Lot: David Duffore - 1677-10-09 (Original Grants and Farms)

David Duffore - 1677-10-09
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
David Duffore
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Sir Edmund Andros, Governour, etc., to David Duffore. Patent dated Oct. 9, 1677. — Liber Patents, IV: 129 (Albany).

"Whereas there is a certayne piece of land upon this Island Manhattans, ye which, by vertue of my warrant hath been layd out for David Duffore, being in breadth by ye water side eighty rodds, being bounded to ye Northeast by ye land of John Danielson, ranging Northwest into ye woods one hundred and twenty rodds, being bounded to ye Northwest by ye commons, and to ye Southwest by ye land of Gabriell Curtesee.

"Containing in all sixty acres, as by ye return of ye survey may and doth appear."

Lot Event Type