb.,
II: 30.) Recites transport Samuel Edsall to Thomas
Francen, Sept. 4, 1658; Francen to Damrill, Mch. 19,
1667. Desc: E. side High Street having to N. Samuel
Edsall; to E. Contact Ten Eyck; to S. Gysbert van
Imburgh and to W. the street; cont'g on the W. side, 24
ft., 5 ins.; on the E. side, 22 ft.; in length on the S. and N.
sides, 18 r.
June 28 Deed. IsaacdeForeest and Jacob Kip, having author-
ity and power from Gysbert Van Imbroecke to Jan
Hendricksen Van Gunst. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: June 28
222.) 2 hos. and lots E. of Heere Straat, bounded N. by
ho. and lot of T. Fransen; E. by lot of R. Reinoutsen,
2 r.; S. by ho. and lot sold by party of the first part to
Ensign Dirck Smith; W. by st. afsd., 2 r., 6 ft., 4 ins.
Measured by J. Cortelyou, Apl. 5, 1659; length according
to gr-br. and according to Bill of Sale Jan. 20, 1659.
Deed Feb. i, 1655 [from David Provoost].
Note: This deed was re-recorded in Lib. A. Deeds,
N.Y. Co.: 176.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jan Hendricks Van Gunst. June 25
(Pats. Alb., II: 54.) Recites transport Isaac de Foreest
and Jacob Kip, having procuration from Gysbert van
Imbroeck, June 28, 1660 unto van Gunst. Desc: E.
side of the High St. abutting to the N. on Thomas
Fransen; to the E. on Reynout Reynoutsen; to the S. on
Gysbert van Imbroeck sold to Dirck Smitt and on the
W. to the aforementioned St. Cont'g in br. on the W.
side, 2 r., 6 ft., 4 ins.; on E. side, 2 r.; in length as on the
gr-br. is set forth.
Loockermans. {Dulc'h MSS., II: 57.)
June 2 Gr-br. to Isaac Allerton and Govert Loockermans.
(GG: 62.) Desc: Two lots lying on the E. side of the
great highway on the Island of Manhattans, extending
in br. along the said road 8 r. and 9 ft.; on the N. side of
the lots 18 r., 2 ft. 6 ins. and 8 gr.; on the S. side 9 r., 8
ft., 7 ins. and 3 gr. ; the outpoint (projecting point) being
right-angled I r., 8 ft., 7 ins. and 6 gr. and in a S'ly
course; further to the road, 9 r., 4 ft., 3 ins. and 6gr.;
amtg. in all to the content of 161 r., 9 ft., 2 ins. and 2 gr.
Note: No deed found of record of Allerton's one-half
of above-described plot; but Loockermans conveyed the
whole grant, by two deeds, as follows:
Oct. 15 Deed. Govert Loockermans to David Provoost. (HH:
52.) Desc: A ho. and lot on the E. side of the Great
Highway, being just one-half of the ground-brief. (Con-
veyed the S'ly moiety.)
Dec. 20 Deed. Govert Loockermans to Samuel Etsal. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 115.) Ho. lot and garden on E.
side Heere Straat, bounded N. by ho. and lot of A.
Willemsen; E. by lot of C. Ten Eyck; S. by ho. and lot of
M. Gysbert van Imsbroeck. W. by Heere Straat. Re-
cites s. a. gr-br. June 2, 1643, and according to bill of sale
Apl. 26, 1657 by Notary D. van Schelluyne. (Conveyed
the N'ly moiety.)
Sep. 28 Deed. Samuel Etsal to John Blacklets, Jr. (Lib. B,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 24.) Recites deed, Dec. 20, 1657.
Desc: Ho. and lot E. of Heere Straat, bounded N. by ho.
and lot of A. Williamsen's wid.; E. by lot of C. Ten Eyck;
S. ho. and lot of T. Fransen; W. st. afsd.; br. in front on
St. or W. side, 34^2 ft.; E. side, 30 ft., 7 ins.; in length
according to gr-br. June 2, 1643 ; also recites deed of Dec.
20, 1657.
Sep. 4 Deed. Samuel Edsall to Thomas Francen. Not found
of record, but recited in conf. set forth below:
May 18 Conf Governor Nicolls to John Damrill. (Pats. Alb.,
II: 30.) Recites transport Samuel Edsall to Thomas
Francen, Sept. 4, 1658; Francen to Damrill, Mch. 19,
1667. Desc: E. side High Street having to N. Samuel
Edsall; to E. Contact Ten Eyck; to S. Gysbert van
Imburgh and to W. the street; cont'g on the W. side, 24
ft., 5 ins.; on the E. side, 22 ft.; in length on the S. and N.
sides, 18 r.
June 28 Deed. IsaacdeForeest and Jacob Kip, having author-
ity and power from Gysbert Van Imbroecke to Jan
Hendricksen Van Gunst. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: June 28
222.) 2 hos. and lots E. of Heere Straat, bounded N. by
ho. and lot of T. Fransen; E. by lot of R. Reinoutsen,
2 r.; S. by ho. and lot sold by party of the first part to
Ensign Dirck Smith; W. by st. afsd., 2 r., 6 ft., 4 ins.
Measured by J. Cortelyou, Apl. 5, 1659; length according
to gr-br. and according to Bill of Sale Jan. 20, 1659.
Deed Feb. i, 1655 [from David Provoost].
Note: This deed was re-recorded in Lib. A. Deeds,
N.Y. Co.: 176.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jan Hendricks Van Gunst. June 25
(Pats. Alb., II: 54.) Recites transport Isaac de Foreest
and Jacob Kip, having procuration from Gysbert van
Imbroeck, June 28, 1660 unto van Gunst. Desc: E.
side of the High St. abutting to the N. on Thomas
Fransen; to the E. on Reynout Reynoutsen; to the S. on
Gysbert van Imbroeck sold to Dirck Smitt and on the
W. to the aforementioned St. Cont'g in br. on the W.
side, 2 r., 6 ft., 4 ins.; on E. side, 2 r.; in length as on the
gr-br. is set forth.