Lot: M8 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Hendrick Jansen, Tailor
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Hendrick Jansen, Tailor. (GG: 89.) Desc: Jan. 20 A lot lying on the Island of Manhattans for two hos., extending in front, 10 r., 6 ft. and i gr.; behind, in br., 14 r., I ft. and 4 ins.; on the W. side in length, 15 r., 2 ft.; lies E. of the Fort, on the E. (W.) end of Tymen Jansen's lot on the East river; amtg. to 156 r., 3 ft., 7 ins. and 5 gr.
Document Source(s)
GG: 89
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Hendrick Jansen, Tailor. (GG: 89.) Desc: Jan. 20
A lot lying on the Island of Manhattans for two hos.,
extending in front, 10 r., 6 ft. and i gr.; behind, in br.,
14 r., I ft. and 4 ins.; on the W. side in length, 15 r.,
2 ft.; lies E. of the Fort, on the E. (W.) end of Tymen
Jansen's lot on the East river; amtg. to 156 r., 3 ft.,
7 ins. and 5 gr.

Sep. 16 Deed. Hendrick Jansen to Burger Jorissen. {Dutch
MSS., II: 124.) Desc: A ho., garden and brewery.

July 20 Deed. Burger Jorissen to Marcus Hendricksen Vogel-
sang (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 25). Desc: Having on
the S. side, Heere Wegh; on W. side ho. and lot of Rut
Jacobsen; N. side of lot of A. Hermann, 2 r., 2 ins.; E.
side the appearer's (Jorissen's) smithy; br. in front S.
side, 2 r., 2 ins. clear, besides the drop on both sides of
the ho. N. side the like, 2 r., 2 ins.; long as belongs to
Burger Jorissen according to the gr-br. Is on W. side,
15 r., 2 ft. and runs in an oblique line towards E. end
of his lot, 9 r., i ft., 4 ins.; in virtue of a deed by H.
Jansen to Burger Jorissen, Sep. 16, 1644.

Apl. 4 Deed. Marcus Vogelsang to Michiel Jansen. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 40.) Desc: Lot abutting on S.
side the Highway (de Heere Wegh) ; on W. side, ho. of R.
Jacobsen; E. side. Burger Jorissen; N. side, land of A.
Anthony; in br. and length as in possession. S. a. prece-
ding instrument, which is recited.

Oct. I Deed. Fytje Hartmans, wid. of Michael Jansen and
Nicholaas Jansen, Guardian, to Meindert Barensen
(Cooper). (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 25.) Recites
deed Apl. 4, 1656. Desc: Her cert. ho. and lot S. of
Prince St., bounded E. by ho. and lot of G. Jans, wid.
of R. Stoffelsen; S. by ho. and lot of Teunis Gysbertsen;
N. by the st. afsd. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Sep. 25,
1663: N. side, 31 ft., 8 ins.; S. side, 31 ft., 5 ins.; E. side,
87 ft., 4 ins.; W. side, 91 ft.

July 29 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Meyndert Barents. (Pats.
Alb., 11:83.) Recites two transports. For first, see conf.
to Barents set forth above.

Desc. (2): Ffitjie Hartmann, wid. of Michael Jans
transported to above, Oct. I, 1663, a lot S. side Prince's
St., having to the E. Geertie Jans, widow of Reyer
Stoffell; to the S. that of Thomas Wandall, to the W.
Teunis Gysberts and to the N. the St. above-named.
Cont'g on N. side, 31 ft., 5 in.; E. side, 87 ft., 4 ins.; W.
side, 9 1 ft.

Aug. 26 Deed. Michael Jansen to William Herrick. Not
found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

Mch. 15 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Thomas Wandall. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 16.) Recites transport by Michael Jansen to
William Herrick, dated Aug. 26, 1656; Thos. Wandall
hath m. the wid. and relict of said William Herrick;
NOW, &c. Desc: N. side of High St., having to the E.
Dirck Jansen van Deventer; on the S. the said High
St.; W. Rut Jacobsen; N. the Brew ho. of Michael
Jansen; cont'g N. side, 31 ft., 8 ins.; E. and W. sides,
7 r., 7 ft., 5 ins.; on the S. side, 26 ft., 4 ins., Hollands
wood measure.

Apl. 14 Deed. Burger Jorissen to Geertje Reyersen, wid. of
Reyer Stoffelsen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 183.)
Recites deed Sep. 16, 1644. Desc: Lot W. of Smee
St.; bounded S. by ho. and lot of M. Barentsen, 4 r.,
I ft., 4 ins.; W., the ho. and lot of M. Jansen, 5 r. N. by
Prince St., 5 r., i ft.. Sins.; E. by above-named St.,
3 r., 6ft., gins.; according to survey by J. Cortelyou,
Nov. 9, 1659.

July 29 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Geertie Jans Stoffel.
(Pats. Alb., II: 84.) Recites transport to above by
Burger Jorissen, Apl. 14, 1660. Desc: s. a. preceding


Deed. Burger Joris to Meyndert Barents. Not found Apl. 14
of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Meyndert Barents. (Pats. July 29
Alb., II: 83.) Recites transport bearing date Apl. 14,
1660 by Burger Joris to above. Desc: W. side of Smee
St., having to the S. Dirck Jansen van Deventer, to the
W. Thomas Wandall; to the N. said Burger Joris; and
to E. the St. afsd. Cont'g on E. side, 3 r., 4 ft., 8 ins.;
W. side, 3 r., 9ft., gins.; in length, S. side, 3 r., 4ft.,
4 ins.; N. side, 4 r., i ft., 4 ins.

Deed. Burger Jorissen to Peter Taelman. Not found June 5
of record, but recited in mtge. set forth below.

Mtge. Pieter Taelman to Burger Joris. {Allies. Oct. 4
1654.-60: 64.) Desc: Cert. ho. and lot situated bet.
Michiel Janse and the newly surveyed street (Smee St.).
Recites deed of June ; last.


Deed. Pieter Talman to Dirck Jansen van Deventer. July 31
Not found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Dirck Jansen Van Deven- July 17
ter. (Pats. Alb., II: 78.) Recites transport by Pieter
Talman to above July 31, 1658. Desc: E. side Smee
St. to S. of High St.; to the W. of lot heretofore of
William Herrick; to the N. of Meyndert the Cooper's;
cont'g in br. on S. side, i r., g ft., 5 ins.; N. side, 3 r.,
2 ft.; in length on E. side, Jr., 5 ft., 5 ins.; W. side,
the same.

Note: Read above desc. as follows: Having to E.
side, Smee St.; to S. side. High St.; to N. side, Meyndert
the Cooper; to W. side, Wm. Herrick.